










  1. There must be a reunification with Self and a return to your center of power which resides within your Sacred Heart.


  2. There is also a great sense of and excitement for those who have learned to stay centered within the Sacred Heart.


  3. The Cathedral is now owned by the Patriotic Church, created by the communist authorities.


  4. The studio is located near the slopes of the Sacred Heart Church. To reach it, one must climb countless stairs.


  5. It is called the "Sacred Heart of Healing" and was made by the artist Tim Tate.


  6. The good will be sustained through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart and will not see unprovided death.


  7. Sacred Heart (1994-2007) appears to be a large foil wrapped candy while invoking the Catholic image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


  8. Sacred Heart would be moved to rely on six quiet meditation can be!


  9. When Samantha Antonietti was accepted to Connecticut's Sacred Heart University last spring, her parents sat her down for a talk.


  1. 圣心修道院

    The Convent of the Holy Ghost.

  2. 圣母圣心会

    the CICM Mission.

  3. 圣母圣心圣殿

    Basilica of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

  4. 耶稣圣心圣殿

    Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

  5. 巴黎圣心教堂

    Church of the Sacred Heart

  6. 圣心天主教堂

    Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church.

  7. 及圣心大教堂

    Basilica of the Sacred Heart.

  8. 长洲圣心学校

    Cheung Chau Sacred Heart School

  9. 慕尼黑圣心教堂

    Herz Jesu Kirche in Munich

  10. 圣心大教堂建筑。

    Architecture of Sacre Coeur basilica, Montmartre, Paris.

  11. 圣母无玷圣心学校

    Immaculate Heart Of Mary School

  12. 圣心圣殿主教座堂

    Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart

  13. 圣母无玷圣心幼稚园


  14. 圣心教堂,慕尼黑,德国

    Church of the Sacred Heart, Munich, Germany, 2000

  15. 嘉诺撒圣心商学书院

    Sacred Heart Canossian College of Commerce

  16. 嘉诺撒圣心书院舞蹈组

    Sacred Heart Canossian College Dancing Group

  17. 马夫拉国家宫,耶稣圣心圣殿

    Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mafra National Palace.

  18. 为圣母无玷圣心的胜利祈祷。

    Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  19. 为玛利亚无玷圣心的胜利祈祷。

    Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary over evil.

  20. 反射在地板水渍上的圣心大教堂。

    Sacre Coeur basilica reflected in a puddle, Montmartre, Paris.

  21. 圣心教堂是我们第一天的最后一站。

    Basllique du Sacre Coeur was the last stop in the first day.

  22. 欢迎光临圣母无玷圣心书院第19届学生会网页!

    Welcome to the Immaculate Heart of Mary College 19 th Student Union Website!

  23. 在圣心大教堂上欣赏暮色中的埃菲尔铁塔。

    The Eiffel Tower at sunset from the SacreCoeur Basilica.

  24. 在圣心, 他的种种方法产生了令人鼓舞的结果。

    At Sacre Coeur his ideas brought encouraging results.

  25. 美丽洁白的圣心教堂位于塞纳河右岸山顶上。

    The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill on the Right Bank of the Seine.

  26. 美丽洁白的圣心教堂位于塞纳河右岸的山顶上。

    The beautiful white church Sacre Coeur lies on top of the hill on the Right Bank of the Seine.

  27. 受伤最为严重的许多病人已被转至圣心医院治疗。

    Many of the most severely injured patients had been transported to Sacre Coeur.

  28. 在圣心医院的昏迷病房里刚过午夜美梦就开始了。

    In the coma ward at Sacred Heart hospital, the dreams begin just after midnight.

  29. 这是心灵的交接,你们的心与我们两颗圣心结合在一起。

    It is the joining of hearts; your heart to the union of our two hearts.

  30. 同时,在巴黎圣心大教堂修女们正在练习写左斜体的字。

    Meanwhile, at Sacr ? Coeur, the nuns are practising their backhand.


  1. 问:圣心院拼音怎么拼?圣心院的读音是什么?圣心院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣心院的读音是shèng xīn yuàn,圣心院翻译成英文是 Sungsimwon

  2. 问:圣心女子高中拼音怎么拼?圣心女子高中的读音是什么?圣心女子高中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣心女子高中的读音是shèng xīn nǚzǐ gāozhōng,圣心女子高中翻译成英文是 Sacredheart Girls' High School

  3. 问:圣心厄休拉学园短期大学拼音怎么拼?圣心厄休拉学园短期大学的读音是什么?圣心厄休拉学园短期大学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣心厄休拉学园短期大学的读音是,圣心厄休拉学园短期大学翻译成英文是 Seishi Ursula Gakuen Junior College

  4. 问:圣心圣殿 (巴塞罗那)拼音怎么拼?圣心圣殿 (巴塞罗那)的读音是什么?圣心圣殿 (巴塞罗那)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣心圣殿 (巴塞罗那)的读音是,圣心圣殿 (巴塞罗那)翻译成英文是 Sagrat Cor


