


1. 浑 [hún]浑 [hún]水不清,污浊:~水摸鱼。~浊。骂人糊涂,不明事理:~人。~话。~蛋。~~噩噩。全,满:~身。~然。天然的,淳朴的:~古。~朴。~厚。简直:“白头搔更短,~欲不胜簪。”姓。……


扁平物体上下两个面的距离:~度。~薄(厚度)。扁平物体上下两个面距离较大的,与“薄”相对:~纸。~重(zhòng )(a.又厚又重;b.丰厚;c.厚道而庄重)。深,重(zhòng ),浓,多:~望。不刻薄,待人好:~道(诚恳,宽容,“道”读……



汉语拼音:hún hòu










  1. 淳朴,敦厚。

    宋 曾巩 《馆中祭丁元珍文》:“子之为人,浑厚平夷,不阻为崖,不巧为机。” 宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷下:“一时风俗浑厚。”《儿女英雄传》第十三回:“自从跟了 安老爷 ,他便説从来不曾遇见这等一位高明浑厚的老爷。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第六章二:“ 陈诚 虽然貌似浑厚,而心地是异常阴险的。”

  2. 质朴厚重;不纤巧浮靡。

    宋 司马光 《述<国语>》:“﹝《国语》﹞辞语繁重,序事过详,不若《春秋传》之简直精明、浑厚遒峻也。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·文章一》:“故文涉浮靡者,一皆黜落,独取深醇浑厚之作。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·事物三·古图书》:“此印篆文浑厚,制度精密,当是 汉 印。” 清 侯方域 《倪云林十万图记》:“盖 云林 画多得之气象萧疏,烟林清旷;此独峰峦浑厚,势状雄强。” 杨朔 《东风第一枝·生命在号召》:“他的举动稳重,嗓音浑厚,却又处处透着自信的力量。”



  1. Along with his vigorous but without losing some of hoarse voice, students quickly move the body, neatly in front of him set team.


  2. As a thin individual, collective, compared with the vigorous, and I is not important.


  3. Round lines, Deepness, Just like the heartthrob of first love, Just like the faith of love, Perpetual romantic history.


  4. Finally, we want to take this opportunity to beg [him] to convey our profound friendship and best regards to [his] people.


  5. Gaston was big, burly, and brilliant, with a deep, strong voice and a commanding manner.


  6. The special accent has become much more exaggerated than British English, developing a strong and distinctive intonation.


  7. During the late Tang Dynasty works, figures dignified and fullness, let the temperament, clothing simple, fluid lines.


  8. he talked very quickly , with a flow of easy words and in a deep , resonant voice.


  9. The early, "Tan Yao five Cave" by the magnificent, with immense, pristine ambience of the Western Regions.


  1. 珍珠浑厚的光泽。

    the deep lustre of pearls

  2. 他的嗓音浑厚洪亮。

    He has a deep; rich voice.

  3. 浑厚悠远的定音鼓

    Wonderful Kettledrum of the Remote Past

  4. 男低音饱满浑厚的音色

    the rich sonority of the bass

  5. 他的浑厚嗓音响彻大厅。

    His voice boomed out, reaching the back of the hall.

  6. 乐声听上去幽深而浑厚。

    The notes of the air throbbed deep and full.

  7. 节拍不快不慢,听起来很浑厚

    The tempos are medium. It sounds big.

  8. 我觉得他们的声音很浑厚, 很低沉。

    I think their voices are vigorous and deep.

  9. 钟声浑厚,回声悠长,远播15公里。

    The sound produced by the bell is deep, and its echo spreads as far as 15 kilometres.

  10. 那就象浑厚得罩袍笼罩着群山。

    A thick robe of It'swept from hill to hill.

  11. 那就象浑厚的罩袍笼罩着群山。

    A thick robe of It'swept from hill to hill.

  12. 下弦能够产生雄壮浑厚的音响效果。

    The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority.

  13. 低声部旋律请用浑厚的声音演唱。

    Sing the deep vocal register of the melody with a deep voice.

