




动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:suàn mìng







  1. 旧时一种迷信。术数家用人出生的年、月、日、时,按天干、地支依次排列成八个字(称为“八字”),再用本干支所属五行生克推算人的命运,断定人的吉凶祸福。相传始于 唐 李虚中 ,托名 鬼谷子 。

    唐 韩愈 《殿中侍御史李君墓志铭》:“﹝ 李君 名 虚中 ﹞,最深於五行书,以人之始生年月日所直日辰支干,相生胜衰死王相,斟酌推人寿夭贵贱利不利,輒先处其年时,百不失一二。”《儒林外史》第五四回:“听见里面弹的三弦子响,是虔婆叫了一个男瞎子替姑娘算命。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·进果》:“瞎先生,真灵圣,叫一声,赛神仙,来算命。” 老舍 《柳家大院》:“先交代我自己吧,我是个算命的先生。”



  1. Viewing fortunetelling as an entertaining way to spend a few hours is much healthier than looking at it as a long-term investment.


  2. A woman she did not know came and offered to tell her fortune with the abandoned cards.


  3. But let me tell you what is new about this modern popularity of the occult.


  4. Whether Asian economies are up to that long-term challenge is something on which fortune tellers might usefully comment.


  5. A fortune teller remembers an old prophecy that the son of her erstwhile lover must be bricked up alive in order for the fortress to stand.


  6. He gave some money fortuneteller fortunetelling people took out a crystal ball and watch it.


  7. Yesterday I had my fortune told to see if I would make a fortune or if my fortune could change better.


  8. your profession was that of an artist , magician or fortune teller.


  9. After divining, the future-teller told him that it was a sacred turtle for being confronted with trouble; it came to you asking for help.


  1. 给某人算命

    to tell somebody's fortune

  2. 你要算命吗?

    You want you fortune told?

  3. 吉普赛人会算命。

    The Gypsies chiromanced.

  4. 你满足你的算命先生

    Did you meet your fortune teller

  5. 算命算出父子战争

    Fortunetelling Causes a War between Father and Son

  6. 以占星术算命。推算八字

    cast a horoscope

  7. 这位老人给我算命。

    The old man cast my fortune.

  8. 这个老人能给人算命。

    The old man can foretell a persons fortune.

  9. 算命先生喜欢看什么树?

    What trees do fortune tellers like to look at?

  10. 星占学家和算命先生

    Astrologer and fortune teller

  11. 你算命算得挺不错呀。

    You did quite a job with that fortune.

  12. 她靠看手相给我算命。

    She told my fortune by reading my palm.

  13. 我不大相信算命的人。

    I dont take much stock in fortunetellers.

  14. 算命先生以算命为职业的人

    One who professes to predict future events.

  15. 算命者预言胜利将至。

    The sibyl prophesied victory.

  16. 这个吉普赛人以算命谋生。

    The gypsy earnedher money as a fortuneteller.

  17. 我老婆去见了个算命的。

    My wife went to see a fortune teller.

  18. 咖啡渣算命是中东的习俗。

    It is a middle eastern custom to read your future in your coffee grounds.

  19. 咖啡渣算命是中东的习俗。

    It is a middle eastern custom to read your future in your coffee grounds.

  20. 我昨晚梦到一个算命的。

    I had a dream last night about a fortune teller.

  21. 我听说你想找人给你算命。

    I hear that you want to have your fortune told.

  22. 那么, 你们是来这里算命的了。

    So, you are here have your fortune told.

  23. 那个吉卜赛老妇人替人算命。

    That old Gipsy woman tells fortunes.

  24. 她可凭看手纹替你算命。

    She can tell your fotune by looking at the lines on your hand.

  25. 算命师预测我今年会结婚。

    The fortune teller predicted I would get married this year!

  26. 正如我前面說過, 算命術並不是新奇的事,

    There is nothing new about the occult as I said before.

  27. 也许应该找个算命的, 算算我的运气。

    Maybe a mystic with fortunes to tell.

  28. 算命先生对简说她即将有奇遇。

    The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner.

  29. 算命得无论告诉他什麽她都深信不疑。

    She believes in whatever soothsayers tell her.

  30. 算命的无论告诉他什麽她都深信不疑。

    She believes in whatever soothsayers tell her.


  1. 问:算命拼音怎么拼?算命的读音是什么?算命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算命的读音是suànmìng,算命翻译成英文是 tell sb’s fortune

  2. 问:算命先生拼音怎么拼?算命先生的读音是什么?算命先生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:算命先生的读音是suànmìngxiānshēng,算命先生翻译成英文是 fortune teller



“算命”是个多义词,它可以指算命(对未来发生的事进行预测), 算命(张学友演唱歌曲)。