




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:xiōng zhǎng









  1. 哥哥。

    《醒世恒言·三孝廉让产立高名》:“弟辈衣食自足,不消兄长掛念。” 老舍 《四世同堂》十九:“他是哥哥,应当以作兄长的诚心,说明老二的错误,不应该看着弟弟往陷阱里走!”

  2. 同辈男子间的尊称。




  1. On this, there arose an earnest contention between the two young princes, each of them affirming himself to be the elder.

  2. The members of the Ishmaelite caravan who bought Joseph from his brothers and sold him in Egypt were called Midianites (Genesis 37: 28, 36).

  3. He grew up in the shadow of his father, the late President Hafez al-Assad, and his older brother, who was groomed to be the next president.

  4. She also cringed at what her Nii-sama would think if he knew she had been late, whether the place she was going to was trivial or not.

  5. In Edward's farewell there was no distinction between Elinor and me: it was the good wishes of an affectionate brother to both.

  6. Duke Huan of Qi killed his elder brother and married elder brother's wife. So to speak, he was a man of incest.

  7. One day the family went to see a baseball game of an older brother. It was cloudy and by the time they got to the field it started raining.

  8. One defector testified that while in a camp, he had witnessed his mother and elder brother publicly executed for attempting to escape.

  9. Even the snores of her brothers in the back made her smile and be thankful that she and her mother were safe and sound.


  1. 他们自称为兄长。

    They call themselves the elder brothers.

  2. 他是我的兄长。

    He was my brother.

  3. 你挚爱的已故兄长

    your dear departed brother

  4. 我的兄长做事很大气。

    My elder brother is generous in handling affairs.

  5. 我们即是如此,兄长,我们即是如此注定。

    So we are, brother and so we shall be.

  6. 弟弟想将兄长推下王位

    Young brother trying to push older brother off throne.

  7. 美朱得兄长,魏得大学前辈。

    Miakas older brother and Takas college senpai.

  8. 美朱的兄长,魏的大学前辈。

    Miakas older brother and Takas college senpai.

  9. 她的父亲和兄长是这里的农民。

    Her father and brothers are farmers here.

  10. 视你为情人,父亲,兄长和儿子。

    Take you as lover, father, brother and son.

  11. 我那遐尔闻名的兄长的继承人!

    illustrious bloom! successor to my famous brother.

  12. 他像兄长般轻吻了她一下。

    He gave her a brief, brotherly kiss.

  13. 而我得兄长却迎娶了美丽得女人!

    My brother woos a fair woman!

  14. 而我的兄长却迎娶了美丽的女人!

    My brother woos a fair woman!

  15. 她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。

    She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother.

  16. 我可以保证,我会一直是你的兄长。

    But I promise you, I will always be your brother.

  17. 今后,你可以是我的朋友,抑或兄长。

    I'm willing to be your sister or your friend.

  18. 对我来说他始终是一个兄长。

    I have always looked upon him as my elder brother.

  19. 有兄长的男性更有可能成为同性恋者

    Men with Older Brothers More Likely to be Gay

  20. 你挚爱的已故兄长。他挚爱的妻子去世了。

    Your dear departed brother His beloved wife died.

  21. 我相信这任务,没想到是你兄长。

    I trust this mission only to your brother.

  22. 兄长或者姐姐们可以给年幼的孩子念。

    Older brothers and sisters can read to younger children.

  23. 我请求你们像过去信任我的兄长一样信任我。

    I ask for your trust as you used to trust my brother.

  24. 我还记得,我很嫉妒那些有兄长的人。

    I remember being jealous that I didn't have an older brother.

  25. 这是我兄长的一句名言,妙得很。

    It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one.

  26. 这是我兄长得一句名言, 妙得很。

    It was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one.

  27. 那是因为你在感恩我的兄长,对不对?

    But that's because you were indebted to my brother, right?

  28. 他能在其兄长退位后加冕成为英王。

    He would ascend to the throne after his brother abdicated.

  29. 小人有眼不识泰山!一时冒渎兄长,望乞恕罪!

    I failed to recognize your eminence and I hope that you will forgive me for that blunder.

  30. 他决定步他所有兄长们的后尘,加入自家的公司。

    He decided to follow in the footsteps of all his brothers and join the family company.


  1. 问:兄长拼音怎么拼?兄长的读音是什么?兄长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兄长的读音是xiōngzhǎng,兄长翻译成英文是 elder brother


