




1. 裂 [liè]2. 裂 [liě]裂 [liè]破开,开了缝(fèng ):~开。~纹。~缝。~痕。~变(原子核分裂成几个其他原子核,并放出中子的过程)。~隙。~罅(裂缝)。分~。破~。决~。割~。扯~。裂 [liě]物体的两部分向两……



汉语拼音:suì liè








  1. 破碎。

    《后汉书·酷吏传序》:“若其揣挫彊埶,摧勒公卿,碎裂头脑而不顾,亦为壮也。” 巴金 《寒夜》十八:“他觉得头要爆炸,心要碎裂。”



  1. It was only when the ash from the disintegrating moon rained down on their faces and breasts that they began to disperse.


  2. The time fissure sends out huge crashing, I vaguely hear him to say to me that, Everybody must be strong.


  3. Horn diaphragm being broken is one of the main horn failure forms and is an important topic of technical problems in automotive industry.


  4. The papyrus was already beginning to crumble, so he did not dare touch it by hand.


  5. The myriad things disrupt for the dust, grips tightly your hand not to be able to let loose.


  6. If I take a piece of concrete, a block of concrete, and I put too much pressure on it, it starts to crumble.


  7. Over the following days, the team carefully cleared the dirt away, revealing bones so fragile they were ready to crumble apart.


  8. The little mermaid kissed his hand, and felt as if her heart were already broken.


  9. Directly on the ground while Pata had a sense of fragmentation, I do not know how this instrument match.


  1. 碎裂手榴弹

    fragmentation grenade.

  2. 碎裂玄武岩

    fractured basalt.

  3. 这玻璃容易碎裂。

    This glass easily flies.

  4. 这些杯子容易碎裂。

    These cups chip easily.

  5. 那些盘子容易碎裂。

    Those plates chip easily.

  6. 碎裂,粉碎的状态

    Disintegration the state of being disintegrated.

  7. 裸荷涨落和弦碎裂

    Net Charge Fluctuation and String Fragmentation

  8. 有太多破坏和碎裂。

    Too much damage and fragmentation.

  9. 古城堡的墙在碎裂。

    The old castle walls are crumbling.

  10. 不会碎裂的坚硬蛋糕。

    A solid cake that wont crumb.

  11. 飞机可能在飞行中碎裂。

    Airplanes may come apart in flight.

  12. 飞机可能在飞行中碎裂。

    Airplanes may come apart in flight.

  13. 碎裂,裂缝部分破裂或裂开裂缝

    A partial split or break a fissure.

  14. 它们变了颜色但却没有碎裂。

    They changed colour, but did not break.

  15. 寄生虫的碎裂可能导致过敏反应。

    Rupture of the parasite may result in anaphylaxis.

  16. 硬而脆的碎裂时声音尖利的。

    Firm and crisp,and making a sharp sound when broken or crushed.

  17. 碎裂成小块及粉末的海洛英

    Heroin broken up into lumps or powder

  18. 碎裂,破碎碎裂成小块或小粒破碎

    To fall into small fragments or particles disintegrate.

  19. 增加复仇和碎裂践踏造成的伤害。

    Increases the damage of Revenge and Seismic Slam.

  20. 实验结果表明,不同煤岩的碎裂不同

    The results show that the fragmentation is different for different lithotype.

  21. 春天来了, 河上得冰开始碎裂。

    The ice on the river begins to break up when spring comes.

  22. 春天来了,河上的冰开始碎裂。

    The ice on the river begins to break up when spring comes.

  23. 火球的随机衰变与极限碎裂假设

    The stochastic decay of fire balls and the hypothesis of limiting fragmentation.

  24. 这砌砖的人行道已经开始碎裂了。

    The bricky walk way was beginning to crumble.

  25. 这砌砖得人行道已经开始碎裂了。

    The bricky walk way was beginning to crumble.

  26. 合并椎间盘碎裂或单纯椎间盘突出19例。

    Disc extrusion or extrude in 19 cases.

  27. 别总在碎裂或磨损的地方刷漆。

    Don't keep painting over chipped or worn polish.

  28. 别总在碎裂或磨损的地方刷漆。

    Don't keep painting over chipped or worn polish.

