







汉语拼音:máng yuè








  1. 农事繁忙的月份。一般为立夏后的一百二十天。


  2. 旧时一种短期帮工。

    鲁迅 《呐喊·故乡》:“我家只有一个忙月(我们这里给人做工的分三种:整年给一定人家做工的叫长年;按日给人做工的叫短工;自己也种地,只有过年过节以及收租时候来给一定的人家做工的称忙月),忙不过来,他便对父亲说,可以叫他的儿子 闰土 来管祭器的。”



  1. n.
  2. busy month

  1. 忙月的时候我们需要大量的劳动力来收割庄稼。

    In busy months, we need a large labour force to reap the harvest.

  2. 忙月的时候我们需要大量的劳动力来收割庄稼。

    In busy months, we need a large labour force to reap the harvest.

  3. 九月忙来如胡桃树上的松鼠,闲来如缓缓流淌的溪涧。

    September is a changeling busy as squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook.

  4. 忙了三个月, 终于完事大吉。

    After three months'hard work, the task is now finished successfully at last.

  5. 连续忙了一个月,终于盼到大休了。

    After a whole month's work, the vacation has finally come.

  6. 连续忙了一个月,终于盼到大休了。

    After a whole month's work, the vacation has finally come.

  7. 为了这次演出,他们整整忙了一个月。

    They busily occupied themselves for a full month in producing this show.

  8. 他穷忙了一个月,却没能拿到应得的工资。

    He has worked too hard for a month but has been underpaid.

  9. 他穷忙了一个月,却没能拿到应得的工资。

    He has worked too hard for a month but has been underpaid.

  10. 忙了半个月, 嬉湘记湘菜馆的墙面终于画好了!

    It took us half a month to finish the painting on the restaurant wall!

  11. 是啊, 我都等不及了。这一定是我一生中最忙的一个月。

    Yeah, I can't wait. This month has definitely been the busiest month in my life.

  12. 总统竞选者们这个月都忙着演说。

    The presidential candidates are busy barnstorming this month.

  13. 总统竞选者们这个月都忙着演说。

    The presidential candidates are busy barnstorming this month.

  14. 到来年的四五月才忙。在这工作的很高兴。英语怎么说?

    I will be busy in Apir and May of last year.

  15. 这项实验使我们忙了3个月。

    The experiment kept us busy for three months.

  16. 他写论文已经忙了几个月了。

    He's been pegging away at his thesis for months.

  17. 五月人倍忙。

    And May doubles their haste all time.

  18. 这个月他特别忙。

    He is particularly busy for this month.

  19. 接下来几个月会很忙,你要做好准备。

    Get ready to be very busy in the months ahead.

  20. 接下来几个月会很忙,你要做好准备。

    Get ready to be very busy in the months ahead.

  21. 我最近太忙,最好下个月再请你们所有人吧。

    I am too busy these days, i would rather all of you came next month for a dinner.

  22. 下个月我们将很忙。

    We are going to be very busy next month.

  23. 我有一大堆工作要做,看来这个月里要很忙呢。

    I have my work cut out and expect to be very busy all this month.

  24. 整整这一个月我将会很忙。

    I will be very busy in this whole month.

  25. 本月是农家的忙月。

    This month is busy season for doing farm work.

  26. 亲爱的,之后的几个月我还有很多事要忙

    Honey, I got a lot of stuff coming up in the next few months.

  27. 别指望我们在下个月里来访,因为我们估计那时将会很忙。

    Don't plan on our visiting next month, for we expect to be very busy then.

  28. 所谓的年味都体现在过年前一个月就开始的忙忙碌碌中。

    In the socalled taste are reflected in over a month before the beginning of the hustle and bustle.

  29. 上个月我太忙了,没看电视。

    I was busy watch TV last month.

  30. 忙完了蚕月,人们又该去山上采茶了。

    After a busy March when people have to work the hardest feeding silkworms, they now have to go to mountains to pick tea.


  1. 问:忙月拼音怎么拼?忙月的读音是什么?忙月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忙月的读音是mángyuè,忙月翻译成英文是 Busy farming season, usually referring to the fo...




【注音】:máng yuè


【英文】:busy months


【近义词】:旺月 著名作家鲁迅的《少年闰土》中有提及:“我家只有一个忙月。”其它处很少用及此词。