







汉语拼音:yàn zī






  1. The company and all the shareholders to supply of capital verification material authenticity, legitimacy and integrity responsible.


  2. In accordance with such report, the Company shall issue an Investment Certificate to the relevant Party.


  3. Bank may not undertake exchange settlement for the Capital that has not completed capital verification formalities.


  4. Article 5 The capital verification certificate is composed of a capital verification report and appendices.


  5. the investment verification report issued for the Enterprise by an accountant registered in China and the accountant's firm.


  6. You know that we need to arrange a capital examination before transferring.


  7. Arrange Duty waiver approval, asset verification, Customs issues and Inspection issues for import equipment.


  8. Every time transfer the capital, should check capital by accounting institutes.


  9. Deal tax register and financial report audit, check property and act for open account.


  1. 验资证明书

    certificate of capital verification

  2. 虚假验资报告

    false capital verification report

  3. 企业验资报告

    The capital verification report of the enterprise

  4. 验资报告复印件

    photocopy of the capital verification report

  5. 企业验资注册审计

    Audit of Registered Enterprise Capita

  6. 资产评估报告和验资报告。

    Asset appraisal report and capital verification report.

  7. 法定验资机构出具的验资证明。

    Certificate of capital issued by a legal capital inspection organ.

  8. 十一, 代理产权交易, 验资, 审计。

    To work as an agent for the trading of property right, and for capital verification and audit.

  9. 公司验资不实的民事法律责任

    Company untruth verifying capital's civil legal responsibility

  10. 资金信用证明、验资证明或者资金担保。

    A certificate of its credit worthiness, a certificate of the verification of its capital or a guarantee for its capital.

  11. 验证企业资本,出具验资报告。

    To verify the capital of the enterprise, and issue the capital verification report.

  12. 具有法定资格的验资机构出具的验资证明

    Investment verification certificate issued by a legally authorized investment verification authority

  13. 简论会计师事务所虚假验资的民事责任

    On the civil liability of false capital assessment of accounting firms

  14. 虚假验资民事责任的性质为侵权责任。

    The nature of its civil responsibility is liability for tort.

  15. 论验资机构对第三人的民事责任

    On the Liability of Accreditation Agency to the Third Party

  16. 虚假验资诉讼中专家职业义务的认定

    Judgement of Professional Duties in False Capital Verification.

  17. 为企业提供工商注册, 验资, 税务登记等咨询服务。

    Provides business registration, capital checking, tax affairs registration service.

  18. 会计师事务所验资诉讼败诉及应对法律责任的探讨

    Probes into CPA loss in litigation of capital verification the way to respond.

  19. 打入资金,必须请会计事务所做验资报告。

    Transfer the capital, should check capital by accounting institutes.

  20. 虚假验资是注册会计师承担验资侵权责任的前提条件。

    A chartered accountant will be held for infringement when issuing false capital verification reports.

  21. 虚假验资是注册会计师承担验资侵权责任得前提条件。

    A chartered accountant will be held for infringement when issuing false capital verification reports.

  22. 办理设备进口的减免税, 设备验资, 海关和商检等问题。

    Arrange Duty waiver approval, asset verification, Customs issues and Inspection issues for import equipment.

  23. 合营公司依据验资报告向出资方颁发出资证明书。

    In accordance with such report, the Company shall issue an Investment Certificate to the relevant Party.

  24. 试析会计师事务所出具虚假验资报告的法律责任

    On the Legal Responsibilities Assumed by Accounting Firms When They check the Investment and Issue a False Report

  25. 本公司同意按验资业务约定书规定的用途利用验资报告。

    The company undertakes the verification business USES complying prescribed capital verification report.

  26. 验资报告应当以文字报告的形式确切地表述验证的内容。

    The capital verification report shall clearly express the contents verified in a word report form.

  27. 验资报告应当以文字报告得形式确切地表述验证得内容。

    The capital verification report shall clearly express the contents verified in a word report form.

  28. 我国注册会计师验资民事责任司法规则的梳理与评价

    The Summary and Evaluation of the Judicial Regulation of Civil Liability Borne by China's Certified Public Accountants in Asset Accreditation

  29. 每次打入资金, 都必须请会计事务所做一次验资报告。

    Every time transfer the capital, should check capital by accounting institutes.


  1. 问:验资拼音怎么拼?验资的读音是什么?验资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:验资的读音是yànzī,验资翻译成英文是 inspection of funds or property.