


数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……






1. 能 [néng]2. 能 [nài]能 [néng]才干,本事:~力。~耐。才~。有才干的:~人。~手。贤~。~工巧匠。~者为师。胜任,善于:~够。~柔~刚。力所~及。欲罢不~。~动。会(表示可能性):小弟弟~走路了。应该:你不~这样……










  1. As the enemy of no use, but they can only 100, who brings laugh all!


  1. 约翰才气逼人却百无一能。

    John's highly intelligent but totally impractical.

  2. 在众人的眼里, 他简直百无一是。

    In many people's eyes, he is as good as useless.

  3. 在众人的眼里,他简直百无一是。

    In many people's eyes, he is as good as useless.

  4. 我刚一能走动, 他们就把我送回来了。

    As soon as I could walk, they threw me back in here.

  5. 罗马在这三项无一能与尤文比较。

    Roma ain't better in any one of those three things right now!

  6. 你能一能抽出点时间来看看我们的美展?

    Could you spare some time to come to our art exhibition

  7. 她们无一不是被玩弄的对象,无一能幸免悲剧的结局。

    They were playing with objects, nobody was spared the catastrophe of a tragedy.

  8. 这个问题是要有一能投合选民对的配套政策。

    It's a question of getting the right mix of policies to appeal to the electorate.

  9. 这个问题是要有一能投合选民对得配套政策。

    It's a question of getting the right mix of policies to appeal to the electorate.

  10. 这些问题无一能轻易解决, 也不会一夜之间就产生结果。

    None of these problems will be easy to solve and results won't happen overnight.

  11. 如果你的盘中有你不喜欢吃或一能吃的东西,你该怎么办?

    What do yot do if you're served a food that you don't lide or cannot eat ?

  12. 远征军所属的指挥官, 无一能正式接受吉罗德将军的命令。

    No subordinate commander in the expedition could legally have accepted an order from General Giraud.

  13. 希特勒认为自己三者兼备。他的将军们无一能与之相比。

    Hitler thought he had all these qualities in far greater measure than his generals.

  14. 虽然所有上述浏览器都支持Macromedia插件,但无一能浏览Macromedia公司的网站。

    While all the programs listed above support Macromedia plug-ins none could be used to browse Macromedia's own site.

  15. 你从哪能一站出发?

    Which station do you leave from?

  16. 我能一连好几天保持安静。

    I can be quiet for days on end.

  17. 圣诞庆典能不能一小时后开始

    Uh, could the festivities start in like an hour?

  18. 谢谢,你不能一走了之吗?

    Thank you. Can't you just walk out?

  19. 谁能一只手让汽车停下来?

    Who can stop a car with one hand ?

  20. 皮球气鼓足,才能一拍就跳。

    Strike of ball air is sufficient, ability is patted jump.

  21. 他们一直梦想着能一杆入穴。

    All they ever dream about is getting a hole in one.

  22. 到华盛顿广场在哪能一站下车?

    What station do I get off at to go to Washington Square ?

  23. 依据宪法规定, 不能一罪两判。

    Under the Constitution, you cannot be tried twice for the same crime.

  24. 你能一笑再笑,重温那些美好时刻。

    You can laugh again and again, relive those great moments.

  25. 风筝能一连好几个小时留在空中。

    Kites could stay in the air for many hours.

  26. 沙漠中的蜗牛甚至能一睡三四年。

    Desert snails may even doze for three or four years.

  27. 尤其如果你不能一开始就正视问题。

    Specially if you don't face it head on.

  28. 蜗牛一觉能睡3年。

    Snails can sleep for3 years.

  29. 一年能收多少钱

    How much money can you earn one year

  30. 他能一字不漏地背诵那篇散文。

    He could recite the prose chapter and verse.