


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……


1. 络 [luò]2. 络 [lào]络 [luò]像网子那样的东西:~头。经~。脉~。网~。橘~。用网状物兜住,笼罩:笼~。缠绕:~纱。~丝。~线。相连续,前后相接:~穴(针灸穴位分类名)。~续。~绎。联~。络 [lào]义同(一),用……



汉语拼音:jīng luò







  1. 亦作“ 经落 ”。中医学名词。经脉和络脉。是人体中内属脏腑、外络肢节、运行气血、联系全身的通路。经脉为纵行干线,络脉为横行分支。包括十二经脉、奇经八脉、十二经别、十五络脉、孙络、十二经筋及十二皮部等。

    《素问·三部九候论》:“血病身有痛者治经络。”《汉书·艺文志》:“医经者,原人血脉经落骨髓阴阳表里,以起百病之本,死生之分。”《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》“中经维络,别下於三焦、膀胱” 唐 张守节 正义:“言经络下于三焦及膀胱也。” 明 宋濂 《医家十四经发挥序》:“学医道者,不可不明乎经络。”

  2. 比喻纵横。

    宋 叶适 《烟霏楼记》:“碎坡丛岫,靡迆连接,浅泉细石,经络田畔。”

  3. 方言。诀窍;花样。

    《何典》第二回:“ 形容鬼 也不懂打官司经络,茫茫无定见的。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·安贫乐道法》:“劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络,开过的方子也很多,但都没有十全大补的功效。”



  1. The meridian concept of eyes can be extend to the clinical application rules through diagnosis, acupuncture, medicine and formula.


  2. The Sea of Tranquility (CV 17) on the center of your breastbone is an excellent point for balancing these meridians.


  3. Channels: The longitudinal pathways, like the trunk of trees, are called Jing (Channels).


  4. Before and after rolling several times, to help us get through the whole body meridians, gas transported patency .


  5. And every now and then traditional Chinese massage is combined with acupuncture to let Qi flow through your channels more smoothly.


  6. We assume that the system of main and collateral channels may be the universe's "positioning management" network of human beings.


  7. To human body, essence of the meridian system like a piping system in which abstract material cycle.


  8. Status pane now shows transit time for current object when a German Equatorial mount is in use; this helps with planning meridian flips.


  9. People look bad for various reasons, there with means of TCM etiology, can find out what caused the meridian impassability.


  1. 经络腧穴学

    Theory of Channels and Collaterals.

  2. 经络腧穴探测仪

    channel and acupoint detector

  3. 风中经络证

    Syndrome of channel hit by wind

  4. 经络经穴探测仪

    detector of channel and acupuncture point

  5. 经络腧穴按诊

    palpation of channels and points.

  6. 经络感传现象

    meridian transmission.

  7. 经络经穴玻璃人

    glass figure for meridians and acupoints

  8. 经络经穴测定仪

    detector for meridians, collaterals and acupoints

  9. 锻炼经络延年寿

    Take exercise

  10. 目的探讨经络实质。

    Purpose To approach meridian essence.

  11. 经络营卫气伤

    nutrient QI and defensive QI in meridian being impaired.

  12. 如此按摩, 舒展经络。

    Massaging in this way, you can relax your channels and collaterals.

  13. 如此按摩,舒展经络。

    Massaging in this way, you can relax your channels and collaterals.

  14. 重点讲解经络的概念。

    To emphasize the concept of meridians and collaterals.

  15. 疏通经络,促进血液循环。

    Dredge meridian, and promote blood circulation.

  16. 它和经络有联系吗?

    Does it connect the channels and collaterals?

  17. 经络冲脉奥秘之端倪

    Inkling of the mysteries of the Chong Vessel

  18. 古典经络理论本义辨析

    Differentiation and analysis of original meaning of classical channel theories

  19. 现代科学对经络的揭示

    Modern Science Brings the Jingluo to Light

  20. 治病必明脏腑经络

    Theory of viscera and channels and collaterals should come along with the treatment

  21. 经络学说与中医望诊

    The Relationship between the Theory of Meridian and Inspection Diagnosis of TCM

  22. 试论经络的阴阳相贯

    On yin and yang meridians linking each other

  23. 中枢神经与经络的相互作用

    The reciprocity between nerve center and meridian.

  24. 经络有舶来得成分吗?

    Are there imported components for channels and collaterals?

  25. 经络有舶来的成分吗?

    Are there imported components for channels and collaterals?

  26. 掌握经络学说的临床运用。

    Masterthe clinical application of the theory of meridians and collaterals.

  27. 经络腧穴的组织液旋理论

    The Theory of the Tissue Fluid Spin of Acupoints

  28. 标准针灸, 推拿经络穴位挂图

    The Wall Map of Standard Meridians and Points of Acupuncture and Tuina

  29. 经络触诊在按摩中的作用

    The role of meridian palpation in Massage treatment

  30. 五是能循行十二经络。

    Fifth is able to follow the meridian line 12.


  1. 问:经络拼音怎么拼?经络的读音是什么?经络翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经络的读音是jīngluò,经络翻译成英文是 Refers to blood vessels and collaterals in trad...

  2. 问:经络系统拼音怎么拼?经络系统的读音是什么?经络系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经络系统的读音是jìng luò xì tǒng,经络系统翻译成英文是 channel system



中医上说,经络是运行气血、联系脏腑和体表及全身各部的通道,是人体功能的调控系统。经络学也是人体针灸和按摩的基础,是中医学的重要组成部分。 经络学说是祖国医学基础理论的核心之一,源于远古,服务当今。在两千多年的医学长河中,一直为保障中华民族的健康发挥着重要的作用。