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汉语拼音:kē jǔ
晋 杜预 《上黜陟课法略》:“今科举优劣,莫若委任达官,各考所统……其六岁处优举者,超用之,六岁处劣举者,奏免之。”
隋 唐 以来封建王朝分科目考试选拔文武官吏后备人员的制度。亦指这种考试。
《宋史·选举志二》:“自 神宗 朝 程顥 、 程颐 以道学倡于 洛 ,四方师之,中兴盛于东南,科举之文稍用 颐 説。”《古今小说·木绵庵郑虎臣报冤》:“ 似道 密访其人不得,知是秀才辈所为,乘 理宗皇帝 晏驾,奏停是年科举。”《儒林外史》第六回:“又过了三四日, 严大老官 也从省里科举了回来。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二:“那时还行着科举,出身寒素,不多时便飞黄腾达的,城里就有好几个。”
According to Thomson this man was a sixth-grade mandarin official and a man of letters who possessed two degrees in imperial examinations.
据汤姆逊所说,照片中的男人,是一位六品官,在科举考试中曾取得过举人头衔。social stratification, so, it had positive role in accelerating reasonablely social mobility, and constructing social equality system .
但是,科举制度打破了旧有的社会分层,在促进合理的社会流动,在构建社会平等体系方面具有积极的意义。As a Jinshi in the imperial examination system, his interpretation of A Dream of Red Mansions has not been surpassed in some aspects.
作为科举制度下的一名进士,李彦彬对《红楼梦》的理解尚有未被今人超越的地方。Poems was appointed to be one of the exam items of imperial examinations by Tang, Song, Liao, Jin and Qing Dynasties.
在中国科举史上,唐、宋、辽、金与清代都曾以五言诗作为考试项目之一。Sui and Tang dynasties imperial civil service examination system certain measures may also be traced to what the "BAOPZI" elaborated.
隋唐科举制的某些措施还可以追溯到《艳朴子》有关的论述。As the main carrier of the imperial examination, Chinese character culture deeply affected the imperial examination.
科举考试以汉字为主要载体,深受汉字文化影响。Imperial Civil Examination can be considered as a literature examination based on its examinations contents and styles.
从考试内容和文体来看,科举具有文学考试性质。The propaganda of western missionaries accelerated the liberation of sense of Chinese people and promoted the process of examination reform.
传教士的宣传活动,促进了国人思想观念的解放,推动了科举改革的进程。They are with the formation of the Tang Dynasty Imperial Examination system established with the characteristics of a ruling group.