


1. 父 [fù]2. 父 [fǔ]父 [fù]爸爸,母亲的丈夫:~母。~辈。~子。~兄。对男性长辈的称呼:~老(一国或一乡的长者,亦指古代乡里中管理公共事物的人)。伯~。舅~。父 [fǔ]老年人:田~。渔~。同“甫”。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:fù zǐ






  1. 父亲和儿子。

    《易·序卦》:“有夫妇,然后有父子。” 唐 韩愈 《原道》:“其位:君臣,父子,师友,宾主,昆弟,夫妇。” 金 元好问 《拟贺登宝位表》:“社稷隆神器之重,父子处人伦之先。”《说岳全传》第七十回:“保佑 岳 家父子早早超生,不来缠扰。”

  2. 古时亦称叔侄为父子。

    《汉书·疏广传》:“ 广 徙为太傅, 广 兄子 受 字 公子 ,亦以贤良举为太子家令……父子并为师傅,朝廷以为荣。”



  1. He thought of his father now. Distant, there was no real relationship between father and son now, just a rift, emptiness, a nothing.


  2. The dad takes his son and wants to ask for the justice. At this time, another pair of angry dad and son is walking towards them.


  3. What caught my eyes was that both the father and son were laughing as they were running for the bus.


  4. It was only after having a boy of my own that I began to think a lot about the relationship between fathers and sons.


  5. The tenacious Obi-Wan Kenobi was back, and a daring game of cat and mouse played out among the rocky debris of the Geonosian rings.


  6. Updates to the parent attribute in a parent-child hierarchy must not include updates to any other properties or attributes.


  7. Having just moved back to the UK from Los Angeles, snow is something of a novelty for David and Victoria Beckham's children.


  8. And just a father and son trying to survive, walking along the road.


  9. The truth is, the Rabbi's in over his head with gamblers, and he has also been named in a paternity case by a Mrs. Hecht.


  1. 司马懿父子

    Sima Yi and his sons.

  2. 皮萨诺父子

    Pisano, Nicola and Giovanni.

  3. 父子情深。

    Father and son have a great rapport.

  4. 赌场无父子

    Gamblers know neither fathers nor sons.

  5. 排除父子关系

    paternity exclusion.

  6. 父子意见不和。

    The father is at issue with his son.

  7. 父子轮流开车。

    Father and son took spells at the wheel.

  8. 父子谈话而已。

    Just having a little father and son chat.

  9. 不忽木父子

    Buhumu and His Sons.

  10. 史瓦西父子

    Karl Schwarzschild and his son.

  11. 弑父型父子关系

    Oedipus complex

  12. 父子不责善

    no asking for kindness between father and son.

  13. 父子, 儿子和驴

    The man, the boy and the donkey

  14. 缺乏爱情的父子

    How the Lack of Love Affects Two Men

  15. 布拉格爵士父子

    Sir William and Sir Lawrence Bragg

  16. 父子都是足球迷。

    Both the father and the son are football fans.

  17. 抚养关系的继父子

    foster father and son relationship

  18. 与儿子脱离父子关系

    to renounce a son

  19. 我们父子俩很要好。

    My father and I were very close.

  20. 算命算出父子战争

    Fortunetelling Causes a War between Father and Son

  21. 父子俩都大笑起来。

    Both of them were laughing.

  22. 约翰 威利父子出版公司

    John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

  23. 他与儿子脱离父子关系。

    He disowned his son.

  24. 父子关系法律上父子关系的确定

    Judicial determination of paternity.

  25. 为维度定义父子关系。

    Define a parentchild relationship for the dimension.

  26. 父子俩一起出席了会议。

    Father and son attended the meeting together.

  27. 他们父子的感情那么深厚。

    They just love each other so much.

  28. 马氏父子情系茶机

    The contribution of Ma and his son to tea machinery

  29. 高欢父子霸府述论

    On the Gao Huan, Gao Cheng and Gao Yang Overlord Department

  30. 通过检测而确定父子关系。

    Tests were conducted to determine paternity.


  1. 问:父子拼音怎么拼?父子的读音是什么?父子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:父子的读音是fùzǐ,父子翻译成英文是 father and son

  2. 问:父子关系拼音怎么拼?父子关系的读音是什么?父子关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:父子关系的读音是fù zǐ guān xì,父子关系翻译成英文是 set membership

  3. 问:父子家庭拼音怎么拼?父子家庭的读音是什么?父子家庭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:父子家庭的读音是fù zǐ jiā tíng,父子家庭翻译成英文是 father – children family

  4. 问:父子约束拼音怎么拼?父子约束的读音是什么?父子约束翻译成英文是什么?

    答:父子约束的读音是fù zǐ yuē shù,父子约束翻译成英文是 parent-child constraint

  5. 问:父子鉴别拼音怎么拼?父子鉴别的读音是什么?父子鉴别翻译成英文是什么?

    答:父子鉴别的读音是fù zǐ jiàn bié,父子鉴别翻译成英文是 paternity examination

  6. 问:父子层次关系拼音怎么拼?父子层次关系的读音是什么?父子层次关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:父子层次关系的读音是fù zǐ céng cì guān xì,父子层次关系翻译成英文是 parent-child hierarchy



“父子”是个多义词,它可以指父子(汉语词语), 父子(萧忠民所著短篇小说)。