




1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:fǎn pài








  1. 戏剧、电影、小说中的坏人;反面人物。如:反派角色。



  1. The Joker isn't the only villain turning Gotham City upside down in "The Dark Knight. "


  2. A group of bizarre, melancholy weirdos stand in his way, once again led by a clone of pre-Solid Metal Gear villain, Big Boss.


  3. One cliffhanger episode features the main villainess, Cherry, putting on protective gloves and trying to splash the heroine, Rin, with acid.


  4. There are far too many characters to go into great detail with each individual, but let me talk about the villain for a minute.


  5. The most remarkable aspect of Wall Street was that the villain of the piece, Gordon Gekko, became a hero to a new generation of moneymen.


  6. Sigh. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


  7. If the villain is just a bad guy for no reason, then his character will fall flat and not be convincing.


  8. You ether die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


  9. It's up to Po and his allies (and we're guessing some new friends as well) to defeat this mysterious villain.


  1. 演反派人物

    play a negative role.

  2. 但她是反派

    But she's the villain.

  3. 演反派角色。做坏事

    Play the villain

  4. 好比,红脸表英雄,白脸表反派。

    For instance, red for heroism, white for villainy.

  5. 每个传奇都有反派,都有恶魔

    Every myth has its monster, its devil.

  6. 被分配扮演剧中的反派角色

    to be typed as a villain in the theater

  7. 每场戏都需要反派角色蝰蛇。

    Every show needs a villainsawscale the viper!

  8. 你心仪的英雄和反派人物介绍

    Bios for your favorite heroes and villains

  9. 他被分派扮演剧中的反派角色。

    He was typed as villain in the theater.

  10. 这部电影的反派角色有着超能力。

    The villain in this movie has supernatural powers.

  11. 这部电影得反派角色有着超能力。

    The villain in this movie has supernatural powers.

  12. 纳西莎或许是个反派,但她是个好母亲。

    Narcissa may be a baddie, but she is a good mother.

  13. 各造反派联合起来共同推翻政府。

    The rebel factions made common cause to overthrow the regime.

  14. 一个好的反派是一个有着致命的缺陷的人。

    A good villain is human with a fatal flaw.

  15. 电影制作是有体裁的, 都有强烈的反派角色。

    Filmmaking is all about genres and having a strong antagonist.

  16. 然后结局定会和反派功夫小子一决胜负。

    Then the final showdown with the bad kung fu kids.

  17. 只要控制了反派中的这类人物,事情就好办了。

    As long as control of the villains in these figures can be easily handled the.

  18. 那位著名演员将在这部电影中出现反派角色。

    The famous actor will play the villain in that movie.

  19. 黑暗巫师辛则是跟羽神对立的邪恶大反派。

    The dark sorcerer Xin is contradiction with the feather evil large oneupper.

  20. 这么好的电影, 当然不能少了与反派的争斗了, 呵呵。

    Such a good film, of course, cannot little and the villains fight, ha ha.

  21. 鬼伏不是唯一一个被赋予独特光剑剑招得反派。

    Grievous wasn't the only villain given his own unique lightsaber method.

  22. 鬼伏不是唯一一个被赋予独特光剑剑招的反派。

    Grievous wasn't the only villain given his own unique lightsaber method.

  23. 演坏人的话,在电影里边老欺负别人,尤其是大反派。

    Develops unprincipled person's words, always bullies others inside the movie, particularly big villain.

  24. 要扮演全银河系最声名狼籍的反派并不是件容易的事。

    Its not easy playing the most notorious intergalactic baddie.

  25. 但如要使此剧真正扣人心弦 必须有一个英雄和一个反派。

    But if the drama is to be really compelling, there must be a hero. and a villain.

  26. 在西部电影里,正义一方戴着白色牛仔帽,反派则戴着黑色的。

    In cowboy films, the goodies wear white hats while the baddies wear black ones.

  27. 这本小说里的反派表面上看起来很仁慈,实际上却是个杀手。

    The villain in the novel seems kind, but he's actually a killer.

  28. 他是反派莫里亚蒂教授,如果苏格拉底是福尔摩斯的话。

    He is the Doctor Moriarty to Socrates Sherlock Holmes.

  29. 神夏里得大反派将在007新电影里和詹姆斯邦德出对手戏!

    Sherlock villain will go up against Bond, James Bond, in the new film.

  30. 神夏里的大反派将在007新电影里和詹姆斯邦德出对手戏!

    Sherlock villain will go up against Bond, James Bond, in the new film.


  1. 问:反派拼音怎么拼?反派的读音是什么?反派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反派的读音是fǎnpài,反派翻译成英文是 villain

  2. 问:反派角色拼音怎么拼?反派角色的读音是什么?反派角色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反派角色的读音是,反派角色翻译成英文是 villain



“反派”是个多义词,它可以指反派(卓文萱演唱歌曲), 反派(词语)。