




1. 混 [hùn]2. 混 [hún]混 [hùn]搀杂在一起:~杂。~和。~同。~淆。~为一谈。乱,胡乱:~乱。~世魔王。蒙,充:蒙~。~充。~进。鱼目~珠。苟且度过:胡~。~事。混 [hún]同“浑”。……



汉语拼音:sī hùn








  1. 相混。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第一折:“新愁近来接着旧愁,廝混了难分新旧。”

  2. 谓亲密无间地相处。


  3. 指嬉戏相闹。

    《红楼梦》第三回:“有个内侄乃衔玉而生,顽劣异常,不喜读书,最喜在内幃廝混。” 张天翼 《新生》:“他的跟那位酒友厮混--现在好像只是一种不得已的义务。”



  1. For the first year, it was great. I knew everyone in town. I spent weekends doing yard work or hanging out with the neighborhood guys.


  2. Mark has always been a bit of a ladies' man; it will be interesting to see if he settles down now that he's got married.


  3. If she wants the money to run around with her exciting friends in the city, she may be forced to live with her boring parents in New Jersey.


  4. if that will be your married look , i , as a christian , will soon give up the notion of consorting with a mere sprite or salamander.


  5. Though he stays with people, he with a superiority complex thinks that others are inferior to him like a crane standing among the cocks.


  6. I wasn't into that stuff, but I didn't have anyone else to hang out with, so I started smoking pot to fit in.


  7. All you need to do, he said, is exercise. Dirty weekends, spent mountain biking or gardening, easily qualify.


  8. and hanging out with a bunch of drunk wall streets who don't even care if she has a name.


  9. He became so familiar with the ladies that they did not even hesitate to quarrel before him.


  1. 在一起厮混

    play about with.

  2. 与坏人厮混

    to hang with the wrong people.

  3. 他在俱乐部里厮混。

    He was hacking around in the club

  4. 喜欢休息日与朋友们厮混

    Liked to mess around with pals on days off.

  5. 那晚你在和谁厮混?

    Who were you knocking boots with that night?

  6. 跟一批坏人厮混在一起

    Get in with a bad crowd

  7. 他经常和一帮流氓厮混。

    He goes round with a bunch of thugs.

  8. 和破坏她财产的恶棍厮混

    Hanging out with the thug who destroyed her property?

  9. 玛丽与吉姆厮混了好几年。

    Mary has been knocking about with Jim for years

  10. 她与各种怪人厮混在一起。

    She consorts with all kinds of strange people.

  11. 你和他们厮混了多长时间?

    How long have you been knocking around with them?

  12. 他和嬉皮士, 毒贩子一起厮混游荡。

    He was drifting, hanging out with hippies and drug dealers.

  13. 多年来莎莉一直在与吉姆厮混。

    Sally's been knocking about with Jim for years.

  14. 他们长期间厮混在一起, 卿卿我我的。

    Theyve been spending a lot of time together, nudge nudge, wink wink.

  15. 他是不是你经常厮混的朋友之一?

    Slang is he one of the posse that you hang out with?

  16. 他和一些不三不四的人厮混在一起。

    He mixes with some pretty low types.

  17. 周末我只爱和朋友厮混在一起。

    At the weekend I like to just hang with my friends.

  18. 盗贼和其他犯罪分子常常厮混在一起。

    Thieves and other criminals often consort together.

  19. 她跟某个小伙子厮混在一起,行为不检。

    She has Been indiscreet with some young fellow.

  20. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混。

    He got in with a bad crowd at university.

  21. 与重罪犯厮混是违反假释规定的。

    Consorting with a known felon is a parole violation.

  22. 他正与一帮青少年歹徒厮混在一起。

    He is running with a gang of youngsters.

  23. 朱莉和戴夫两个还在一起厮混吗?

    Are Julie and Dave still knocking about together

  24. 迈克说我不应该和你厮混在一起。

    Mike said I shouldn't have been messing with you.

  25. 她真的和那帮恐怖分子厮混在一起?

    Was she really mixed up with that terrorist group?

  26. 我大为恼火,她竟然背着我与他厮混。

    I was furious that she should try behind my back to get herself in with him.

  27. 屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混。

    Descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.

  28. 我的儿子成天和白莲教的人厮混在一起。

    My son allied himself with the people of the White lotus.

  29. 如果彪马是一个人,他会和谁厮混呢

    If Puma were a person, who would he hang out with?

  30. 你从什么时候开始和他这么厮混在一起的?

    Since when have you been so thick with him?


  1. 问:厮混拼音怎么拼?厮混的读音是什么?厮混翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厮混的读音是sīhùn,厮混翻译成英文是 to hang out with someone; mix




【拼音】 sī hùn
