


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng fú








  1. 上升。

    《楚辞·远游》:“质菲薄而无因兮,焉託乘而上浮?” 汉 司马相如 《上林赋》:“然后扬节而上浮,凌惊风,歷骇猋,乘虚无,与神俱。” 唐 欧阳詹 《玩月》诗序:“大空悠悠,嬋娟裴回。桂华上浮,昇东林,入西楼。”



  1. Thousands of bodies were dumped into the Yangtze. It was the river red with blood Chang had heard about as a child.


  2. Odobenocetops was an air-breathing mammal so had to rise to the surface in between dives.


  3. Every time that the wind blows it bears with it more of the dreams of men than of the clouds of heaven.


  4. he exclaimed. Then a rather thin smile came over his face. He did not want to say anything about the flight to the church door.


  5. Penguins surface near an air hole in Antarctica, captured with a remote underwater camera.


  6. It is not surprising that Egyptians should feel rather like driftwood on the Nile, accelerating towards one of the great river's cataracts.


  7. Blue sky reflects off the surface waves created by a koi surfacing to feed in our backyard pond.


  8. The diver can therefore adjust buoyancy and choose to move up, down or stay at a certain depth, like the Cartesian Diver.


  9. And I can't control it if I sink or if I swim, 'cause I chose the waters that I'm in.


  1. 模拟快速上浮脱险

    Simulated fast buoyant ascent escape

  2. 她嘴唇上浮泛着微笑。

    A smile plays on her lips.

  3. 春运票价上浮的经济学解析

    An Analysis in Aspect of Economics on Advance of Par Price in Passenger Transport Market during Spring Festival

  4. 水面上浮有一层薄薄的油。

    There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.

  5. 水面上浮有一层薄薄得油。

    There was a thin layer of oil on the surface of the water.

  6. 饺子上浮就可以捞起食用了。

    The dumplings will be done when they float to the surface.

  7. 名声外水, 轻的上浮, 重的下沉。

    Fame, like water, bear up the lighter thing, and let the weighty sink.

  8. 活性污泥中污泥上浮的产生与控制

    Emergence of activated sludge floatation and its control in activated sludge process.

  9. 调节好浮上浮下不稳定得心态。

    Adjust the not stable state of mind below good float rise.

  10. 调节好浮上浮下不稳定的心态。

    Adjust the not stable state of mind below good float rise.

  11. 舍姆森从水草中上浮,游向岗哨。

    Shemsen rose from the seaweed and swam toward the outpost.

  12. 糖浆上浮前后残硫量的测定研究

    Determination and Study of Residual Sulphur before and after Syrup Flotation

  13. 我松开了我的脚开始任由身体上浮

    So, I let my feet out, and I started floating to the top.

  14. 乳制品中脂肪上浮的机理及影响因素

    Mechanism of fat creaming and its effect parameters in dairy products

  15. 不论何种原因,美元最初的上浮没有持续。

    Whatever the reason, the dollars initial buoyancy did not last.

  16. 从而具有在北冰洋上浮突破冰层的能力。

    Thus has in Arctic Ocean surfaces the boat breakthrough ice layer ability.

  17. 上浮压力指的是在坝体下面向上作用的压力。

    Uplift is the upward pressure under a dam.

  18. 拉速越大夹杂物容易上浮的临界直径越大。

    The higher the casting speed, the bigger is the critical floating diameter.

  19. 乔治疯狂地挣扎,不断在水面上浮浮沉沉。

    George struggled wildly, going under and resurfacing at regular intervals.

  20. 对空心板梁预制中气囊上浮的几点看法

    Views on the Airbag Float during the Prefabrication of Hollow Slab Beam

  21. 他想知道,水对下沉的物体是否有上浮作用。

    He wondered whether the water had any buoyant effect on objects that sank.

  22. 混凝沉淀过程中矾花上浮的成因与对策

    Contributing Factor and Countermeasures of Alum Particle up Float during Coagulation and Precipitation Process.

  23. 模拟法在火箭上浮水雷命中概率计算中的应用

    Application of Calculation the Hitting Probability of the Floating Rocket Mine by the simulation method

  24. 在那期间,水往上涨,把方舟从地上浮起。

    During this time, the rising waters caused the ark to begin to float.

  25. 除151外摇后入加冰杯,上浮151饰樱桃。

    Shake everything except the 151 rum in a cocktail shaker with ice. Strain into a collins glass over ice and float the 151 on top. Garnish with a cherry.

  26. 可编程控制器在潜艇快速上浮脱险装置中的应用

    Application of Program Logic Computer in Lifesaving Breakout Equipment

  27. 盾构掘进过程中隧道管片上浮原因分析及控制

    Analysis and control of the upward moving of tunnel segments in the process of shield excavation

  28. 产品只适用于白漆体系,减少颜色上浮,提高附着力。

    Product is only applicable to white paint system to reduce the color of floating and improve adhesion.

  29. 冲裁模中废料上浮与不带料问题的探讨与解决

    Problems of Scrap Rising and Shed Punching Die and Solving Methods.

  30. 桩基础施工中钢筋笼上浮问题分析与预防措施

    Analyses of Steel Reinforcement Cage Floating upward in Pile Foundation Construction and Some Preventive Measures


  1. 问:上浮拼音怎么拼?上浮的读音是什么?上浮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上浮的读音是shàngfú,上浮翻译成英文是 raise

  2. 问:上浮拼音怎么拼?上浮的读音是什么?上浮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上浮的读音是shàngfú,上浮翻译成英文是 floating upward

  3. 问:上浮水雷拼音怎么拼?上浮水雷的读音是什么?上浮水雷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上浮水雷的读音是shàng fú shuǐ léi,上浮水雷翻译成英文是 Rising Mine

  4. 问:上浮锅炉拼音怎么拼?上浮锅炉的读音是什么?上浮锅炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上浮锅炉的读音是shàng fú guō lú,上浮锅炉翻译成英文是 up draft boiler



上浮指的是一种竖直向上的运动,如物体在液体里向上浮起来。上浮的物体是因为本身的重力小于所排开液体的重力,在液体里受到了不平衡力的作用,而使物体改变了原来的运动状态。 F浮﹥G物 ρ液>ρ物 物体上浮,最终漂浮在液面。浮力先不变,然后变小,最后等于物体的重力。