







汉语拼音:miǎo zhēn






  1. Out the door to see on the left wall clocks, like the second hand was shaking.


  2. It is most startling to hear a watch clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of ones life by a little bit.


  3. It is most startling to hear a watch or lock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one, s life by a little bit.


  4. So it's easy to find a second hand one with that will satisfy your needs.


  5. With the horror of a westerner used to ambulance sirens, I counted the seconds ticking away while nothing was done.


  6. This countdown shows a minute and second hand, as in Figure 1, with the same information content as the previous program.


  7. Never mind runnin my own steps by second, minute, hour, tob lazy like a cat, love myself.


  8. The baby in Mom's tummy had a heart that sounded like a little watch. It ticked so fast.


  9. It just moves once in an hour. But the seconds hand moves for 3600 times around the dial for the same hour!


  1. 铆接空心秒针

    riveted cannon second hand

  2. 秒针是红的。

    The second hand is red.

  3. 压针管秒针

    pressed cannon second hand.

  4. 看着表的秒针。

    Look at the second hand of a watch.

  5. 长秒针齿轴

    sweep second pinion

  6. 压针管实体中心秒针

    pressed cannon solid centre second hand

  7. 附有时针,分针与秒针。

    With a clock, minute and second hand.

  8. 谁有带秒针的表?

    Does anyone have a watch with a second hand?

  9. 我爱倾听转动的秒针

    I love to hear the spinning second hand

  10. 双秒针制动杆偏心销

    splitsecond collet support eccentric.

  11. 此时秒针会停在12点处。

    The second hand will then stop incrementing and be set to the 12 o clock position.

  12. 我要买一块有秒针的表。

    I need to buy a watch with a second hand.

  13. 手表的秒针比分针走的要快。

    The second hand of a watch is moving faster than the minute hand.

  14. 钟有三个指针,秒针,分针和时针。

    A clock has three hands, the second, minute, and hour hand.

  15. 让秒针暂停,从轮回中睡醒,爱个彻底。

    Let the second hand suspend, awakes from the samsara, loves thorough.

  16. 莫奇生的眼睛追随着他的时计的秒针。

    Murchison followed with his eye the hand of his chronometer.

  17. 大约40年以后,某些钟装上了分针和秒针。

    About forty years later, minute and second hands were put on some clocks.

  18. 您还可以向时钟添加秒针, 并自定义颜色。

    You can add a second hand to the clock, and you can customize colors.

  19. 这就是为什么分针会走的少, 秒针会走的多的原因。

    That is why the watches will get less, the reason The hands will go.

  20. 在表盘上有一个时针,一个分针和一个秒针。

    There is an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand on the face of the clock.

  21. 从一个朋友带的,袋子是秒针和奇事的靴子。

    The belt is from a friend, the bag is second hand and the boots by Wonders.

  22. 他按照手表秒针跳动的节奏,计算着蹬车的频率。

    He counted his cadence of cycling against the sweep second hand on his watch.

  23. 钟得面板上有时针分针秒针3个表针在走动。

    The panel has bell clock, minute hand, second hand in the three hands move around.

  24. 花钟的独特之处是,它有着世界上最长的秒针。

    The flower clock has the peculiarity to have the world's longest arm for seconds.

  25. 以分钟计时的与时针和分针固定在同一个中心的秒针。

    A second hand that is mounted on the same center as the hour and minute hand and is read on the minutes.

  26. 花钟得独特之处是, 它有着世界上最长得秒针。

    The flower clock has the peculiarity to have the world's longest arm for seconds.


  1. 问:秒针拼音怎么拼?秒针的读音是什么?秒针翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秒针的读音是miǎozhēn,秒针翻译成英文是 second hand



时钟上面以秒为单位移动的指针. 1小时=60分=3600秒. 24小时=1440分=86400秒.