




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:xīn fēng







  1. 新风气;新风尚。

    《北史·张彝传》:“ 彝 敷政 陇 右,多所制立,宣布新风,革其旧俗,人庶爱仰之。”《人民日报》1969.9.22:“革命新风满渔村。”《花城》1981年第3期:“ 南京路 上,新风如熏,每一刻都给各地来的同志送上亲切的抚慰。”



  1. The energy consumption of FCU + OA system is about 50% of that of all-air system for the same cooling supply in design.

  2. Wind's new first-class talent and world-class technology companies is to respect knowledge, respect talent is all about.

  3. Presents emphatically the design of the building envelopes, refrigeration system, fresh air dehumidification system and snowmaking system.

  4. Ventilation air is directed mainly to living rooms during the day and bedrooms at night, to minimize the system's electricity consumption.

  5. The company in May 1998 for property ownership reform, the creation of a new wind Co. , Ltd. in Shandong.

  6. Wind fan of the new brand has become the only multinational air-conditioning fan and am against the national brands.

  7. However introducing unheated winter fresh air via window trickle vents would require the reinstatement of a heating system in each room.

  8. So maybe the next new formation or style of football will be brought about by a great player who a coach creates a particular role for them.

  9. The energy consumption of new air accounts for a large proportion in the energy consumption of air-conditioner air exhaust system.


  1. 全新风机组

    complete fresh air unit.

  2. 低温新风机组

    low temperature outdoor air unit

  3. 新风配套产品

    Fresh air associated series products.

  4. 新风再热方式

    reheat mode of outdoor air.

  5. 破旧俗, 立新风

    break with outmoded customs and establish new ones

  6. 农村新风貌

    the new look of the countryside.

  7. 蒸发冷却新风机组

    fresh air of evaporative cooling unit

  8. 婚育新风进万家

    new practice of marriage and childbirth into ten thousand families

  9. 我们得社会倡扬新风。

    Our society promotes new customs.

  10. 我们的社会倡扬新风。

    Our society promotes new customs.

  11. 我们的社会倡扬新风。

    Our society promotes new customs.

  12. 引领内存新风采

    DDR SDRAM leads memory industry to a new step

  13. 看来你们在开新风。

    You seem to have seta new trend.

  14. 专用新风处理机控制器

    The Dedicated Controller for Fresh Air Processor

  15. 西晋赋文化新风管窥

    My Humble View on the New Cultural Vogue of Fu in Western Jin Dynasty

  16. 新风加风机盘管系统

    fresh air and FCU system

  17. 风机盘管加新风系统

    Primary air fan coil system

  18. 风机盘管加新风机组

    fan coil plus flesh air unit

  19. 室内空气品质与空调新风

    Indoor Air Quality and Fresh Air in Air Condition

  20. 社会主义农村的新风貌

    the new look of the socialist countryside

  21. 风琴的一副新风箱。

    A new set of bellows for the organ.

  22. 指示器窗格的新风格。

    New style for the indicator pane.

  23. 树文明新风科普万里行

    establishing the new habit of civilization and long march to popular science

  24. 直接蒸发式全新风机组

    direct evaporation all fresh air handling units

  25. 鼓吹新风尚得刊物纷纷问世。

    Magazines come into being to voice the new sentiments in the air.

  26. 键得到新风格的提示符。

    Key to get the new style prompt.

  27. 变风量空调系统的新风问题

    Fresh air issue in air conditioning system design

  28. 新风处理机组没有考虑空气过滤处理。

    No air filter is considered for air supply unit.

  29. 崇尚科学, 共铸社会新风貌

    Uphold Science, Make Efforts Together on the New Social Fashion

  30. 分体空调的室内环境与新风

    Influence of fresh air supply mode on indoor environment with split air conditioning systems


  1. 问:新风拼音怎么拼?新风的读音是什么?新风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新风的读音是xīnfēng,新风翻译成英文是 New trends.

  2. 问:新风轮拼音怎么拼?新风轮的读音是什么?新风轮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新风轮的读音是xīnfēnglún,新风轮翻译成英文是 Calamintha debilis

  3. 问:新风供给拼音怎么拼?新风供给的读音是什么?新风供给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新风供给的读音是xīnfēng gōngjǐ,新风供给翻译成英文是 fresh air supply

  4. 问:新风轮属拼音怎么拼?新风轮属的读音是什么?新风轮属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新风轮属的读音是xīnfēnglún shǔ,新风轮属翻译成英文是 Calamintha

  5. 问:新风处理机组拼音怎么拼?新风处理机组的读音是什么?新风处理机组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新风处理机组的读音是xīnfēng chǔlǐ jīzǔ,新风处理机组翻译成英文是 fresh air unit

  6. 问:新风轮菜霜霉拼音怎么拼?新风轮菜霜霉的读音是什么?新风轮菜霜霉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:新风轮菜霜霉的读音是xīnfēnglúncàishuāngméi,新风轮菜霜霉翻译成英文是 Peronospora calaminthae



拼音:xīn fēng 释义:新风气;新风尚。

示例:《人民日报》1969.9.22:“革命新风满渔村。” 反义词:陋俗、旧俗 基本解释 [new trend] 新的风气;新的风尚 详细解释 新风气;新风尚。

《北史·张彝传》:“ 彝 敷政 陇 右,多所制立,宣布新风,革其旧俗,人庶爱仰之。”《人民日报》1969.9.22:“革命新风满渔村。”《花城》1981年第3期:“ 南京路 上,新风如熏,每一刻都给各地来的同志送上亲切的抚慰。”