


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……





汉语拼音:liù shén






  1. 六宗之神。

    三国 魏 阮籍 《大人先生传》:“五帝舞而再属兮,六神歌而代周。”

  2. 古以人之心、肺、肝、肾、脾、胆,各有其神主宰,称为六神。

    汉 张衡 《髑髅赋》:“五内皆还,六神皆復。”《云笈七籤》卷三二:“凡人卧头边,勿安火鑪,令六神不安。”参阅《黄庭内景经·心神》。



  1. Today I finally mind to buy a bottle of toilet water to use with six God, God can use the six toilet water has always been my dream.


  2. Objective To research the curative effect on curing herpes zoster with the combination of salvia miltiorrhiza compound and liu-shen-wan.


  3. local treatment of acute pharyngitis: lysozyme sublingual tablets, Du Miefen throat lozenges, iodine tablets, Liushen etc.


  4. Thin layer chromatography indicates that there is toadfish in medicine serum of Liu-Shen-Wan. 2.


  5. Whenever I go I am faced with an apparition which completely upsets me.


  6. Liushen pills is a kind of prescribed herb medicine, which is widely used as an antiphlogistic and analgesic in China.


  7. I smile at Baimeisheng response to: "is your six God toilet water. "


  8. The Liu Shen Wan in the child deciduous teeth application study of the chronic pulpitis under medical treatment


  9. Experimental Study of Liu-Shen-Wan on Inducing Leukemia Cell Apoptosis and Correlative Gene of Control Apoptosis


  1. 六神祛暑水

    Liushen Qushu lotion.

  2. 恐惧使她六神无主。

    Her mind is distracted with fear.

  3. 她紧张得六神无主。

    She was so nervous, her insides were like jelly.

  4. 把某人吓得六神无主

    Scare the daylights out of sb.

  5. 我真担心你 我简直六神无主。

    I was so worried about you, If you knew the places that my mind has been.

  6. 过去几周, 她越来越六神无主。

    Over the past several weeks, she had grown increasingly restless.

  7. 他妻子突然去世, 他感到六神无主。

    His wifes sudden death upset the balance ofhis mind.

  8. 他妻子去世后他感到六神无主十分消沉。

    His wifes death left him feeling vulnerable and depressed.

  9. 听到这个消息后, 他吓得六神无主。

    Having heard such news, he was frightened out of his sense.

  10. 人们告诉他那消息后, 他已六神无主了。

    He went to pieces when they told him the news.

  11. 我收到税务局的来信, 把我吓得六神无主。

    I received a nasty surprise in the shape of a letter from the taxman.

  12. 看他那六神无主得样子,真叫人担心。

    He is out of his wits,and that worries us a lot.

  13. 看他那六神无主的样子,真叫人担心。

    He is out of his wits, and that worries us a lot.

  14. 看他那六神无主的样子,真叫人担心。

    He is out of his wits, and that worries us a lot.

  15. 六神丸对肾上腺作用的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Effect of Liu Shen Wan on Adrenal Gland

  16. 人们告诉他那悲惨的消息後,他已六神无主了。

    He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.

  17. 宝贝如何你才能再次原谅我会让我六神无主

    Baby how I wish you could forgive me One more time

  18. 因此, 斯洛普先生离开她的时候感到六神无主。

    Mr. Slope had thus left her quite bewildered.

  19. 一听见有敲门声我就吓得六神无主。

    When I heard the knock at the door, was the frightened out of my senses.

  20. 人们告诉他那悲惨的消息后, 他已六神无主了。

    He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.

  21. 我得心哪 他一下子就把我搞得六神无主了。

    My heart He has turned me sick in a moment.

  22. 看看你六神无主的样子,有我在忠实的追随着你。

    I'm telling you, when you lie under tomb I'm the one watching you.

  23. 看看你六神无主得样子,有我在忠实得追随着你。

    I'm telling you, when you lie under tomb I'm the one watching you.

  24. 嘘!记得不要告诉别人我用过六神花露水。

    Hush! Remember not to tell people I used six God toilet water.

  25. 我的心哪 他一下子就把我搞得六神无主了。

    My heart He has turned me sick in a moment.

  26. 那个可怜的南海见父亲到处找棍子,感到六神无主。

    The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for stick.

  27. 那个可怜得南海见父亲到处找棍子,感到六神无主。

    The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for a stick.

  28. 那个可怜的男孩见父亲到处找棍子, 感到六神无主。

    The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for stick.

  29. 昨晚我们看的那部恐怖电影把我吓得六神无主。

    That horror film we saw last night scared the living daylights out of me.

  30. 六神丸抗肺癌转移及其作用靶点的实验及临床研究

    Clinical and Experimental Research of Six Spirits Pill on Inhibiting the Metastasis of Lung Cancer and Functionary Target


  1. 问:六神无主拼音怎么拼?六神无主的读音是什么?六神无主翻译成英文是什么?

    答:六神无主的读音是liùshénwúzhǔ,六神无主翻译成英文是 all six vital organs failing to function—dist...

  2. 问:六神拼音怎么拼?六神的读音是什么?六神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:六神的读音是liùshén,六神翻译成英文是 Gods believed by the ancient Chinese to govern t...

  3. 问:六神合体拼音怎么拼?六神合体的读音是什么?六神合体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:六神合体的读音是,六神合体翻译成英文是 Six God Combination Godmars