  29. 一场地震碎裂了地下城的地基。

    An earthquake cracked the foundation of the dungeon.

  30. 现在当玩家被击中盾牌也会碎裂

    Shields now shatter when a player is hit


  1. 问:碎裂拼音怎么拼?碎裂的读音是什么?碎裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂的读音是suìliè,碎裂翻译成英文是 To break down; to crack.; crumble

  2. 问:碎裂伤拼音怎么拼?碎裂伤的读音是什么?碎裂伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂伤的读音是suì liè shāng,碎裂伤翻译成英文是 lacerated wound

  3. 问:碎裂岩拼音怎么拼?碎裂岩的读音是什么?碎裂岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂岩的读音是suì liè yán,碎裂岩翻译成英文是 cataclasite

  4. 问:碎裂带拼音怎么拼?碎裂带的读音是什么?碎裂带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂带的读音是suì liè dài,碎裂带翻译成英文是 shattered zone

  5. 问:碎裂的拼音怎么拼?碎裂的的读音是什么?碎裂的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂的的读音是,碎裂的翻译成英文是 cataclastic

  6. 问:碎裂缝拼音怎么拼?碎裂缝的读音是什么?碎裂缝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂缝的读音是suì liè fèng,碎裂缝翻译成英文是 spalled joint

  7. 问:碎裂酌拼音怎么拼?碎裂酌的读音是什么?碎裂酌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂酌的读音是,碎裂酌翻译成英文是 cataclasis

  8. 问:碎裂作用拼音怎么拼?碎裂作用的读音是什么?碎裂作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂作用的读音是suìlièzuòyòng,碎裂作用翻译成英文是 cataclasis

  9. 问:碎裂劈理拼音怎么拼?碎裂劈理的读音是什么?碎裂劈理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂劈理的读音是,碎裂劈理翻译成英文是 cataclastic cleavage

  10. 问:碎裂反应拼音怎么拼?碎裂反应的读音是什么?碎裂反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂反应的读音是suì liè fǎn yìng,碎裂反应翻译成英文是 fragmentation reaction

  11. 问:碎裂变质拼音怎么拼?碎裂变质的读音是什么?碎裂变质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂变质的读音是,碎裂变质翻译成英文是 catachosis

  12. 问:碎裂图解拼音怎么拼?碎裂图解的读音是什么?碎裂图解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂图解的读音是suì liè tú jiě,碎裂图解翻译成英文是 fragmentation mapping

  13. 问:碎裂规则拼音怎么拼?碎裂规则的读音是什么?碎裂规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂规则的读音是suì liè guī zé,碎裂规则翻译成英文是 fragmentation rule

  14. 问:碎裂过程拼音怎么拼?碎裂过程的读音是什么?碎裂过程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂过程的读音是suì liè guò chéng,碎裂过程翻译成英文是 fragmentation process

  15. 问:碎裂途径拼音怎么拼?碎裂途径的读音是什么?碎裂途径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂途径的读音是suì liè tú jìng,碎裂途径翻译成英文是 fragmentation pathway

  16. 问:碎裂变质带拼音怎么拼?碎裂变质带的读音是什么?碎裂变质带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂变质带的读音是suì liè biàn zhì dài,碎裂变质带翻译成英文是 katamorphic zone

  17. 问:碎裂断层带拼音怎么拼?碎裂断层带的读音是什么?碎裂断层带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂断层带的读音是,碎裂断层带翻译成英文是 shattered fault zone

  18. 问:碎裂花纹釉拼音怎么拼?碎裂花纹釉的读音是什么?碎裂花纹釉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂花纹釉的读音是suìlièhuāwényòu,碎裂花纹釉翻译成英文是 crackle glaze

  19. 问:碎裂变质现象拼音怎么拼?碎裂变质现象的读音是什么?碎裂变质现象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:碎裂变质现象的读音是suì liè biàn zhì xiàn xiàng,碎裂变质现象翻译成英文是 katamorphism



suì liè ㄙㄨㄟˋ ㄌㄧㄝ ˋ 碎裂 破碎;裂开。《后汉书·酷吏传序》:“若其揣挫彊埶,摧勒公卿,碎裂头脑而不顾,亦为壮也。” 巴金 《寒夜》十八:“他觉得头要爆炸,心要碎裂。”