







汉语拼音:jiǎng qīng






  1. It was harder than I thought it would be to explain my short life and why it made sense for them to send me to Oxford.


  2. Of course I understand the director's situation, for more than two hours to clear such a thing is not easy.


  3. Certainly Gary Locke, the U. S. commerce secretary, is keen to put things in perspective.


  4. I am a Chinese teacher, have the opportunity, I can tell you about, but my English is very poor, not know can give you speak clearly.


  5. Sophie followed Eric back to his apartment, he keeps to the situation and clear concern let aeryn grams dilemma.


  6. Therefore, the nature and character of that development and the meaning we attach to it need to be carefully spelled out.


  7. Longer term, some farm groups want to change milk price regulations to better account for the cost of production in the system.


  8. By not clarifying the few key priorities, leadership teams unintentionally delegate priority-setting to their people.


  9. We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable.


  1. 请尽可能讲清事件的全过程。

    Please tell me the whole story as exact as possible.

  2. 请尽可能讲清事件得全过程。

    Please tell me the whole story as exact as possible.

  3. 你只要讲清事实, 千万不要添枝加叶。

    Just tell the truth and don't embellish the story by any means.

  4. 证人在法庭上有义务讲清事实真象。

    A witness in court is obligated to tell the truth.

  5. 老师讲清了故事中比较难于理解的部分。

    The teacher cleared up the harder parts of the story.

  6. 你应该同他讲清道理,不要只叫他听话。

    You should reason with him instead of just telling him to obey.

  7. 作为同志,我们都应该向当局讲清我们的要求。

    As brothers in arms we should all make it clear to the authorities what our demands are.

  8. 我们希望作此声明,以便讲清真理,告知全国。

    We wished to make this statement in order to present the truth and advise the nation.

  9. 我们试着给他讲清我们的观点,但他就是不听。

    We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen.

  10. 出格是要讲清进步餐厅整体效劳程度的意义。

    In particular, we should tell the restaurant to improve the overall significance level of service.

  11. 必须一开始就讲清的是,有竞争力的报价可以接受。

    We must make it clear from the very beginning that competitive quotations are acceptable.

  12. 你不得不给他们讲清所有的事情,这是很讨厌的。

    It's frustrating when you have to spell everything out for them.

  13. 比如反复梳理商业计划书,直至演讲人能讲清讲透。

    Comb commercial specification repeatedly for instance, can tell Qing Dynasty to speechmaker continuously fully.

  14. 本文至少讲清了现代文学的进程, 尽管不是非常详尽。

    This article explained the modern literature advancement at least, although is not extremely exhaustive.

  15. 本文至少讲清了现代文学得进程,尽管不是非常详尽。

    This article explained the modern literature advancement at least, although is not extremely exhaustive.

  16. 我原以为我已反复向你讲清了做事首先要得到许可的原则。

    I thought that by now I had been able to rub into you that you must ask permission first.

  17. 和她有理也讲不清。

    She was blind to all arguments.

  18. 秀才遇见兵, 有理讲不清

    Even when right a scholar never can win an argument with a military man

  19. 人也多, 嘴也多, 讲不清道理

    Idle talk talking big bearing no meaning

  20. 由于讲不清数学题, 不到一周就被学生轰下了台。

    Mathematical problems as a result of clearspeaking, less than a week by students on the stage under bombardment.

  21. 她记不清自己讲到哪里了。

    She lost the thread of what she was saying.

  22. 小男孩口齿不清地讲了他的故事。

    The little boy lisped out his story.

  23. 电话的噪声很大,我听不清你讲的话。

    The noise in the phone is so loud that I can't hear your words.

  24. 史密斯小姐说话太快,听不清她讲的话。

    Miss Smith speaks too fast to hear her words clearly.

  25. 我弄不清他们在讲什么语言。

    I can't make out the language they're speaking.

  26. 她听清了他讲的每一句话。

    She did not lose a word of his speech.

  27. 你在咀嚼,所以我听不清你在讲什么。

    Well, see, you were chewing, and so I didn't really hear what you said.

  28. 我努力想听清他讲课讲的每一字每一句。

    I tried hard not to lose a word of his lecture.

  29. 请大声讲,我听不清你说话。

    Please speak up, I can't hear you over the noise.

  30. 请大声讲,我听不清你说话。

    Please speak up, I can't hear you over the noise.



讲清 jiǎngqīng [expound] 说清[意义] 向他的修道士…讲清(旧约圣经的)雅歌的…宗教意义