







汉语拼音:qīng lài








  1. 谓对人喜爱或重视。

    宋 王明清 《春娘传》:“居二年,会新守至,守与司理有旧,司户又蒙青睞。” 清 黄景仁 《喜郑诚斋先生归新安之信》诗:“几多青睞独垂怜,无那操铅癖未捐。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·论秦理斋夫人事》:“我想,这是因为人数多,单独的自杀,盖已不足以招大家的青睐了。”参见“ 青白眼 ”。



  1. Ski sport tourism is an important part of sports tourism. As a huge industry, it is popular among the general public of all ages.

  2. Like Yahoo News, HuffPo is trying to win web users with a mix of high-value and community-created content.

  3. The reliable quality, perfect quality and elegant modelling waiting for your favour, company staff expecting to cooperate with you.

  4. m not the only one who's trying to impress Holly Hills, either. I think just about every boy in my class has crush on her.

  5. That said, the reaction of the politicians also reflects a secret shame at the depths to which they once stooped to gain favours.

  6. their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords.

  7. It would be easy to dismiss BYD as a darling stock that got ahead of itself.

  8. The Indian Prime Minister is said to be in favor of trying to build bridges with Pakistan.

  9. Inspiring pool and a keeper as I will open it up again to let people play if they feel up to it after I announced the winners.


  1. 深得用户青睐

    win high admiration.

  2. 受到某人的青睐

    to find favour with somebody

  3. 英语也很受青睐。

    English is another popular area of study.

  4. 猫更青睐这个版本

    The cat likes this version better.

  5. 我更青睐这家餐馆。

    I prefer this restaurant.

  6. 但是我会青睐于你。

    But I wiII give you speciai attention in the harem.

  7. 她们深得女士们的青睐。

    They are very popular among ladies.

  8. 胆怯得不到美女的青睐。

    Faint heart never win fair lady.

  9. 外向的性格赢得很多青睐。

    Your outgoing nature will win hearts.

  10. 深得广大用户得信赖和青睐!

    Won the broad masses of the user's trust and favor!

  11. 损益两卦何以深受古人青睐?

    Why Were Sun and Yi So Much Favored in the Antiquity?

  12. 我们唯一受顾客青睐的产品。

    The one thing we made that people actually wanted to buy.

  13. 受艺术家青睐的深紫色花

    the deep purple flowers so beloved by artists

  14. 难道你就没一点假装的青睐?

    Will you find no feigned let?

  15. 难道你就没一点假装得青睐?

    Will you find no feigned let ?

  16. 股票是最受青睐得资产类别。

    Equities were the asset class of choice.

  17. 股票是最受青睐的资产类别。

    Equities were the asset class of choice.

  18. 深得广大用户的信赖和青睐!

    Won the broad masses of the user's trust and favor!

  19. 汽车碰撞试验缘何备受厂商青睐

    Why Auto Collided Experiment be Favored for Chinese Manufacturer

  20. 机会总是青睐时刻准备着的人。

    God gives the cow, but not by the horn.

  21. 媒体格外青睐英式橄榄球联盟。

    The media have a mania about rugby union.

  22. 机遇只青睐那些有准备的人。

    Opportunity dances with those who are ready on the dance floor.

  23. 产品用户的青睐在国内和国外。

    Products favored by users at home and abroad.

  24. 他受到她的青睐实非所愿。

    He became the unwilling object of her attention.

  25. 在农产品中,巴克莱资本青睐玉米。

    In the agricultural sector BarCap favours corn.

  26. 她周围尽是竞相博得她青睐的男子。

    She was surrounded by men all vying for her attention.

  27. 哦, 是的, 科幻小说也很受青睐。

    Oh, yes, science fiction is also largely read.

  28. 海岸烧牡蛎体验角也是倍受青睐。

    The Experience the Broiled Oyster Corner is especially recommended.

  29. 煮包谷在这里受到特别的青睐。

    Corn boiled in water is especially popular here.

  30. 熟练得技工在这个城里很受青睐。

    Skilled at a premium in this town.


  1. 问:青睐拼音怎么拼?青睐的读音是什么?青睐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:青睐的读音是qīnglài,青睐翻译成英文是 favour; to think highly of



“青睐”是个多义词,它可以指青睐(吴爽专辑歌曲), 青睐(汉语词语), 青睐(周笔畅专辑歌曲)。