







汉语拼音:yōu shēn








  1. 深而幽静。

    《易·繫辞上》:“无有远近幽深,遂知来物。” 唐 刘长卿 《喜朱拾遗承恩拜命赴任上都》诗:“ 沧州 离别风烟远,青琐幽深漏刻长。” 明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·功德寺》:“幽深雅称逸人居,高靚真堪仁者乐。” 徐迟 《我们工地的农场》:“他们好像走进一个幽深的峡谷。”

  2. 引申为遥远;久远。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《兄秀才公穆入军赠诗》之七:“虽曰幽深,岂无颠沛?” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲上·词采》:“其事不取幽深,其人不搜隐僻,其句则採街谈巷议。”

  3. 幽僻之处。

    汉 祢衡 《鹦鹉赋》:“嬉游高峻,栖峙幽深。” 晋 张翰 《杂诗》:“延颈无良涂,顿足託幽深。” 唐 于鹄 《过凌霄洞天谒张先生祠》诗:“志人爱幽深,一住五十年。”

  4. 指隐士。

    宋 曾巩 《明州谢到任表》:“远自巖穴之幽深,旁暨草莱之疏贱,莫不从容赐对,以尽其情;委曲因能,以尽其用。”

  5. 深奥;玄虚。

    金 王若虚 《谬误杂辨》:“学者于义训幽深隐奥者,容有差误,至于此类如辨黑白矣。” 清 龚自珍 《己亥杂诗》之二七三:“欲求縹渺反幽深,悔杀前番拂袖心。” 清 曾国藩 《复刘霞仙中丞书》:“索之幽深而成之易简,将必犁然有当於人心。”



  1. In fact, the depths of you, still in the moonlight, the dark night scrubbed over and over again, the issue of a brilliant deep until old.


  2. We sipped our drinks looking down at the canyon and over the Dead Sea toward the dusky hills of Jordan; the children stopped complaining.


  3. the profound depths of the sea; the dark unfathomed caves of ocean-Thomas Gray; unplumbed depths of the sea; remote and unsounded caverns.


  4. The sky looks ever so deep when you lay down on your back in the moonshine; I never knowed it before.


  5. A flight of steps leads up to it through a deep and gloomy but magnificent arch.


  6. In the deep valley, there is a hidden cave, it is not artificial cut, but cleverly made of natural, artificial and enough to match.


  7. And the impetuosity of his passion also moved our veiled heart-bride in the seclusion of her corner.


  8. The restaurant is at the end of an meandering hutong off a larger road, not any place you would stumble upon.


  9. Deep test pits have shown that the floors of the rings are made of hardened limestone.


  1. 幽深的峡谷

    a deep gorge.

  2. 幽深的群山

    the bosomed hills.

  3. 幽深的林莽

    the deep and serene forest.

  4. 在幽深夜幕中

    Deep in the shadows of night

  5. 巫峡幽深秀丽。

    Wuxia Gorge is famed for its elegant Beauty of forestcovered peaks.

  6. 地下的幽深之处

    subterranean recesses

  7. 这树林多么可爱、幽深。

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.

  8. 消靡这幽深的夜晚。

    So late into the night.

  9. 海洋中幽深、黑暗的洞穴

    The dark unfathomed caves of ocean.

  10. 那幽深的青苔,暗淡的磷火。

    Those hidden mosses and din willothewisps.

  11. 乐声听上去幽深而浑厚。

    The notes of the air throbbed deep and full.

  12. 山边的幽深处或小山谷

    a recess or small valley in the side of a mountain

  13. 他迷失在这幽深的山林里。

    He was lost in the deep and quiet forest.

  14. 巫峡又名大峡,以幽深秀丽著称。

    Wu Gorge, also known as Great Gorge to a beautiful deep said.

  15. 有人在词坡里, 踩出幽深风景。

    It was in the slope term, the landscape deep.

  16. 山凹, 山谷山边的幽深处或小山谷

    A recess or small valley in the side of a mountain.

  17. 幽深处某个偏远, 隐秘或与世隔绝的地方

    A remote, secret, or secluded place.

  18. 你的叹息声回荡在这幽深的山谷里。

    Your sighing sound has been heard throughout the serene vale.

  19. 置身其中,峡谷壁立,石径萦回,沟壑幽深。

    Once there, gorge rise steeply stone paths hover, ravines deep.

  20. 在幽深的海底, 生活着一群智慧的生物。

    Where the ocean laps the earth, there live the mermaids.

  21. 黑暗显得更加幽深,但这一幽深使他安心。

    The darkness was more profound than ever, but its very depth reassured him.

  22. 他从山顶向下眺望下面幽深的山谷。

    He looks down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below.

  23. 确实, 那黝黑得漆板渊穆幽深, 震慑心魂。

    Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.

  24. 确实,那黝黑的漆板渊穆幽深,震慑心魂。

    Indeed, that ebony painting board goes far back in history and inspires awe.

  25. 阴影更幽深、败更猖獗,而绝望则无处不在。

    Shadows are darker, corruption is more rampant, and despair is commonplace.

  26. 她非常喜欢那片湖,安静,幽深的湖水荡涤着她的心灵。

    She was glad of the lake. It's soft, dark water helped to soothe and quiet her mind.

  27. 弥陀岩峰峦挺秀,林泉幽深,为清源山风景最佳处。

    Tingxiu amid rocks, deep Linquan, for best scenic Qingyuan Shan Department.

  28. 所没有时间就仍然继续上行,去领略巫山的幽深秀丽。

    Do not have time to continue up to enjoy the beautiful deep in Wushan.

  29. 山上岩洞幽深, 庙宇甚多, 双瀑飞流, 昔为旅游胜地。

    Deep mountain caves, temples many double waterfallfei liu, celecoxib as a tourist destination.

  30. 雪线以下冰塔林立,更有幽深的冰洞,曲折的冰河,奇特壮观。

    There are towering icebergs, deep icecaves and zigzag glaciers which comprise specific and magnificent scenery.


  1. 问:幽深拼音怎么拼?幽深的读音是什么?幽深翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幽深的读音是yōushēn,幽深翻译成英文是 serene




拼音:yōu shēn 词性:形容词 词义: 1.深而幽静。 2.引申为遥远、久远。 3.幽僻之处。 4.指隐士。 5.深奥、玄虚。 近义、幽远, 详细释义 基本解释 [be deep and serene] [山水、树林、宫室、景物等]幽静而深远 花木幽深