







汉语拼音:kàng zhàn








  1. 抗击外国侵略的战争。在 中国 ,特指从1937年到1945年的反抗 日本 帝国主义侵略的民族革命战争。

    闻一多 《可怕的冷静》:“民族必需生存,抗战必需胜利。” 朱德 《和董必武同志》:“抗战连年秋復秋,今秋且喜稻如油。”

  2. 抗击,战斗。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·七论“文人相轻”--两伤》:“至于文人,则不但要以热烈的憎,向‘异己’者进攻,还得以热烈的憎,向‘死的说教者’抗战。”



  1. From the later stage of the Anti-Japanese War, the work of developing the Yangtze Gorges which had been suspended for a long time restarted.


  2. All this adds up to the final victory in the War of Resistance.


  3. After the war against Japan, he made an arduous journey back to China and created an educational system in mechanical science in hardships.


  4. To give objective, complete and accurate statistics of Chins damages in the war is an obligation of every historical worker.


  5. The corporation's chairman Lee Kun-yao has long predicted such a move by U. S. courts and said he is fully prepared for a long legal battle.


  6. When the war broke out in many provinces of mainland revealed the moment, shandong farmer rebellion, but with small Japan a good fight.


  7. Go through eight years of the war of resistance, multiple indexes of secondary vocational education of Sichuan rose in the whole country.


  8. In the AntiJapanese War, the antique market in Xi'an continued to be rather prosperous for Xi'an was located in the rear of the war.


  9. Looking back on eight years of struggle, Border Region officials were able to congratulate themselves on the following accomplishments.


  1. 抗战纪念章

    War of Resistance Memorial Medal.

  2. 抗战相持阶段

    The War Rally stage

  3. 论抗战漫画

    On the Caricature of the Resistance War.

  4. 抗战漫画运动研究

    The Research on the Caricature Movement during the War of Resistance against Japan

  5. 妥协还是抗战腐败还是进步


  6. 东江纵队与香港抗战

    Dongjiang Team and defense war of Hong Kong

  7. 法国抗战文学与集中营文学

    French Resistance Literature and Concentration Camp Literature

  8. 抗战工作实在太多了。

    There is too much national salvation work to be done.

  9. 三,人民喉舌,抗战号角。

    The voice of the people, the clarion of the war.

  10. 抗战时期军队的整风运动

    Rectification Movement of Army During the War of Resistance Against Aggression

  11. 杂牌军在抗战中的表现评估

    An Evaluation of the Performance of the Army Knocked Together During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  12. 抗战时期的全国寒衣总会

    The National Union of Winter Clothes in the Period of the War Resistance Against Japan

  13. 抗战时期革命根据地公债述论

    A Narration of the Bonds of Base Area in the Resistance War

  14. 抗战初期国民党正面战场刍议

    On Frontal Battlefield of Guomingdang at the Initial Stage of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

  15. 动员全国陆海空军,实行全国抗战。

    Mobilize all land, sea and air forces for a nationwide war of resistance.

  16. 抗战局面得转机, 实系于此。

    On this hinges the favourable turn in the War of Resistance.

  17. 抗战局面的转机,实系于此。

    On this hinges the favourable turn in the War of Resistance.

  18. 抗战时期的国民精神总动员运动

    On the General Mobilization of National Spirit in the Resistance War

  19. 在抗战时期, 他的学校经常断粮。

    There were times during the war when his entire school had no rice to eat.

  20. 抗战胜利后于1946年迁回北平。

    In1946, after the victory of the war, Peking University returned to beiping.

  21. 论西北军旧部抗战的历史特点

    A discussion on the historical characteristics of the old unit of northwest army during the war Against Japan

  22. 抗战领导权归属于国民党及其政府。

    The attribution of the antiJapan leading power belongs to KMT and its government.

  23. 抗战前国民党政府的农村合作运动

    The Agricultural Cooperative Movement Policy of the Nationalist Government of Nanjing before

  24. 这一切使抗战取得了最后的胜利。

    All this adds up to the final victory in the war of resistance.

  25. 论抗战时期国民政府的盐税政策

    On the Policy of salt Tax of National Government in the Resistance War

  26. 东北抗日联军艰苦抗战述评

    Notes on Indomitable War against Japanese Invaders by Northeast United Army

  27. 第二个方向, 结束抗战, 代以投降。

    The second is the ending of armed resistance and its replacement by capitulation.

  28. 民主革命时期的抗战周年纪念论略

    The Anniversary of the Outbreak out of the War of Resistance Against Japan in the Period of Democratic Revolution

  29. 要胜利,就要坚持抗战,坚持统一战线,坚持持久战。

    To win victory, we must persevere in the War of Resistance, in the united front and in the protracted war.

  30. 海内外各界对新四军抗战的经济支援

    The Economic Support to the New Fourth Army by People from all Walks of Life at Both Home and Abroad.


  1. 问:抗战拼音怎么拼?抗战的读音是什么?抗战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抗战的读音是kàngzhàn,抗战翻译成英文是 wars against aggression; second Sino-Japanes...



“抗战”是个多义词,它可以指抗战(网络游戏), 抗战(桌面游戏), 抗战(中央文献出版社出版画册), 抗战(央视剧场纪录片)。