




1. 升 [shēng]升 [shēng]容量单位。量粮食的器具。向上,高起,提高:~力(亦称“举力”)。~格。~华(a.固态物质直接变为气;b.喻事物的提高和精炼)。~迁。~值。~堂入室(喻人的学问造诣由浅入深,循序渐进,达到精深)。晋~……



汉语拼音:fēi shēng









  1. 亦作“ 飞昇 ”。谓羽化而升仙。

    清 王充 《论衡·道虚》:“物无不死,人安能仙?鸟有毛羽能飞,不能升天。人无毛羽,何用飞升?使有毛羽,不过与鸟同,况其无有,升天如何?” 唐 郑璧 《和袭美伤顾道士》:“门人不覩飞昇去,犹与浮生哭恨同。”《镜花缘》第九三回:“日后飞昇时,倘将愚姐度脱尘凡,也不枉今日结拜一场。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·奔月》:“我( 羿 )呢,倒不要紧,只要将那道士送给我的金丹吃下去,就会飞升。”

  2. 往上飞;往上升。引申指身价等上升。

    鲁迅 《<两地书>序言》:“看近来书籍的广告,大有凡作家一旦向左,则旧作也即飞升,连他孩子时代的啼哭也合于革命文学之概,不过我们的这书是不然的,其中并无革命气息。”

  3. 见“ 飞升 ”。



  1. When U. S. house prices were rising and interest rates were low, even the poor got a chance to get a mortgage and a home.

  2. The letter said he was basing his view on the bank's recent earnings, not on a projection that profits would surge.

  3. But now, just the flesh, immediately qi thought of affirmation is going up when the light from heaven and earth law or improved the body.

  4. Show Or else where might come up to foot can casually took out a top grade fairy stone?

  5. master , you lifted me out of this world and i soared up above the clouds , far beyond this world.

  6. The gradual concentration of major iron ore mines among the big three was a major reason for the price increase.

  7. The kite flies upward in the sky with the wind.

  8. An hour and half later and we begin our descent, having risen high enough to be inside the early morning clouds.

  9. The moment that I rised and became immortal, not for longevity, only to bless your peace and happiness.


  1. 飞升到天上

    to soar the sky

  2. 它能从地面飞升到天空。

    With great capacity it ascends from earth to heaven.

  3. 气象员把气球飞升到云层中。

    The weatherman flew the balloon up into the clouds.

  4. 她轻易多变的心情从沮丧的深渊飞升到快乐的云霄中去了。

    Her volatile spirits shot up from deepest depression to excited happiness.

  5. 从你下榻的饭店乘直升飞不到四个小时就可以到达大峡谷。你可以在谷底享用一次香槟野餐。

    In less than four hours you can go from your hotel to the Grand Canyon via helicopter and enjoy a champagne picnic down on the canyon floor.

  6. 直升机向渔夫飞去。

    The helicopter flew to the fisherman.

  7. 如没出云, 拉升复飞。

    If not broken contact pull up and go around.

  8. 如没出云,拉升复飞。

    If not broken contact pull up and go around.

  9. 跑道上有障碍物, 拉升复飞。

    Obstruction on the RW, pull up and go around.

  10. 喷气飞机比直升飞机飞得快得多。

    A jet flies much faster than a helicopter.

  11. 我们目送着飞厗升上了天空。

    We watched the airship ascend into the sky.

  12. 我们目送着飞厗升上了天空。

    We watched the airship ascend into the sky.

  13. 飞机达到最大升限后开始平飞。

    The plane leveled off after it reached its ultimate height.

  14. 飞机达到最大升限后开始平飞。

    The plane leveled off after it reached its ultimate height.

  15. 她的平台升得越来越高,直向通道飞去。

    Her platform was going higher and higher to another passageway.

  16. 升阻比越高, 飞机就能飞得更远。

    And the higher the ratio, the farther the aircraft will glide.

  17. 直升飞机几乎可以自由地飞到任何地方。

    A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere.

  18. 直升飞机开始往南飞去寻找坠毁的飞机。

    The helicopter began to fly south in search of the crashed plane.

  19. 直升飞机几乎可以自由地飞到任何地方去。

    A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere.

  20. 果真我有一架直升飞机,我就飞到杭州去。

    If I have a helicopter,Id fly to hangzhou.

  21. 飞来峡水利枢纽船闸人字门的安全顶升

    Lifting Mast of Miter Gate of Ship Lock of Feilaixia Project

  22. 木棍突然从巨怪手里飞出,高高地,高高地升向空中

    The club flew suddenly out of the trolls hand, rose high, high up into the air,.

  23. 凤凰带我升出地面, 往其中一艘战船迅速飞去。

    Phoenix leads me to raise the ground and rapidly flies toward one of warships.

  24. 一架直升飞机很快飞抵出事现场,搭救幸存者。

    A helicopter soon arrived on the scene to rescue the survivors.

  25. 明月升起,星星闪烁,一群乌鹊向南飞去。

    Stars around the moon are few, the crows fly to southward.

  26. 不久, 一架直升飞机飞到现场, 来营救飞机失事的幸存者。

    It was not long before a helicopter arrived on scene to rescue the survivors of the plane crash.

  27. 就在那时,一架直升飞机从房顶上呼啸着飞过去了!

    Just then, a helicopter zoomed over the house.

  28. 对乘直升飞机飞往戈马和乘飞机飞往内罗毕也不记得了。

    Or of the helicopter flight to Goma, or the plane ride to Nairobi.

  29. 主要针对直升机前飞状态下的空中共振的稳定性加以研究。

    Air resonance dynamic stability in forward flight is examined in the paper.

  30. 至于旭日东升, 白鹭迎风展翼, 款款斜飞, 宛如棉花千树。

    As for the rising sun, the wind Zhanyi egret, evaded as Xie Fei, Qian Shu like cotton.


  1. 问:飞升拼音怎么拼?飞升的读音是什么?飞升翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞升的读音是fēishēng,飞升翻译成英文是 To rise to the sky quickly.; Used in Taoism t...


