




1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:xià tiáo







  1. 低沉的乐调。

    唐 王勃 《送白七序》:“中情易感,下调多愁。” 唐 刘允济 《咏琴》诗:“欲作高张引,翻成下调悲。”

  2. 指流俗的乐调。

    唐 张氲 《醉吟》诗之二:“下调无人睬,高心又被瞋。”



  1. The reason was that the Fed would respond "aggressively" , by which he meant a cut in the federal funds rate of just one percentage point.


  2. Whether, and how much, a bank's capital cushion should be allowed to fall.


  3. Then, get realistic about it by doing your own personal research to see if it's something you can really do.


  4. He said it isn't just a possible French downgrade, but other triple-A countries as well, such as Austria.


  5. Get a comfy seat with plenty of padding and shock absorbency, and dropped handlebars that allow you to drop down in windy conditions.


  6. Canada retail sales were firmer than expected but this was not enough to support the Loonie as the Bank of Canada cut its growth outlook.


  7. He said the chance of a downgrade represents "a higher risk level for the Treasury market than at any point in the memorable past" .


  8. Over the past year, as Dell slashed prices, it failed to gain market share as it had hoped.


  9. Because batteries life cycle improve -- a bit of improvement on energy density, which reduces the price.


  1. 利率持续下调。

    Interest rates continue to fall.

  2. 本周利率下调。

    There was a downturn in interest rates this week.

  3. 今天利率下调了。

    Interest rates came down today.

  4. 专线资费大幅下调

    sharp reduction of specific line service charges

  5. 利率应分两步下调。

    Rates should be reduced in two steps.

  6. 利率下调是可取的。

    It is desirable that interest rates should be reduced.

  7. 下调或免除土地增值税。

    Decline or absolution land increment duty.

  8. 工业品价格大幅度下调。

    There has been a drastic downward adjustment of the prices of industrial goods.

  9. 观察家们预测利率将会下调。

    Observers are predicting a fall in interest rates.

  10. 大多数情况下,价格下调了60%。

    The prices are marked down by 60 % in most cases.

  11. 人们不得不持续下调经济预期。

    Economic projections have had to be continuously revised downward.

  12. 台湾将基准贴现率下调75个基点。

    Taiwan made a75 basis point reduction in its discount rate.

  13. 再一次的评级下调将指日可待。

    Another credit downgrade would follow.

  14. 你要将吊杆下调借非停调?

    Do you want the derrick adjusted and downwards?

  15. 这项评估很可能导致评级下调。

    This assessment could well result in a rating downgrade.

  16. 其预测下调的速度,令人吃惊。

    The speed with which forecasts have been revised downward is breathtaking.

  17. 乌克兰的债务同样再次被下调。

    Ukraines debt was also downgraded, again.

  18. 此次利率下调的幅度是非常罕见的。

    Cuts of this size are pretty infrequent.

  19. 信用卡还款的利率也可以考虑下调。

    Credit card repayment could also consider lower interest rates.

  20. 为什么要下调空腹血糖受损的下限切点

    Lowering the cutpoint for impaired fasting glucose, and why

  21. 联邦补助下调了。而同时, 物价却上涨了。

    There has been a cutback in federal subsidies. Too, rates have been increasing.

  22. 生活开支的减少和价格的下调直接有关。

    The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the price.

  23. 利率的下调将有助于缓解经济衰退的压力。

    Reduced interest rates would help ease recessionary pressures in the economy.

  24. 在这种情况下,精确度可以下调为1微秒。

    In this case, the precision is down to one microsecond.

  25. 他称是有下调空间,会减收附加费用。

    He said there is room for a adjustment, the additional cost will be reduced.

  26. 并且,下调的时间会越来越长,上升的时间会越来越短。

    And the downs are going to be much longer and the ups are going to be much shorter.

  27. 下个月燃油附加费将下调到10。75,请知悉!

    Please notice that the bunker surcharge will be down regulated to 10.75.

  28. 我们的经济会下调。它会一直不断上下浮动。

    We go back down. It's going to go up and down.

  29. 简言之, 评级能下调也能上调, 但不是很容易。

    In short, what goes down can come up, but not easily.

  30. 存款准备金率两次合计下调1。5个百分点。

    The bank reserve against deposits rate two sum totals fall 1.5 percentage points.


  1. 问:下调拼音怎么拼?下调的读音是什么?下调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下调的读音是xiàdiào,下调翻译成英文是 demote

  2. 问:下调拼音怎么拼?下调的读音是什么?下调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下调的读音是xiàtiáo,下调翻译成英文是 to reduce; to lower the price

  3. 问:下调评级拼音怎么拼?下调评级的读音是什么?下调评级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下调评级的读音是xiàtiáo píngjí,下调评级翻译成英文是 downgrade

  4. 问:下调节作用拼音怎么拼?下调节作用的读音是什么?下调节作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下调节作用的读音是xià tiáo jié zuò yòng,下调节作用翻译成英文是 down modulation


