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对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……
汉语拼音:lián ài
《史记·赵世家》:“ 左师公 曰:‘老臣贱息 舒祺 最少,不肖。而臣衰,窃怜爱之。’” 唐 王昌龄 《箜篌引》:“鬼神不得知其由,怜爱苍生比蚍蜉。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“ 文姬 低头伏气,且是小心。 朱氏 见他如此,甚加怜爱。” 茅盾 《子夜》六:“看着他的虽则苍白然而惹人怜爱的脸孔,于是四小姐的心忽然又抖动。”
《警世通言·庄子休鼓盆成大道》:“ 田氏 一见 楚王孙 人才标緻,就动了怜爱之心。”
But destruction doesn't sit right with God. Like an anguished parent, his anger and passion run into the wall of his compassion.
然而,毁灭并不合神的心意,祂就像悲痛的父母般,激怒被怜爱堵住了。The child only answered by her caresses, and laid her head upon his breast.
这孩子只是用她让人怜爱的样子来回答,把头贴到他的胸上。Forgetting how much time had passed and then we saw a sea that's very clear and blue with the sparkling surface in the sun.
忘了多少时间,我们便看到了一片晶莹的蓝色海洋,湛蓝得让人怜爱。"They were all mummified in salt, " she says fondly, "then washed in vinegar, and put back in their clothes. "
“他们都被用盐制成木乃伊,”她不无怜爱地说,“然后放在醋里洗涤,再穿上衣服。”She bared her bosom and looked at her arms, so flawlessly modeled, and was instinct with an exquisite caress.
她敞开胸怀,又注视着她那完美无缺地塑成的手臂,充满了说不出的怜爱。My love for it, just as it is in the leaves fall season the remnants of a green.
我对它的怜爱,只是因为它是在这万叶飘落的季节里残存的一抹青绿。Picking up some stray offcut, he would begin to smile. Wood, like a warm and living thing, had to be respected and loved.
木头,就像一个温存的活生生的东西,必须得到尊敬和怜爱。when you were 3 , she cooked for you . to repay her , you dropped all the dishes on the floor.
当你3岁的时候,她怜爱地为你做菜,而作为报答,你把一盘她做的菜扔在地上。Lincoln took him in his arms, and an expression of love lit up his sad face.