


1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:sǎn dǎ






  1. Sanda describes working on Star Wars art as fulfilling a dream, saying it continues to be a part of his "brain cells" even today.


  2. In conclusion, the higher hand grip might to be a characteristic of adolescent judo athletes compared with wrestling and Sanshou athletes.


  3. With the Sanda competition lashed both in and abroad, Sanda is quickly spreaded and popularized all over the world.


  4. Take some license to carry classes, get a license to carry, and carry a firearm at all times.


  5. On this basis, a computer discriminator function is set up for the selection of Sanda athletes by skin lines.


  6. the problems of the top athletes'source and the retired athletes'employment needs to be solved.


  7. In 2002 the National Wushu Tournament, head coach of any fighting in Jilin Province, the team finished sixth in the men's 75kg, 60kg eighth.


  8. Featuring established a operation mode with national brands, spiritual, cultural, political propaganda combined .


  9. So that martial arts can fully develop all over the world and thus finally become a formal project in the Olympic games.


  1. 竞技武术散打

    competitive martial arts.

  2. 散打王争霸赛

    free combat championship.

  3. 武术散打王争霸赛

    Wushu King of Sanda Challenge Match

  4. 校散打队英姿

    Heroic bearing of Free Fight Team of the school.

  5. 散打比赛应对策略探析

    Research On The Strategy Tactic Of Sparring Competition

  6. 论散打的技击原理

    On the Theory of the Art of Attack and Defence in Sanda

  7. 论散打比赛中的过度紧张

    Discussion of Intemperance Tension in Wushu Competitions

  8. 实战武艺之散打难度的探讨

    A probe into the degree of difficulty In free pugilism of practical military arts

  9. 浅谈散打比赛中主动权的控制

    A Brief Talk on the Initiative Control in the Free Fighting Competition.

  10. 这就是反衬散打的武德。

    This is the contrast of Sanda Takenori.

  11. 孔子与武艺散打实战姿势的研究

    The Combat Posture of Chinese Boxing Study

  12. 对散打交手过程运动规律的探讨

    Exploration on moving rules of Sanda in the process of encounter

  13. 以提高散打运动员的技。战术水平。

    Sanda athletes to enhance technical and tactical level.

  14. 浅析警卫散打运动技能的形成过程

    On the formation of professional kung fu regarding body security

  15. 散打与竞技跆拳道运动训练比较研究

    Comparison on Training of Wushu Combat and Tae Kwon Do Sport

  16. 初探散打绝招技术的训练原则与方法

    Principles and Methods of Training in Sanda Unique Skills.

  17. 武术散打腿法与跆拳道腿法的比较研究

    The Comparative Study on the Leg Technique between Wushu and Taekwondo

  18. 完善在高校武术散打项目的段位制。

    We should try our best to complete Wushu Sanda system in colleges and universities.

  19. 以及散打、摔跤、长兵、短兵等格斗项目。

    As well as wrestle projects and so on kick boxing, wrestling, long weapon, short weapons.

  20. 散打对抗中一次交手过程的时速剖析

    Assay the Time and Velocity of the Counterwork of Xanda

  21. 散打反映了武术的核心 技击,是武术的精华。

    Sanda, which is the essence of Wushu, reflects the core of Wushu.

  22. 对散打比赛中运动员犯规的判断和处理

    Judgement and treatment of athletes'offending in sanda games

  23. 散打两种侧踹腿攻击效果的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Attack Effects of Two Sorts of Side Kick in Sanda

  24. 我平时喜欢读书, 练字, 练散打和双节棍。

    I usually enjoy reading, practicing calligraphy, practice Sanda and nunchakus.

  25. 散打和拳击运动员运动损伤特点的比较研究

    Comparative characteristics of sports injury in Sanda players and boxers

  26. 浅析别绊腿快摔在散打比赛中的应用

    On The Appliance of Stumbling and Quickly Wresting in Technical Boxing Competition

  27. 散打的起源与发展,和中华民族的悠久历史同步。

    Sanda of the origin and development of the Chinese nation and a long history of sync.

  28. 散打边腿的技术要点和鞭击力训练

    Key points of skills of Sanshou side leg and the training of attacks

  29. 它包括长拳、短拳、散打、程序搏击和各种兵器。

    It includes long fists, short hands, full contact free fighting and preprogrammed fighting techniques and various weapons.

  30. 武术散打与柔道跆拳道运动的体育文化比较研究

    Comparative Study on Sports and Cultural of Wushu. Sanda. Taekwondo and Judo


  1. 问:散打拼音怎么拼?散打的读音是什么?散打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散打的读音是sǎndǎ,散打翻译成英文是 Sanda fighting, literally free fighting, is a Chi...



“散打”是个多义词,它可以指散打(2003年麦子善执导电影), 散打(广东高等教育出版社出版图书), 散打(吉林出版社图书), 散打(体育格斗运动), 散打(评书艺术形式), 散打(地下城与勇士游戏中职业)。