




1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……



汉语拼音:nián jié






  1. 谓黏合连结的作用。

    萧红 《桥·过夜》:“在我敲打姨母家的门的时候,手套几乎是结了冰,在门扇上起着小小的黏结。”



  1. Adhesive compound was not used to attach the glass pieces to avoid errors due to non-uniform compound thickness.


  2. The utility model can be applied to compound damping steel plate manufacturing applied polymer resin as damping and adhering layer.


  3. The results showed that ink particles of laser-printed paper were hard to be detached, which tended to cause fiber entrainment .


  4. Milling back, slot is to determine the binding of books and periodicals can be an important step in the bonding bridgeis.


  5. Therefore, the direct bonding between the orthodontic bracket and resin composite becomes a universal focus in orthodontic clinicians.


  6. And I'm really pleased to report to you today that the first synthetic self- cleaning, dry adhesive has been made .


  7. First hot cut into is when the backs of adhesive is not completely dry, heating up the pressure on the back to bond.


  8. aircraft industry . synthetic cloths for the fabric of airplane structures . peeling strength of the bonding of taping fabric.


  9. Over the years, the market wide PUB (polyurethane) thermal Sol, which has 25 years of history, bond is very strong.


  1. 黏结磁性材料

    Bonded Magnetic Materials

  2. 银汞合金黏结修复术

    amalgam bonding

  3. 银汞合金黏结充填的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on Fissure Sealant Used as Silver Amalgam Felted Reagent

  4. 内聚强度过小则无法黏结牢固。

    cohesive strength is too small bridgeis cannot be bonded.

  5. 多次洗涤之后,这种织物出现黏结现象。

    The fabric felted up after several washes.

  6. 浅谈制样过程对烟煤黏结指数的影响

    Discussion on How the Process of Sample Preparation Impacts the Caking Index of Bituminous Coal.

  7. 后张法无黏结预应力砼梁的设计与施工

    Design and Construction for Empress Pieces Method has no to Glue the Knot Prepares should Dint Concrete Beam

  8. 硅酮密封胶对阳极氧化铝得黏结质量千差万别。

    The quality of silicone sealant adhesion to anodized aluminum varies widely.

  9. 硅酮密封胶对阳极氧化铝的黏结质量千差万别。

    The quality of silicone sealant adhesion to anodized aluminum varies widely.

  10. 选用的油墨不匹配, 无法在塑料薄膜上黏结与附着。

    II does not match the selection of ink in the plastic film on bonding and attachment.

  11. 选用得油墨不匹配,无法在塑料薄膜上黏结与附着。

    II does not match the selection of ink in the plastic film on bonding and attachment.

  12. 高温下无黏结预应力混凝土中钢绞线预应力的损失

    Prestressing loss of steel cable in unbonded prestressed RC at high temperature

  13. 饱和土中端承桩非完全黏结下的竖向振动特性

    Vertical vibration of piles embedded in saturated soil considering the imperfect contact

  14. 钢管桩与沉箱连接处混凝土配制及黏结强度试验研究

    Experimental study on preparation and bond strength of concrete of intersection between steel pipe pile and caisson

  15. 如果放在太阳下暴晒,磁带很容易翘曲或在磁带盒里黏结。

    Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.

  16. 四种黏结方法在离体氟斑牙上正畸托槽黏结强度实验研究

    The experimental investigation of shear bond strength for four kinds of methods on orthodontic bonding on mottled enamel


  1. 问:黏结剂拼音怎么拼?黏结剂的读音是什么?黏结剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结剂的读音是nián jié jì,黏结剂翻译成英文是 agglomerant

  2. 问:黏结性拼音怎么拼?黏结性的读音是什么?黏结性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结性的读音是nián jié xìng,黏结性翻译成英文是 cohesive property

  3. 问:黏结的拼音怎么拼?黏结的的读音是什么?黏结的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结的的读音是nián jié de,黏结的翻译成英文是 agglutinative, agglomerated

  4. 问:黏结压力拼音怎么拼?黏结压力的读音是什么?黏结压力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结压力的读音是nián jié yā lì,黏结压力翻译成英文是 cohesive pressure

  5. 问:黏结处理拼音怎么拼?黏结处理的读音是什么?黏结处理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结处理的读音是nián jié chǔ lǐ,黏结处理翻译成英文是 bonding treatment

  6. 问:黏结常数拼音怎么拼?黏结常数的读音是什么?黏结常数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结常数的读音是nián jié cháng shù,黏结常数翻译成英文是 adhesion constant

  7. 问:黏结应力拼音怎么拼?黏结应力的读音是什么?黏结应力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结应力的读音是nián jié yìng lì,黏结应力翻译成英文是 bond stress

  8. 问:黏结强度拼音怎么拼?黏结强度的读音是什么?黏结强度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结强度的读音是nián jié qiáng dù,黏结强度翻译成英文是 adhesive strength

  9. 问:黏结滑移拼音怎么拼?黏结滑移的读音是什么?黏结滑移翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结滑移的读音是nián jié huá yí,黏结滑移翻译成英文是 bond slip

  10. 问:黏结破坏拼音怎么拼?黏结破坏的读音是什么?黏结破坏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结破坏的读音是nián jié pò huài,黏结破坏翻译成英文是 adhesive failure

  11. 问:黏结薄膜拼音怎么拼?黏结薄膜的读音是什么?黏结薄膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结薄膜的读音是nián jié bó mó,黏结薄膜翻译成英文是 bonded diaphragm

  12. 问:黏结蛋白拼音怎么拼?黏结蛋白的读音是什么?黏结蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结蛋白的读音是nián jié dàn bái,黏结蛋白翻译成英文是 cohesin

  13. 问:黏结裂缝拼音怎么拼?黏结裂缝的读音是什么?黏结裂缝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结裂缝的读音是nián jié liè fèng,黏结裂缝翻译成英文是 bond crack

  14. 问:黏结试验拼音怎么拼?黏结试验的读音是什么?黏结试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结试验的读音是nián jié shì yàn,黏结试验翻译成英文是 bonding tests

  15. 问:黏结退化拼音怎么拼?黏结退化的读音是什么?黏结退化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结退化的读音是nián jié tuì huà,黏结退化翻译成英文是 bond degeneration

  16. 问:黏结长度拼音怎么拼?黏结长度的读音是什么?黏结长度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结长度的读音是nián jié cháng dù,黏结长度翻译成英文是 grip length

  17. 问:黏结密封圈拼音怎么拼?黏结密封圈的读音是什么?黏结密封圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结密封圈的读音是nián jié mì fēng quān,黏结密封圈翻译成英文是 bonded seal

  18. 问:黏结式锚具拼音怎么拼?黏结式锚具的读音是什么?黏结式锚具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结式锚具的读音是nián jié shì máo jù,黏结式锚具翻译成英文是 bonded anchorage

  19. 问:黏结性土壤拼音怎么拼?黏结性土壤的读音是什么?黏结性土壤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结性土壤的读音是niánjiéxìngtǔrǎng,黏结性土壤翻译成英文是 coherent soil

  20. 问:黏结沥青煤拼音怎么拼?黏结沥青煤的读音是什么?黏结沥青煤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:黏结沥青煤的读音是nián jié lì qīng méi,黏结沥青煤翻译成英文是 byerite



词目:黏结 拼音:nián jíe 注音:ㄋㄧㄢˊ ㄐㄧㄝ ˊ 解释:谓黏合连结的作用。

例句: 萧红 《桥·过夜》:“在我敲打姨母家的门的时候,手套几乎是结了冰,在门扇上起着小小的黏结。”