







汉语拼音:qià rú








  1. 正如,正似。

    唐 韩愈 《盆池》诗之一:“一夜青蛙鸣到晓,恰如 方口 钓鱼时。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“太子自觉有力,弄大斧恰如无物相似。” 冰心 《斯人独憔悴》:“一个黄昏,一片极目无际绒绒的青草,映着半天的晚霞,恰如一幅图画。”



  1. Throughout our eighteen years of growing up we would gradually be able to master our own emotions just as we have mastered walking or math.


  2. She presented her part with some felicity, though nothing like the intensity which had aroused the feeling at the end of the long first act.


  3. In one of the books, it had a chapter on what was named, "You have to start to like yourself"


  4. The five days I spent in Austria were a bit like the country: pleasant and largely uneventful.


  5. It was, as Bill afterwards expressed it, "during a moment of temporary mental apparition" , but we didn't find that out till later.


  6. None of this means that the threat of cybercrime can be written off as pure invention, or that people should turn off their spam filters.


  7. the encouragement and restraint system of enterprises , just like the both wings of a bird , neither of them could be overlooked.


  8. Begin with a summer day, and say goodbye at another. The memories you left me always remain in summer, just like this little woods.


  9. There is no soil where this notion cannot take root, just as every democracy reflects the uniqueness of a nation.


  1. 晚霞恰如一幅图画。

    The sunset glow is just like a picture.

  2. 这恰如我今天的努力。

    So it will be with my efforts of today.

  3. 恰如从琴弦中迸发出的声响,

    They spoke as chords do from the string

  4. 恰如埃及珍珠在玫瑰酒里匿迹。

    As Egypt's pearl dissolved in rosy wine.

  5. 你对我的爱恰如河水滔滔。

    Your river runs with love for me.

  6. 聚会的枯燥无味恰如埃莉诺预料的。

    The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as Elinor had expected.

  7. 聚会得枯燥无味恰如埃莉诺预料得。

    The insipidity of the meeting was exactly such as Elinor had expected.

  8. 离恨恰如春草, 更行更远还生。

    Lihen Just as Spring Grass, more lines farther still life.

  9. 物事恰如长江水,后浪永推前浪。

    Therein, just as the Yangtze River water, the waves never pushed before.

  10. 全是理智的心,恰如一柄全是锋刃的刀。

    A mind all logic is like a knife all blade.

  11. 这是一封恰如其份得悔过信!

    This is a letter of proper submission.

  12. 这是一封恰如其份的悔过信!

    This is a letter of proper submission.

  13. 恰如超级表演后, 观众的喝彩和鼓掌声。

    Just like the applause duly for a show super great.

  14. 这是这个小镇的名字,而这个小镇也恰如这个名字。

    Stein am Rhein. This is the name of the small village and the village just like the name is.

  15. 全然理智的头脑, 恰如一柄遍身锋刃的刀。

    A mind all logic is like a knife all blade.

  16. 恰如远山的白雪,包裹着一颗炽热的心。

    Pure as yon snows above, a fiery heart below.

  17. 今年,美元的终结恰如其开局就是每况愈下。

    THE dollar ended the year as it began heading downhill.

  18. 国际货币基金组织需要危机, 恰如医生需要疾病一样。

    The Fund needs crises, just as doctors need illnesses.

  19. 人的学习方式恰如彩虹的色彩一样各不相同。

    People's ways of learning are as different as the colours of the rainbow.

  20. 世界经济就恰如半身悬于峭壁外的火车。

    The global economy is like a train hanging over a cliff.

  21. 大厅恰如运河, 在新旧交界之处横穿而过。

    The halls are like canals, intersecting here atunion of the old and the new.

  22. 肥皂之于人的身体,恰如眼泪之于灵魂。犹太谚语

    What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul. Jewish Proverb.

  23. 您把最好的给了他恰如当初他为你做的一样。

    You have been providing him the best possible just like what he did for you in the olden days.

  24. 他的发言恰如其分地进行了鼓励和赞扬。

    His speech struck just the right note of encouragement and praise.

  25. 这并非因为我们不愿恰如其分地加以赞赏。

    It is not that we do not admire them as they deserve.

  26. 连衣裙恰如带刺的篱笆,护着房屋,但不碍观瞻。

    A dress is like a barbed fense. It protects the premises without restricting the view.

  27. 连衣裙恰如带刺得篱笆,护着房屋,但不碍观瞻。

    A dress is like a barbed fense. It protects the premises without restricting the view.

  28. 这恰如家中失火, 谁也不会把消防队拒之门外得。

    This just theon fire the home, who also won't fire department close the door on.

  29. 这恰如家中失火,谁也不会把消防队拒之门外的。

    This just theon fire the home, who also won't fire department close the door on.

  30. 貌美而无见识的女人,恰如猪鼻子戴着金环。

    Beauty in a woman without judgment is like a gold ring in a pigs snout.


  1. 问:恰如拼音怎么拼?恰如的读音是什么?恰如翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恰如的读音是qiàrú,恰如翻译成英文是 just like; just as if

  2. 问:恰如其分拼音怎么拼?恰如其分的读音是什么?恰如其分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恰如其分的读音是qiàrúqífèn,恰如其分翻译成英文是 appropriate

  3. 问:恰如其份拼音怎么拼?恰如其份的读音是什么?恰如其份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恰如其份的读音是,恰如其份翻译成英文是 appropriate

  4. 问:恰如其分的规范拼音怎么拼?恰如其分的规范的读音是什么?恰如其分的规范翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恰如其分的规范的读音是qiàrúqífènde guīfàn,恰如其分的规范翻译成英文是 intermediate norm




拼音:qìa rú 基本解释 1. [just like]∶正像,正如 原材料恰如草,文章恰如挤出的奶 2. [just as if]∶正似乎 那婴儿笑着恰如知道母亲说什么 详细解释 正如,正似。 唐 韩愈 《盆池》诗之一:“一夜青蛙鸣到晓,恰如 方口 钓鱼时。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“太子自觉有力,弄大斧恰如无物相似。” 冰心 《斯人独憔悴》:“一个黄昏,一片极目无际绒绒的青草,映着半天的晚霞,恰如一幅图画。”