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The sub-threshold current test, which is often done at the wafer level, is a measure of how quickly the device will turn on and off.
亚阈区电流测试常常在晶圆片级进行。它是表示器件打开和关闭的快慢程度的参数。If accretion takes place in eccentric orbits as well, the rotation will be prograde and of the right order of magnitude.
如果吸积发生在偏心轨道,则自转将是正向的,且快慢也合适。Know you are split times so you know if you were quick or slow when you took a particular line through a section.
了解自己在计时点的时间,你就了解了自己通过某一部分特定路线时的快慢。As the tiny faults build up the length of our lives is determined by how quickly our body is able to carry out running repairs.
随着这些细微缺陷的积累,我们活着的时间由身体修复这些缺陷的快慢来决定。Whether the door to consider the pace of movement, or kinetic energy of the size of the door movement, must ensure the safety of passengers.
无论考虑门运动速度的快慢,还是门运动动能大小,都必须确保乘客的安全。The main factor that this kind of viewpoint thinks the influence reforms process speed is reform cost.
这种观点认为影响改革进程快慢的主要因素是改革成本。At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by the neglected the passage of time.
小和尚照老和尚的话去做,背对着太阳诵读经文。渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。Impressively , the game keeps pace just fine as you fly through each level, without any slowdown throughout the game.
令人印象深刻的是,游戏节奏的快慢刚好合适,并没有任何的拖泥带水。And the curl of a force field tells you how quickly the angular velocity is going to increase or decrease. OK.