







汉语拼音:bái zhòu








  1. 白天。

    《鹖冠子·度万》:“光绪知无道,上乱天文,下灭地理,中絶人和,治渐终始,故听而无闻,视而无见,白昼而闇,有义而失謚。”《汉书·贾谊传》:“白昼大都之中剽吏而夺之金。” 颜师古 注:“白昼,昼日也。言白者,谓不阴晦也。” 唐 杜甫 《夔州歌》之七:“长年三老长歌里,白昼摊钱高浪中。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“此时皓月初升,光同白昼。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章:“一轮明月挂在天空,照得山沟如同白昼。”



  1. As the coffin to the grave and habitat: In the day vampire in the coffin or the grave is often open to the body exists in the way.


  2. If money were no object, some parts of the outdoors might be illuminated at night to be as bright as day.


  3. The winter day closed in, and Bertha, interested in the novel she was reading, was surprised to hear the clock strike .


  4. If those days had not snow, will not be like the day night light the road, in the dark of the night, also can feel the way home?


  5. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.


  6. The mind has a thousand eyes , And the heart but one ; Yet the light of the whole life dies When love is done .


  7. The night has a thousand eyes, And the day but one. Yet the light of the bright world dies with the dying of the sun.


  8. The fluorescent lamps in the hall shine brightly as if it were in the daytime.


  9. Yours is the sun that warms our days, yours the stars that guard us in the dark of night.


  1. 白昼将尽。

    Day drew in.

  2. 白昼在变。

    The days are drawing out.

  3. 白昼活动习性

    diurnal habit.

  4. 白昼渐渐消失。

    The day changes as it wears itself away.

  5. 白昼流星余迹

    daytime train.

  6. 黑夜转成白昼

    from night to daytime

  7. 白昼火流星

    daylight fireball.

  8. 白昼开始变长。

    The days have begun to draw out.

  9. 白昼变成了黑夜

    Daylight passed into darkness.

  10. 白昼在逐渐消失。

    Daylight was ebbing away.

  11. 白昼会空虚冰凉。

    The days would all be empty.

  12. 白昼驱除了黑夜。

    Bright day has beaten off night

  13. 冬季白昼时间短。

    The days are shorter in winter.

  14. 恐惧黎明和白昼。

    Eosophobia Fear of dawn or daylight.

  15. 灯火辉煌,犹如白昼。

    The place was lit up as bright as day.

  16. 在春天白昼变长。

    The days lengthen in spring.

  17. 恍如白昼的夜晚

    A night which looks like a bright day

  18. 白昼视度显示装置

    daylight visibility

  19. 白昼开始变长了。

    The days are beginning to lengthen out.

  20. 曙光是白昼的先驱。

    Dawn is the herald of day.

  21. 白昼变得越来越长。

    The days are becoming longer.

  22. 黎明是白昼的先驱。

    Dawn is the messenger of day.

  23. 入夜方能赞美白昼

    In the evening one may praise the day

  24. 冬天来临,白昼渐短。

    When winter comes the days close in.

  25. 而白昼却依然杲杲天际。

    While day stood distinct in the sky.

  26. 夏天天气炎热, 白昼悠长。

    Summer is hot and the days are long.

  27. 白昼点灯并非节约良策。

    It is not good economy to burn daylight.

  28. 灯光闪烁, 黑夜如同白昼。

    The lights flashed out and night became day.

  29. 黑夜和白昼是相对的。

    Night is opposed to day.

  30. 三月份白昼开始变长。

    The days start to lengthen in March.


  1. 问:白昼拼音怎么拼?白昼的读音是什么?白昼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼的读音是báizhòu,白昼翻译成英文是 daytime

  2. 问:白昼侧拼音怎么拼?白昼侧的读音是什么?白昼侧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼侧的读音是,白昼侧翻译成英文是 dayside

  3. 问:白昼地拼音怎么拼?白昼地的读音是什么?白昼地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼地的读音是,白昼地翻译成英文是 diurnally

  4. 问:白昼医院拼音怎么拼?白昼医院的读音是什么?白昼医院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼医院的读音是bái zhòu yī yuàn,白昼医院翻译成英文是 day hospital

  5. 问:白昼失音拼音怎么拼?白昼失音的读音是什么?白昼失音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼失音的读音是bái zhòu shī yīn,白昼失音翻译成英文是 nyctophonia

  6. 问:白昼电视拼音怎么拼?白昼电视的读音是什么?白昼电视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼电视的读音是bái zhòu diàn shì,白昼电视翻译成英文是 Day Television

  7. 问:白昼飞行战术拼音怎么拼?白昼飞行战术的读音是什么?白昼飞行战术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼飞行战术的读音是bái zhòu fēi xíng zhàn shù,白昼飞行战术翻译成英文是 Day Applied Tactics

  8. 问:白昼战斗机中队拼音怎么拼?白昼战斗机中队的读音是什么?白昼战斗机中队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼战斗机中队的读音是bái zhòu zhàn dòu jī zhōng duì,白昼战斗机中队翻译成英文是 Day Fighter Squadron

  9. 问:白昼截击战斗机拼音怎么拼?白昼截击战斗机的读音是什么?白昼截击战斗机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼截击战斗机的读音是bái zhòu jié jī zhàn dòu jī,白昼截击战斗机翻译成英文是 Interceptor Day Fighter

  10. 问:白昼飞机救护舰拼音怎么拼?白昼飞机救护舰的读音是什么?白昼飞机救护舰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼飞机救护舰的读音是bái zhòu fēi jī jiù hù jiàn,白昼飞机救护舰翻译成英文是 Day Plane Guard

  11. 问:白昼电视跟踪系统拼音怎么拼?白昼电视跟踪系统的读音是什么?白昼电视跟踪系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白昼电视跟踪系统的读音是bái zhòu diàn shì gēn zōng xì tǒng,白昼电视跟踪系统翻译成英文是 Day Television Tracking System


