




山脉分歧的地方,亦指道路、河流分歧的地方:~道。~子。大沟小~。转移话题,未按原来的方向行进而偏到一边:打~。走~了。互相让开或调换:把这两个会的时间~开。方言,嗓音失常:~调(diào )。……



汉语拼音:jiāo chà






  1. 交叉。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第二二章:“ 王生茂 和 铁锁 、 王三 两人一块往二丈四尺的杨木檩上,用葛条绑交岔的椽子。”参见“ 交叉 ”。



  1. This tool allows you to calculate the actual trail of a bike, given the wheel size, the fork's offset, and the head tube angle.


  2. To get control of Citicorp, Travelers will fork over shares valued at something like $72 billion.


  3. Numerical Simulation of Shoring on Large Span Intersection and Control of the Wall Rock Deformation


  4. Study of Reinforcement Control Technology and Roof Deformation of Oblique Cross with Large Section


  5. Bolting and Shotcreting with Wire Mesh and Anchor Support Technology Applied to Repair Big Broken-rock Ring Intersection


  6. Large section crossing point timbering technology used in special conditions


  7. Anchor reinforcement technology applied to large cross section crossing


  8. Application of Combined Support Using Shotcrete and Bolting Wire Mesh, Cable Anchors and Spud at Intersection Point with Large Cross-section


  9. Determination of starting point of the sloping wall for the conventional crossover point


  1. 交岔点设计

    cross design.

  2. 矿井交岔点

    cross section.

  3. 巷道交岔点

    roadway intersections.

  4. 交岔点施工

    intersection construction.

  5. 煤巷交岔点

    coal drift junction.

  6. 小夹角交岔点

    small angle crossing.

  7. 大断面交岔点

    large span intersection.

  8. 可变交岔频率制

    variable turn over frequency system

  9. 普通交岔点斜墙起点的确定

    Determination of starting point of the sloping wall for the conventional crossover point

  10. 煤顶条件下交岔点的支护技术

    The Junctions Supporting Technology under the Condition of the Top Surface of Coal Seam

  11. 巷道顺向立体交岔点的设计与施工

    Design and construction of cisoid solid crossed roadway

  12. 三角形组合锚索在大断面交岔点的应用

    Triangle Combination Steel Rope on Crossing of Large Section

  13. 井底车场大跨度交岔点围岩移动研究

    Research on the Surrounding Rock Movement at the Large Span Crossing in Shaft Bottom

  14. 锚注支护技术在交岔点修复中的应用

    Bolt and Grouting Combined Support Technology Applied to Repair of Mine Roadway Crossing Point

  15. 埋深对巷道交岔点围岩稳定性的影响

    The influence of mining depth to country rock stability of roadway intersections

  16. 大断面交岔点顶板变形与加固控制技术研究

    Study of Reinforcement Control Technology and Roof Deformation of Oblique Cross with Large Section

  17. 锚网索支护在大跨度交岔点施工中的应用

    Application of bolting with wire mesh in large span cross point construction

  18. 锚喷巷道中弯巷及交岔点施工技术的创新

    The Innovation of the Construction Technologies of the Curved Alley and the Cross point in the Alley

  19. 大断面交岔点支护及围岩变形控制模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Shoring on Large Span Intersection and Control of the Wall Rock Deformation

  20. 巷道交岔点顶板松动圈及加强支护范围的研究

    Research on Roof Loosed Loop and Support Reinforced Extent in Roadway Cross Point

  21. 软围岩交岔点锚网喷支护的应用及研究

    Application and Research on Support of Bolt, Net and Spraying in Intersection of Soft Surround Rock

  22. 大断面全煤斜面交岔点锚网梁联合支护技术

    Technology of Bolt, Mesh and Beam Combined Support in Large Section Full Coal Oblique Crossing

  23. 大采深集中压力煤柱交岔点锚网索喷支护

    The anchor rope supporting in the branch road of the deep and strong pressure coal column

  24. 大断面交岔点围岩控制及临时支护技术模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation of Surrounding Rock Control and Temporary Supporting Technology for Large Junction

  25. 深部复杂地质条件下矿井交岔点支护关键技术研究

    The Key Technology for the Cross Section Supporting under Complex Geological Condition at Great Depth

  26. 大断面软岩巷道交岔点锚索锚注联合修复加固技术

    Combined Technology of Repairing and Reinforcing the Roadway Junctions of Big Fault and Soft Rock with Cable Anchor and Spuds


  1. 问:交岔频率拼音怎么拼?交岔频率的读音是什么?交岔频率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交岔频率的读音是jiāo chà pín lǜ,交岔频率翻译成英文是 turn over frequency