




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:xiǎo de






  1. 晓得。




  1. By now, thought on the pure already bosom the Guo Xiao child, but she had not said that but chose alone left.


  2. Now, maybe your boss is all-knowing. But I've never seen one that was.


  3. So even with a good family income, Yang Xiao's parents still had to send her back to her hometown in Anhui for school.


  4. In other words, it had the clear potential to circumvent the voice of the people and completely empower un-elected power mongers.


  5. Elementary illustrations like this are sometimes ridiculed as "Crusoe economics. "


  6. She had been the most beloved of film stars, her handsome face, accepting smile, known to all.


  7. Think about it. Performance reviews are held up as objective assessments by the boss, with the assumption that the boss has all the answers.


  8. She told Lian-xiang that she would sacrifice whatever she could to restore Sang-xiao's health.


  9. Due to many historical and financial reasons, we don't have an adequate number of colleges to match the huge population of school graduates.


  1. 一只狗爱它的主人,是无人不知、无人不晓的。

    The love of a dog for his master is notorious.

  2. 第二天拂晓我写日记的时候,写成了一篇祈祷文。

    At daybreak the next morning, as I wrote in my journal, my words formed a prayer.

  3. 刺破无尽的黎明吧!晓!

    Break through the endless twilight! Akatsuki!

  4. 汤姆, 你从政多年。对公务员的花招真是无所不晓。

    Tom, you were in office for years. You know all civil service tricks.

  5. 我不晓的是否出于害怕。

    I don't know if it was from fear.

  6. 清晓的江头, 白雾茫茫。

    The River mouth at dawn, Behind a white haze of mist.

  7. 在这黎明初晓的小巢中?

    In her nest at peep of day?

  8. 它们是清晓的摇篮,它们是星辰的王国。

    They are the cradle of the morning, they are the kingdom of the stars.

  9. 她把他当成无所不晓的人。

    She treats him as if he were the fount of all knowledge.

  10. 尽人皆晓的,唯贾丝婷毫不知情。

    We knew something that Justine didn't.

  11. 它将列入浴塘春晓的附录中。

    It will be included in the appendix to Spring Dawn.

  12. 虽然不晓的好不好看,先谢谢分享影片。

    It is very great! thank so much for sharing!

  13. 中方在春晓的活动完全合理合法。

    China's activities there are completely reasonable and lawful.

  14. 此篇将会上传在浴塘春晓的附录中。

    This will be posted among the appendices of Spring Dawn.

  15. 小鸟说些什么呢?在这黎明初晓的小巢中?

    What does little birdie say, In her nest at peep of day?

  16. 这一天本来是代表介于冬至到春晓的中界点。

    This day was supposed to represent the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

  17. 海上吹来的晓风使他神清气爽。

    The morning wind rising from the sea freshened him up.

  18. 由此引发了隐者赵良对其的晓之厉害。

    This triggered a hermit Zhao Liang, the dawn of its powerful.

  19. 神既在古时藉着众先知,多次多方的晓谕列祖,

    God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets

  20. 杨柳岸的晓风残月, 湿了谁的青衫, 淡了谁的归程?

    Willow coast Xiaofeng moon, wet whose normal hit, the light of whose Return Journey

  21. 所有做不来的事,也是无 人不知,无人不晓。

    He knows all the things which CANNOT be done.

  22. 我老父是名声赫赫的大老板, 提起来无人不晓。

    His father is a reputable boss, and everyone knows him.

  23. 我老父是名声赫赫的大老板,提起来无人不晓。

    His father is a reputable boss, and everyone knows him.

  24. 那一岸的晓风, 那一弯的残月, 离岸的青舟, 相望的只能是永远?

    The breeze of that shore, that is curved waning moon, offshore green boat, hope mutually of can be forever?

  25. 这位新任大法官罗伯特莱特? ? 的无知简直无人不晓。

    The new chief justice, Sir Robbert Wright, was ignorant to a proverb.

  26. 我说,永不沉落的晓星。傲慢的智慧之闪电,被火焰包围着坠落。

    Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the intellect, Lucifer, dico, qui nescit occasum.

  27. 哪晓得到了广东才发现, 广东的钱也不是那么好赚的。

    To their disappointment, when they arrived there, they found that making money was not easy at all in Guangdong.

  28. 明天,我白里欧和我的飞艇将传遍世界,无人不晓。

    Tomorrow, the whole world will know of me and my hyperion.

  29. 拂晓前的宁静

    the still hours before dawn.

  30. 寒冷阴沉的拂晓

    the chill grey dawn