







汉语拼音:zuò kè








  1. 谓外出经商。

    《水浒传》第十七回:“本处一个财主,将五千贯钱,教小人来此 山东 做客,不想折了本,回乡不得。”《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“父亲叫做 蒋世泽 ,从小走熟 广东 做客买卖。”

  2. 访问别人,自己当客人。

    沈从文 《绅士的太太》:“有时顶小的少爷,一定得跟到母亲做客,总得太太装作生气的样子骂人,于是姨娘才能把少爷抱走。”

  3. 客气。

    丁玲 《母亲》:“ 幺妹 !你莫老做客!也来玩玩、看看他们这园子。”



  1. And I hope, if it's not too much to ask, that you will come on over to my new online home with me!


  2. She was sure of herself, and in a few days he would be off to sea. Then, by the time he returned, she would be away on her visit East.


  3. And we greeted one another, and I said to him, "Come to my house and be my guest. "


  4. Welcome everybody to be a guest to mine hut. . . I hoped hands over the sincerity the friend, the evil intention please do not disturb!


  5. Russians are very hospitable. So if you come by, be ready to drink black tea and eat fattening food (like sausages).


  6. Obama is trying to muster support for his plans to revive the US economy and reform the health and education systems.


  7. Soo next time people invite you to their homes. listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just trying to be friendly ?


  8. He said he became convinced of the need for action after Al Gore, the former US vice- president, visited him at his home.


  9. "We have talked about trying to push teams from the beginning at Anfield, " Benitez said.


  1. 邀请她来家里做客

    when your mom was outta town.

  2. 谢谢你邀请我们做客。

    Thank you for inviting us.

  3. 周末去湖屋做客

    up to the lake house for the weekend.

  4. 欢迎你来我家做客。

    You are welcome to my home.

  5. 启示二, 在做客情方面。

    Enlighten two, in feeling of acting as a guest.

  6. 我当时在他村子里做客。

    I was visiting his village then.

  7. 赶明儿你来我家做客吧。

    Call on me and be my guest some day.

  8. 赶明儿你来我家做客吧。

    Call on me and be my guest some day.

  9. 有空请来我们这里做客。

    Please come and visit us at your leisure.

  10. 希望你能再来合肥做客。

    I hope you will come back to Hefei again!

  11. 我家老爷子请您到我家做客。

    My father asked me to invite you to our house.

  12. 我家老爷子请您到我家做客。

    My father asked me to invite you to our house.

  13. 希望你能再次来沈阳做客。

    I hope you will come to Shenyang again.

  14. 欢迎加大常来我空间做客。

    Welcome to my space to increase regular visit.

  15. 我们希望你到我们这里来做客。

    A.We would like you to come and visit us.

  16. 我不住在这里,我只是在这里做客。

    I do not live here; I am only here on a visit.

  17. 我小时候常去山墙庄园做客。

    I often visited The Gables when I was a boy.

  18. 欢迎新老客户, 朋友光临做客。

    Welcome new and old customers and friends were guests visit.

  19. 你什么时候再上我们这儿做客?

    When will you visit us again?

  20. 这一家人邀请你到他们家做客。

    This family invited you as a guest to their home.

  21. 谢谢!欢迎来圣彼得堡做客!

    Thank you and welcome to St Petersburg.

  22. 我们希望不久你能到我们家做客。

    We would like to have you visit us sometime in the near future.

  23. 有个朋友请我去做客。你呢?

    I've been invited over to a friend's. And you?

  24. 一些农民邀请我们去他们家里做客。

    Some farmers invited us to their houses.

  25. 舅舅和舅妈今天要来我家做客。

    My uncle and aunt came to visit us today.

  26. 你方便的时候一定来我家做客。

    Do come to our house when its convenient for you.

  27. 今天,我的美国朋友吉姆到我家做客。

    Today, my American friend Jim went to my home.

  28. 卡拉金娜邀请尼古拉到莫斯科去做客。

    Madame Karagin invited Nikolay to come to Moscow.

  29. 昨天, 摩克去安和肯得家做客。

    Yesterday Mocky visited Ann and Ken's house.

  30. 昨天,摩克去安和肯的家做客。

    Yesterday Mocky visited Ann and Ken's house.


  1. 问:做客拼音怎么拼?做客的读音是什么?做客翻译成英文是什么?

    答:做客的读音是zuòkè,做客翻译成英文是 be a guest



“做客”是个多义词,它可以指做客(汉语词语), 做客(山东电视生活频道栏目)。