


1. 栖 [qī]2. 栖 [xī]栖 [qī]鸟禽歇宿:“夫以鸟养养鸟者,宜~之深林”。居留,停留:~身。~息。~止。~遁(隐居,遁世)。~迟(游息,居住)。栖 [xī]〔~~〕形容不安定。〔~遑〕a.忙碌不安,到处奔波;b.被迫。均亦作……





汉语拼音:qī xī








  1. 亦作“栖息”。止息;寄居。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《莺赋》:“託幽笼以栖息,厉清风而哀鸣。” 唐 韩愈 《鸣雁行》:“天长地阔栖息稀,风霜酸苦稻粱微。” 明 梁辰鱼 《浣纱记·显圣》:“你如今省得在此惊怕,可潜出宫中北门,暂往 阳山 栖息。” 李瑛 《芦苇的记忆》:“那时呵,苇丛间曾栖息过多少群雁。”

  2. 指寄居之所。

    宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·神仙鬼怪》:“察其所为,则无栖息,独卧圃中草舍。”

  3. 谓隐居。

    《隋书·隐逸传·徐则》:“悦性冲玄,怡神虚白,餐松饵术,栖息烟霞。” 唐 权德舆 《浩歌》:“因兹谢时辈,栖息无何乡。” 明 何景明 《送五清先生》诗:“不然从此可栖息,无使天柱石鼓空巉巗。”



  1. Well, this is, um, exactly the sort of habitat that used to be all over Australia. Um, this is prime koala habitat.


  2. Mama and Daddy came out. On the topmost branch perched a bird the size of a chicken, with scarlet feathers and long legs.


  3. The losses of wildlife and habitat are a threat to being able to live sustainably within the enviroment in the future, she said.


  4. If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.


  5. Tropical primary forest is often considered to be the most important habitat for traditional peoples to gather medicinal plants.


  6. A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others.


  7. As I helped her up, I did not feel as much shocked, scared, or relieved as I just felt angry at myself for allowing us to be in this spot.


  8. It came with a olivetwig in its beak, which meant that plant life had started growing again. Then, I sent the dove again a week later.


  9. I can't wait to see the elephants at the zoo. I wish I could see them in their natural habitat, but a zoo is the next best thing.


  1. 猎物栖息处

    game habitat.

  2. 猕猴栖息地

    macaque habitat.

  3. 海底栖息地

    benthic habitant.

  4. 适于栖息的爪子

    insessorial claws.

  5. 野兽栖息的岛屿

    an island inhabited by wild beasts

  6. 鱼栖息于海中。

    Fish inhabit the sea.

  7. 鸟栖息在树上。

    A bird was sitting in a tree.

  8. 鸟栖息在树枝上。

    The birds are at roost in the trees.

  9. 鸟栖息在电线上。

    The bird perched on the electric wires.

  10. 东方白鹳栖息地

    wetland in ecology

  11. 春季栖息地利用

    Habitat use in Spring

  12. 鹭群栖息繁殖处,鹭巢群

    A place where herons nest and breed.

  13. 只有鸟类栖息的岛。

    An island inhabited only by birds.

  14. 伶俐的知更鸟栖息树丛,

    Sweet Robin sits on the bush

  15. 腔棘鱼栖息于深海。

    The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea.

  16. 栖息。停歇。坐在高处

    Alight or rest on or as on a perch

  17. 射击一只栖息的野鸭

    to pot a sitting wild duck

  18. 鸟儿栖息在树枝上。

    The bird took its perch on a tree branch.

  19. 海洋生物的栖息地

    A marine habitat.

  20. 它们栖息在棚子顶上。

    They perched atop the sheds.

  21. 鸟儿栖息于电线之上。

    Birds were sitting on the wires.

  22. 黄羊栖息地的研究

    A Research on Gazelle Habitat.

  23. 心若没有栖息的地方。

    If the heart has no place to perch on.

  24. 这对天鹅栖息在河边。

    The pair of swans nested by the river.

  25. 让我的心灵栖息, 依偎。

    Let my mind dwell for rest and cuddle up.

  26. 总栖息于物欲的悬崖。

    Always inhabit at cliff with the thing desire.

  27. 我们正在扩展我们的栖息地。

    We are trying to enlarge our habitat.

  28. 禁止在熊猫栖息地打猎。

    There where pandas live, hunting is not allowed.

  29. 栖息于外海深处拖网渔场。

    Inhabits deep offshore trawling grounds.

  30. 水是鱼的自然栖息地。

    Water is a fish's natural element.


  1. 问:栖息拼音怎么拼?栖息的读音是什么?栖息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息的读音是qīxī,栖息翻译成英文是 roost

  2. 问:栖息地拼音怎么拼?栖息地的读音是什么?栖息地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地的读音是,栖息地翻译成英文是 habitat

  3. 问:栖息处拼音怎么拼?栖息处的读音是什么?栖息处翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息处的读音是qī xī chù,栖息处翻译成英文是 roosting place

  4. 问:栖息群拼音怎么拼?栖息群的读音是什么?栖息群翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息群的读音是qī xī qún,栖息群翻译成英文是 roosting colony

  5. 问:栖息地型拼音怎么拼?栖息地型的读音是什么?栖息地型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地型的读音是qī xī dì xíng,栖息地型翻译成英文是 habitat form

  6. 问:栖息地岛屿拼音怎么拼?栖息地岛屿的读音是什么?栖息地岛屿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地岛屿的读音是qī xī dì dǎo yǔ,栖息地岛屿翻译成英文是 habitat island

  7. 问:栖息地类型拼音怎么拼?栖息地类型的读音是什么?栖息地类型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地类型的读音是qī xī dì lèi xíng,栖息地类型翻译成英文是 habitat type

  8. 问:栖息地选择拼音怎么拼?栖息地选择的读音是什么?栖息地选择翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地选择的读音是qī xī dì xuǎn zé,栖息地选择翻译成英文是 habitat selection

  9. 问:栖息地隔离拼音怎么拼?栖息地隔离的读音是什么?栖息地隔离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地隔离的读音是qī xī dì gé lí,栖息地隔离翻译成英文是 habitat isolation

  10. 问:栖息地多样性拼音怎么拼?栖息地多样性的读音是什么?栖息地多样性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栖息地多样性的读音是qī xī dì duō yàng xìng,栖息地多样性翻译成英文是 habitat diversity


