


1. 淳 [chún]2. 淳 [zhūn]淳 [chún]朴实:~朴。~厚。~古。~风(质朴敦厚的风气)。成对。古同“醇”,酒味厚、纯。淳 [zhūn]浇灌:“~而渍之”。……


1. 朴 [pǔ]2. 朴 [pò]3. 朴 [pō]4. 朴 [piáo]朴 [pǔ]没有细加工的木料,喻不加修饰:~素。~实。~厚。~质。朴 [pò]落叶乔木,叶椭圆形,上部边缘有锯齿,花细小,色淡黄,果实球形,黑色,味甜可食。木材可制……



汉语拼音:chún pǔ








  1. 亦作“ 淳朴 ”。敦厚,质朴。

    《后汉书·崔駰传》:“淳朴散离,人物错乖。”《晋书·刘弘传》:“顷者多难,淳朴弥凋。” 唐 杜甫 《五盘》诗:“喜见淳朴俗,坦然心神舒。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·浪游记快》:“ 绩溪 城处於万山之中,弹丸小邑,民情淳朴。” 魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人》:“他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊。”

  2. 见“ 淳朴 ”。



  1. As a child, Lu Xun was in the charge of a nurse called Mama Chang. She was an honest country woman.

  2. Clear the bottom of the sea, soft sand, the sky can be reached , and the sweet village.

  3. Let me have to think of new zealanders. Although the national intelligence, but not a profound culture, honest people.

  4. the homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene; poignant grief cannot endure forever; his gratitude was simple and touching.

  5. The unsophisticated and warmhearted villagers had to let their guest go now that they could not press him to stay on.

  6. My feelings are profound for the rivers of China's great north, for the air, water, earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world.

  7. Christianity can be a guide and inspiration to the simple and a subject of endless reflection to the enquiring mind.

  8. He was good at writing simple country folk and the beautiful natural environment, to be known as the "son of nature" !

  9. It provides one with a sense of the natural idea and course of love between men and women.


  1. 当地民风淳朴。

    Local people are simple and honest.

  2. 一个淳朴的,古朴的村庄

    a beautiful village, pristine.

  3. 畲族人民勤劳淳朴能歌善舞。

    The hardworking she people are good at singing and dancing.

  4. 他的感恩是淳朴而动人的。

    His gratitude was simple and touching.

  5. 善于创造的人, 思想很淳朴。

    People who good at creating is honest mind.

  6. 我早期的祖先们是淳朴的农民。

    My early forebears were simple farmers.

  7. 淳朴的健壮的但土气且纯朴的

    Healthy and strong, but provincial and unsophisticated.

  8. 她是一个淳朴的农村妇女。

    She was an honest country woman.

  9. 新割的草散发出淳朴的清香。

    earthy smells of new mown grass.

  10. 我的家乡俗尚淳朴、风景秀丽。

    In my hometown, customs are simple, and the scenery is beautiful.

  11. 他们爱上了淳朴的农村生活。

    They came to appreciate simple rural life.

  12. 淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的女子

    a woman of artless grace and simple goodness.

  13. 我们过去的生活方式的种种淳朴之处

    the simplicities of our old way of life

  14. 这里村风淳朴,他决定不走了。

    He decided to stay because of the honest rural life of this village.

  15. 你的沉默光明似青灯, 淳朴如戒环。

    That is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring.

  16. 阴险和淳朴一交锋,只能有一个结局。

    So phistication wars with simplicity, with only one possible conclusion.

  17. 他们对逝去的较为淳朴的生活感到惋惜。

    They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life.

  18. 牛得特点是坚忍不拔, 淳朴, 诚实, 勇往直前。

    The ox is sedulous, simple, honest, and straightforward.

  19. 牛的特点是坚忍不拔,淳朴,诚实,勇往直前。

    The ox is sedulous, simple, honest, and straightforward.

  20. 那是关于一个非常淳朴的农村妇女的故事。

    It's about very simple country woman.

  21. 但对我们而言,那是最自然、最淳朴的友谊。

    But to us it was the most natural and easiest of friendships.

  22. 让我们去寻找那些淳朴、敦厚的人的爱情吧。

    Let us seek the love of simple, ignorant people.

  23. 王宝强招牌式的淳朴笑容从来没有变过。

    Wang Baoqiang's signature innocent smile never changes.

  24. 他的淳朴反而具有讽刺意味且令人印象深刻

    His simplicity sets off the satire, and gives it a finer edge

  25. 这种瓷砖粗旷的质地增加了这个厨房淳朴的风韵。

    The rough texture of the tiles added a rustic charm to the kitchen.

  26. 十几岁的青少年就不像儿时那么淳朴天真了。

    Teenagers lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness.

  27. 是因为山里汉子的淳朴、憨厚注定了爱家的概念。

    Because of the simple and honest, the man was destined aika concept.

  28. 我本以为这是个淳朴的小镇, 一位居民表示。

    I thought this was a good town, says one resident.

  29. 中美两国人民对彼此都怀有淳朴友好的感情。

    The Chinese and the American people share a reservoir of friendly sentiments towards each other.

  30. 这位淳朴的天才把自己的智慧和心血献给了人类。

    This simple man of genius gave his intelligence and heart to his fellowman.


  1. 问:淳朴拼音怎么拼?淳朴的读音是什么?淳朴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:淳朴的读音是chúnpǔ,淳朴翻译成英文是 simple




拼音:chún pǔ;词义:形容人十分诚实,朴素,老实。 杜甫《五盘》诗:“喜见淳朴俗,坦然心神舒。”