  14. 这位歌唱家有一副浑厚有力的嗓音。

    The singer has amasculine voice.

  15. 你难道不喜欢他的低沉、浑厚的嗓音吗?

    Don't you love his deep, rich voice?

  16. 杰罗尔德又笑了,声音浑厚而圆润。

    Jerrold laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh.

  17. 作品散发出一种质朴, 浑厚, 古拙的美感。

    His works exudes aesthetic beauty of simplicity , powerful and antiquity.

  18. 大堂经理的声音浑厚低沉,带着歉意的口吻。

    And the manager's voice was pitched very low, his tone apologetic.

  19. 中原有着悠久的历史、丰富的资源、浑厚的中原文化。

    Central China has a long history, rich resources and vigorous culture.

  20. 他的嗓音浑厚低沉,有一种格外威严的风采。

    His voice was deep and resonant, with an air of authority.

  21. 身为诗人的他, 其诗歌势力浑厚, 胸怀广大。

    The body is poet's he, its poetry influence vigorous, the mind are general.

  22. 她用单簧管奏出了一个浑厚低沉的乐音。

    She produced a rich, deep tone from her clarinet.

  23. 磨穿螺尖作为吹孔, 发音呜呜然, 浑厚低沉。

    Mo Chuan Lo sharp as a blow hole, hum sounds natural, vigorous low.

  24. 饱满,浑厚,地道英文的秘诀 用口腔的后半部分发音!

    Use the back part of you mouth!

  25. 每天早晨,我都能听到男中音浑厚的声音。

    Every morning I can hear a rich voice of the baritone.

  26. 每天早晨,我都能听到男中音浑厚得声音。

    Every morning I can hear a rich voice of the baritone.

  27. 作为一个单薄的个体,与浑厚的集体相比,我不重要。

    As a thin and weak individual, comparing with whole collectivity, I'm not important.

  28. 他说得很快,既流畅又浅显易懂。嗓音洪亮浑厚。

    He talked very quickly, with a flow of easy words and in a deep, resonant voice.

  29. 乌达姆的嗓音变得更浑厚有力, 他的步伐也更强劲矫健。

    Udam's voice grows more powerful, his steps more vigorous.

  30. 内建喇叭则能传输浑厚结实的低音及清晰悦耳的高音。

    The integrated speaker delivers solid bass and clean treble.


  1. 问:浑厚拼音怎么拼?浑厚的读音是什么?浑厚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浑厚的读音是húnhòu,浑厚翻译成英文是 straightforward; powerful; deep and resonant...



【释义】1)形容:(人物)纯朴而厚重 2)形容 :男性的声音很有力量 1.淳朴,敦厚。 宋·曾巩 《馆中祭丁元珍文》:“子之为人,浑厚平夷,不阻为崖,不巧为机。” 宋·周煇 《清波别志》卷下:“一时风俗浑厚。”《儿女英雄传》第十三回:“自从跟了安老爷 ,他便说从来不曾遇见这等一位高明浑厚的老爷。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第六章二:“ 陈诚 虽然貌似浑厚,而心地是异常阴险的。” 2.质朴厚重;不纤巧浮靡。 宋·司马光 《述》:“[《国语》]辞语繁重,序事过详,不若《春秋传》之简直精明、浑厚遒峻也。” 元·刘埙 《隐居通议·文章一》:“故文涉浮靡者,一皆黜落,独取深醇浑厚之作。” 明·郎瑛 《七修类稿·事物三·古图书》:“此印篆文浑厚,制度精密,当是汉印。”清 袁赋诚《睢阳尚书袁氏家谱》:“九世枢(袁可立子),所与游皆名士,往往赋唅,滋笔立就笔,不务雕琢而浑厚俊伟,直逼少陵。” 清·侯方域 《倪云林十万图记》:“盖云林画多得之气象萧疏,烟林清旷;此独峰峦浑厚,势状雄强。” 杨朔 《东风第一枝·生命在号召》:“他的举动稳重,嗓音浑厚,却又处处透着自信的力量。”