







汉语拼音:qīng chá







  1. 用绿茶泡成的茶水。

    《儿女英雄传》第十九回:“﹝ 安老爷 ﹞便要了一盏洁浄清茶,走到 何夫人 灵前打了一躬,把那茶奠了半盏。”

  2. 指只具茶水而不备其他点心食品。

    《太平天囯歌谣·烧杯清茶敬遵王》:“竹叶青,竹叶香,太平军路过 瓜洲塘 。打开罎子翻开瓮,家中没有一粒粮。太平军,恩难忘,烧杯清茶敬 遵王 。”



  1. With a pot of tea, you can enjoy the wind and swimming fish that bring you inspiration and mood.


  2. Life can be a beautiful picture of a hot-blooded songs, a delicate fragrance of green tea. Every stage we have many sweet memories warm.


  3. With his fortune dissipated, the black sheep reduced to what he was before: doing odd-jobs, earning slender income, eating frugal meal.


  4. The yellow tea when the entrance, and you will feel clear-headed of the lot, a cup of tea to a caring, one of a friendship tea.


  5. Bear such an insipid, required a same tenacity and patience, like a cup of green tea plain, dotted with the quiet and warmth of life.


  6. Over a pot of tea, Ms Hanson told Ms Couric her own story: how depression and then breast cancer had spurred her on to help other women.


  7. Drink a cup of tea, and turn yourself into a calm, harmony, focus, devotion, a lucid state of mind it.


  8. If tea, we did not lock the lives of green tea, is it not the fate of a pot of hot water or boiling water it?


  9. Keep the distractions to a minimum (think quiet classical music and a cup of tea) and keep your productivity levels up.


  1. 清茶和咖啡

    Tea and coffee.

  2. 蜂花前清茶

    Fenghua Qianqing Medicinal Tea.

  3. 奉上一杯清茶

    present a cup of green tea.

  4. 一顿清茶淡饭

    a meagre meal

  5. 一杯清茶, 一种人生。

    A Cup of Green Tea, a Style of Life.

  6. 一杯清茶,一种人生。

    A Cup of Green Tea, a Style of Life.

  7. 凡事不逃避, 我喝我的清茶。

    Never escape from any issue, as I stick to my own faith.

  8. 你要什么茶, 清茶还是红茶?

    What will you have, green tea or black tea?

  9. 我们这有清茶、菊花茶、八宝茶。

    We have green tea, chrysanthemurn tea eight treasures tea.

  10. 一杯清茶, 散发出沁人心脾的清香。

    A cup of tea, emitting a refreshing scent.

  11. 不要火红的玫瑰, 只要一杯清茶。

    Might no rose, just a cup of tea.

  12. 我愿意你是手中的一杯清茶。

    I'd love to be a cup of tea.

  13. 面对别人的成功与荣耀,我喝我的清茶。

    While others revel in their success and glory, I drink my plain tea in contentment.

  14. 我希望这时候能有幸请你喝杯清茶。

    Please have a cup of tea, I wish I could invite you zt the moment.

  15. 几杯清茶数本书,奇石之上有海贝。

    Cups with books, shells on rocks.

  16. 一杯清茶使我们的客人变得不那么拘束了。

    A cup of tea helped to thaw out our guests.

  17. 爱是课间休息时学生给老师送去的一杯清茶。

    Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.

  18. 静静的夜,我泡一壶清茶,想着生活、工作中的种种。

    The static night, I soak pot green tea, was thinking perhaps in the life, work all sorts.

  19. 一壶清茶, 清风拂面, 鱼儿游动, 灵感和情绪就有了。

    With a pot of tea, you can enjoy the wind and swimming fish that bring you inspiration and mood.

  20. 浓茶, 终究还是变成一杯清茶, 唱断彼此未完的人生。

    Strong tea, into a cup of tea all, singing off each other unfinished life.

  21. 浓茶,终究还是变成一杯清茶,唱断彼此未完得人生。

    Strong tea,into a cup of tea all,singing off each other unfinished life.

  22. 爱要浓淡合宜,像清茶淡香。若是太浓,则若得喝不下。

    Love is just like a cup of tea, when properly mixed, tastes wonderful with its light aroma.If it is too strong, it will be too bitter to drink.

  23. 假如裁有七十二变,我要变成下杯清茶献给我们的教师。

    Supposing I have seventytwo changes, Id like to change into a cup of tea to offer our teachers.

  24. 清茶能生津止渴,盐可防止流汗过多而引起体内盐分不足。

    Green tea can promote the secretion, salt can prevent sweat too much salt deficiency caused by body.


  1. 问:清茶拼音怎么拼?清茶的读音是什么?清茶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清茶的读音是qīngchá,清茶翻译成英文是 green tea; tea served without refreshments...


