




1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:gòu dé






  1. 悬赏求得。

    《陈书·沉炯传》:“及 子仙 为 王僧辩 所败, 僧辩 素闻其名,於军中购得之,酬所获者铁钱十万,自是羽檄军书皆出於 炯 。”《金史·完颜匡传》:“初, 僕散揆 初至 汴 ,既定 河南 诸盗,乃购得 韩侂胄 族人 元靚 ,使行间於 宋 。”《续资治通鉴·宋太祖建隆元年》:“帝购得 翟守珣 ,补殿直,俄迁供奉官。”

  2. 获取。

    蔡东藩 《两晋通俗演义》第七六回:“乃砥礪自修,崇尚儒,工谈论,善属文,曲事乃父左右,购得美名。”

  3. 买到。

    宋 米芾 《书史》:“ 晋 贤十四帖,检校太师 李瑋 於侍中 王貽永 家购得第一帖。” 明 李贽 《宋研》:“近於 扬州 购得吾乡 郑渔仲 先生研,底鐫‘夹漈草堂’四字。” 孙犁 《秀露集·耕堂读书记(二)》:“托 张翔 同志购得此书。”



  1. In a few years' time their purchase may be worth ten times what they paid for it; conversely, they may not be able to sell it at all.


  2. Those assets might have to be acquired beforehand by Alibaba and Yahoo Japan, and would make up a big part of the new Yahoo's value.


  3. The diffraction gratings purchased from the catalogue were limited to 16 beams and did not allow the beams to be manipulated independently.


  4. But in October, the British collector Charles Saatchi bought another of Mr. Zhang's pieces at Christie's in London for $1. 5 million.


  5. The museum website said it had been acquired from the Niagara Falls museum.


  6. The right to safety - To be protected against products, production processes and services that are hazardous to health or life.


  7. A large number of our graduates are able to procure employment even before finishing their training .


  8. A second, and far more dire concern relates to potential buyers of the HP business, particularly if Samsung were to acquire it.


  9. Not really. Considering the fact that other people were willing to pay as much 200 dollars each as the blackmarket.


  1. 他也可以购得电冰箱。

    And he could buy refrigeration.

  2. 从某人处购得某物

    purchase sth. from sb.

  3. 他最近购得一匹赛马。

    His latest acquisition is a racehorse.

  4. 汽油可以用合理的价钱购得。

    Gasoline can be obtained on a reasonable charge.

  5. 她廉价购得一块零头丝布。

    She bought a remnant of silk at a bargain.

  6. 画廊购得一副凡高的原作。

    The gallery acquiredan original painting by Van Gogh.

  7. 目前有什么我可以代您订购得?

    Is there anything I can book for you now?

  8. 买主在拍卖会中购得这枚邮票。

    The purchaser purchased this stamp at an auction.

  9. 我们从杂货店里购得各种各样的东西。

    From a grocer we buy the various things.

  10. 她在街头小店购得一盒巧克力。

    She bought a box of chocolates at the corner store.

  11. 购得的股票全都赔了, 他很着急。

    He is very worried after having lost all the money he spent buying stocks.

  12. 有些人已经决定赌乐购得成功了。

    Some people have already decided to bet on Tesco's success.

  13. 购得得股票全都赔了,他很着急。

    He is very worried after having lost all the money he spent buying stocks.

  14. 购得的股票全都赔了,他很着急。

    He is very worried after having lost all the money he spent buying stocks.

  15. 送货车已把定购得杂货送来了。

    A delivery van has brought the grocery order.

  16. 要是支付现金,你可以600英镑购得此车。

    If it s cash on the nail you can have the car for 600 pounds.

  17. 这处地产将以终身保有得形式购得。

    The property will be freehold.

  18. 这处地产将以终身保有的形式购得。

    The property will be freehold.

  19. 我们收到得货物与我们定购得样品不符合。

    The goods we have received do not tally with the sample on which we ordered.

  20. 大部分的股份是从经纪人手中购得的。

    Most of those shares were purchased from brokers.

  21. 折扣太小, 自然就失去了团购得意义。

    The discount is too small, has lost naturally the significance which the group buys.

  22. 以最高应价购得拍卖标的竞买人。

    A person who buys something, especially something expensive.

  23. 他购得更多的土地而使他的财产十全十美。

    He rounded off his property by purchase of the additional land.

  24. 大批的毕业生能购得还没毕业就业培训。

    A large number of our graduates are able to procure employment even before finishing their training.

  25. 该药物可以在药房,诊所和计划生育单位购得。

    Its available at drugstores, as well as health clinics and Planned Parenthood.

  26. 真正实现一个人购买, 享受一千人团购得价格。

    Truly a person to buy and enjoy a thousand people buy price.

  27. 我们定购得这批鲜花, 你们打算给多少折扣?

    How much discount do you intend to give us for this order of flowers ?

  28. 能否购得钢板?若可能, 约何时发货, 价格如何

    Steel plate purchasable if so purchase price and delivery time expect

  29. 她迫不及待地把购得的宝贝带回家试穿。

    She couldn't wait to get her booty home and try it on.

  30. 在1993年通过苏士比拍卖行,由佩洛特基金购得。

    It was bought at Sothebys by the Perot Foundation in1993.


  1. 问:购得拼音怎么拼?购得的读音是什么?购得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购得的读音是gòudé,购得翻译成英文是 To buy.

  2. 问:购得人拼音怎么拼?购得人的读音是什么?购得人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购得人的读音是gòu dé rén,购得人翻译成英文是 purchaser



gòudé [purchase]花钱或等价品而获得的某物 得意地显示她所购得的东西