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1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……
簸动,向上播散:~水。~场(cháng )。~汤止沸。高举,向上:~手。~帆。趾高气~。~眉吐气。在空中飘动:飘~。称颂,传播:~言。~威。颂~。~弃。~名。姓。……
汉语拼音:yuǎn yáng
《诗·豳风·七月》:“蚕月条桑,取彼斧斨,以伐远扬,猗彼女桑。” 朱熹 集传:“远扬,远枝扬起者也。” 唐 王维 《春中田园作》诗:“持斧伐远扬,荷锄覘泉脉。”
远走;逃跑。中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·武昌起义》:“此风一播,一般在前 清 作官者,均已远扬。”
郭沫若 《卓文君》第一景:“ 司马先生 问他,前几天我们家中有琴音远扬,是谁人弹的?”
The speech got a lot of national publicity and was her first brush with fame beyond the boundaries of her immediate environment.
那次演讲得到了全国范围内的许多宣传,那是她第一次体验声名远扬。His experiments soon became world famous because not only were they humane, but they were also for a time exceedingly profitable.
他的实验很快就声名远扬,不单单是因为其人道性,其一度的高利润回报也是原因之一。liyang is famous for tianmu lake , however , the environment problem of the tianmu lake has raised concern among the public recent years.
溧阳因天目湖而美名远扬,近几来,天目湖的环境问题引起了大家的关注。Backplane across the sea, backstabbing articles. From no stealing, why the thief name one? (play move things) squid.
背板过海,满腹文章。从无偷窃行为,为何贼名远扬?(打一动物名)乌贼。Shaw is known as the creator of the Mongrel and Mongrel2 Web servers, and more recently as the author of this lively manifesto.
Shaw以创造了Mongrel和Mongrel2网络服务器而闻名,他最近编写的这本生动的教程更是使他声名远扬。China insists its massive Internet population is non-threatening. Indeed, its most notorious hacker is now fostering a cuddly image.
中国坚持说其庞大的互联网人口不具有威胁性。的确,中国曾经最恶名远扬的黑客现在正在塑造一个亲切的形象。They developed craftsmanship in wood, ceramics, leather, cloth, and metal and have been well known as traders.
后来鞑靼人在伐木业、制陶业、皮革布料制造及金属加工等方面的技能得到发展,成为名声远扬的商人。"JOMENG dream " after the rain, nine dream after years of efforts to its brand blossom.
“九梦(JOMENG)”历经了风雨沧桑,九梦经过多年的共同努力使其品牌声名远扬。They had come to make a name for themselves by finding riches and gold to carry home to the Queen.