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1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……
汉语拼音:shí qiáo
I say let the seat for you by five hundred years when the wind blowing five hundred years insolation stone bridge.
我说愿为你当那座受五百年风吹五百年日晒的石桥。Quickly he crossed the bridge. Of course he did not notice a certain stone railing was eyeing him all the while.
他行色匆匆,很快地走过石桥,当然,男人不会发觉有一块石头正目不转睛地望着她。Happy cloud Step Three Mile Bridge in the north first, is built across the river in a hole arch stone bridge, formerly known as snow bridge.
云步桥在快活三里北首,是跨中溪而建的一座单孔拱形石桥,原名雪花桥。The Temple of the Dragon sat on an island in the middle of a weed-choked lake, connected to the city by a narrow stone bridge.
龙神庙坐落在一个杂草丛生的湖中心的岛上,一座狭窄的石桥将它连接到城市。Its Renaissance palaces, historic churches, and stone bridges are now menaced by floods more than 50 times a year.
无论它那文艺复兴风格的宫廷,闻名遐迩的大教堂,还是著名的石桥,现在都面临五十年一遇的洪水威胁。I wish to incarnate, stone by five hundred years wind and rain, five hundred years, from the bridge for you.
我愿化身石桥,愿受五百年风吹,五百年日晒,五百年雨打,只为你从桥上走过。The priest stood atop a red stone pillar, joined by a slender stone bridge to a lofty terrace where the lesser priests and acolytes stood.
他站在一根红石柱上,由一条细长的石桥连接着一座高耸的平台,在那里站着一些地位稍低的僧侣和侍僧。when he was gone tess stood at the window , and presently saw his form crossing the great stone bridge which conducted to the mill premises.
他走了以后,苔丝站在窗前,立刻就看到他穿过那座大石桥的身影,那座石桥通向磨坊的房屋。With2500 years long history, Shaoxing city is famous for her numerous canals, bridges and Wupeng boats.