


1. 趣 [qù]2. 趣 [cù]趣 [qù]趋向:志~。意~。旨~。兴味,使人感到愉快:兴~。乐~。情~。雅~。妙~。相映成~。~事。~味。趣 [cù]古同“促”,催促;急促。……





汉语拼音:qù shì








  1. "It all adds to the gaiety of life, " said the journal's spokesperson with a laugh.


  2. What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a naive freshman had been merely a moment of college fun.


  3. Laughing loudly with him when listening to his interesting family stories, you feel the moment so sweet.


  4. Most of it tends to be anecdotal but we wanted to see whether it was true.


  5. The research on coffee shops is an interesting curiosity: coffee retailing seems to be fiercely competitive.


  6. When I got to the funeral home, his family and I immediately started swapping funny stories about him.


  7. as if they were stones. On seeing this, the boys would laugh loudly and clap. They would go home and tell everyone the story of the turtles.


  8. We have the usual little squalls, but my wife and I often remark how much we enjoy our children, our friends and each other.


  9. Genial face the wind blowing, we talked about life in an episode enjoying themselves.


  1. 他正大讲逸闻趣事。

    He was at his anecdotic best.

  2. 沿途见到许多趣事

    see a lot of interesting things on the way

  3. 为健康,交情,和趣事!

    For Fitness, Fellowship, and Fun!

  4. 昨天发生了一件趣事。

    A funny thing happened yesterday.

  5. 我们希望你将加入趣事!

    We Hope You Will Join the Fun!

  6. 书中穿插了不少轶闻趣事。

    The book is well larded with anecdotes.

  7. 我太多趣事要告诉你了

    I've got so much to tell you!

  8. 我太多趣事要告诉你了!

    I've got so much to tell you!

  9. 我生活平凡, 从无趣事。

    I lead a pretty mundane life nothing interesting ever happens to me.

  10. 我父亲有说不完的趣事。

    My father is a repository of interesting facts.

  11. 但他柔情占了上风的趣事。

    But his gentleness prevailed with everyone.

  12. 关于电力,有一大堆的趣事

    There's a bunch of things that are interesting about electricity.

  13. 仲有更多网上趣事等紧你!

    Watch BobKayPedia Episode 2 now!

  14. 以讲逸闻趣事为特点或者喜欢讲逸闻趣事。

    characterized by or given to telling anecdotes.

  15. 他们需要一些趣事来打起精神。

    They need a bit of a laugh to keep their spirits up.

  16. 他对太太述说有关他雇主的趣事。

    He related to his wife some amusing stories about his employer.

  17. 就是我想告诉你们的一件趣事。

    It's an anecdote that I'll leave you with.

  18. 边吃饭边讲些关于你妈妈的趣事。

    We're going to eat and tell fun stories about your mom.

  19. 新约则由寓言利奇闻趣事构成。

    In the New Testament are the parables and miracles.

  20. 他们讲述了他们第一次性经历的趣事。

    They recounted amusing stories about their first sexual experiences.

  21. 走进军营后,还常忆起钧鱼趣事。

    After walking into barback, return Chang Yi to have your fish fun.

  22. 他的机智甚至能将烦恼化为趣事。

    His wit made even troubles seem amusing.

  23. 你能免费得到这个无价的影坛趣事。

    You can have that priceless piece of cinematic trivia absolutely free.

  24. 关于这个话题他有说不完的趣事。

    He had a fund of hilarious tales on the subject.

  25. 在训练过程中有一件趣事 值得一提。

    But an interesting thing was noted during the training process.

  26. 父母之间都会分享自己孩子的一些趣事。

    The parents all shared interesting stories about their children.

  27. 用树枝和树蕨做帐篷也是一件趣事。

    Twining the branches and ferns together to make the shelter was almost fun.

  28. 而且我要來跟你們聊一點關於這些計畫的趣事。

    There's a lot of exciting things, and I'm going to tell you a little bit about them.

  29. 杰夫我知道一件关于瑞典的趣事。

    Jeff I know an interesting fact about Sweden.

  30. 书里还有一个关于烤肉串的趣事。

    Theres also a very amusing incident with a kebab.


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    答:趣事的读音是qùshì,趣事翻译成英文是 interesting episode; amusing episode; entert...