







汉语拼音:fēi tiān








  1. 飞向天空。

    唐 李邕 《日赋》:“乍出海而融朗,忽飞天而光大。” 唐 韦执中 《白云无心赋》:“徒见其紆餘上汉,繚绕飞天。”

  2. “飞龙在天”的略称。比喻王者得天下,有龙兴之象。语出《易·乾》:“九五,飞龙在天。” 孔颖达 疏:“犹若圣人有龙德,飞腾而居天位。” 唐 黄滔 《周以龙兴赋》:“一旦飞天,霹破 殷辛 之国。”

  3. 佛教壁画或石刻中的空中飞舞的神。梵语称神为“提婆”。因“提婆”有天的意思,故译为飞天。

    徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想·祁连山下》:“窟顶有莲花。四角上,飞天翱翔。”



  1. When Craig McCracken created the Powerpuff Girls show, he deliberately gave it what he thought was a 'Japanese look. '


  2. From the explosion of the first atom bomb, and now Shenzhou rushes into the sky, all that represent the comprehensive national strength.


  3. "He pointed up to the sky and said, 'There's your problem -- a flying deer, '" said Bridges.


  4. That's a broomstick, he said, throwing it back to Harry with a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face.


  5. Flying just come off the assembly line, he and I chatted for a while.


  6. Jean Valjean set out on a run, in the direction which he had first taken .


  7. several of goddess feitian ' s moves are captured as if on camera shot , fixed into colourful portrait.


  8. Madam Hooch was refereeing. She stood in the middle of the field waiting for the two teams, her broom in her hand.


  9. Living a life that's not based on a template and being true to yourself may not mean paving a road in the sky like the Wright Brothers.


  1. 挣扎。灵魂飞天

    Struggle, souls fly up to heaven

  2. 青白玉飞天佩

    The blue Baiyu flying apsaras wears

  3. 飞天英雄未了情

    The Gypsy Moths

  4. 兰州飞天大酒店

    Fly sky hotel of Lanzhou

  5. 敦煌壁画中的飞天

    Flying Apsaras in Dunhuang Murals

  6. 在这里,这些是飞天

    Over here, these are the Apsaras.

  7. 上海飞天乐器有限公司

    Shanghai Flying start Musical Instrument Co., Ltd

  8. 飞天火箭人,空中飞人

    King of the Rocket Men

  9. 云岩寺飞天藏殿

    Sutra Library in Yunyan Temple

  10. 像是电影中的飞天车。

    Like a flying car in the movie.

  11. 飞天小女警英雄美少女

    The Powerpuff Girls Hula Heroes

  12. 那么,用飞天车怎样出行?

    How would a trip in a Skycar work?

  13. 静思堂与慈济飞天

    Tzu Chi Still Thought Hall and Tzu Chi Figures

  14. 接着的飞天翱翔五环激荡。

    then agitate the flying rings flying.

  15. 敦煌飞天形体姿态的来源

    The Origin Of Apsaras'Outward Forms In Dunhuang Grottoes

  16. 杨利伟从小就梦想着飞天。

    YangLiWei dreamed of flying apsaras when he was little.

  17. 来保证你的飞天车得到控制

    to make sure that you're being controlled.

  18. 飞天车将是未来的发展趋势。

    of the future of this type of aircraft.

  19. 兰州飞天网景信息产业有限公司

    Lanzhou Feitian Netscape Information Industry Co., Ltd

  20. 不消说, 他们顿时吓得魂飞天外。

    They were, you may be sure, in a dreadful consternation

  21. 其实飞天车也没有太大的噪音。

    But it's still fairly quiet.

  22. 我第一次骑飞天帚的情形。

    The first time I rode a broom.

  23. 呃,要说壁画,飞天洞最值得一看。

    Well, for fresce, the Flying Apsaras Cave is most worth seeing.

  24. 这飞天啊是活佛里会飞得天神。

    They are flying deities in Buddhism.

  25. 这飞天啊是活佛里会飞的天神。

    They are flying deities in Buddhism.

  26. 你有否参与过海洋公园飞天喜洋洋2003?

    Did you participate in Ocean Park Powerpuff CNY2003

  27. 媒体把我设计的沃蓝特叫做飞天车。

    The press calls my particular volantor a Skycar.

  28. 此时,博士正在开发飞天法宝的新功能。

    At this moment, the professor is developing new applications for flubber.

  29. 飞天刚下线,我和他聊了一会。

    Flying just come off the assembly line, he and I chatted for a while.

  30. 圆觉洞第10号窟左壁上方飞天。

    The Apsara on the upper Part of the left wall of No.10 Grotto in Yunjue Cave.


  1. 问:飞天拼音怎么拼?飞天的读音是什么?飞天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞天的读音是fēitiān,飞天翻译成英文是 flying Apsaras

  2. 问:飞天女神拼音怎么拼?飞天女神的读音是什么?飞天女神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞天女神的读音是,飞天女神翻译成英文是 Apsara

  3. 问:飞天小女警拼音怎么拼?飞天小女警的读音是什么?飞天小女警翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞天小女警的读音是Fēitiān Xiǎonǚjǐng,飞天小女警翻译成英文是 The Powerpuff Girls, an Emmy award-winning Ameri...

  4. 问:飞天小女警Z拼音怎么拼?飞天小女警Z的读音是什么?飞天小女警Z翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞天小女警Z的读音是,飞天小女警Z翻译成英文是 Powerpuff Girls Z

  5. 问:飞天小女警电影公开版拼音怎么拼?飞天小女警电影公开版的读音是什么?飞天小女警电影公开版翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞天小女警电影公开版的读音是,飞天小女警电影公开版翻译成英文是 The Powerpuff Girls Movie



“飞天”是个多义词,它可以指飞天(乌鲁木齐三屯碑“飞天”女神雕塑), 飞天(沧月著现代玄幻小说), 飞天(90周年献礼片《飞天》), 飞天(鸡尾酒), 飞天(常石磊演唱歌曲), 飞天(微电影《飞天》), 飞天(1996年王小棣执导电影), 飞天(车盈霏演唱歌曲), 飞天(起点作家跃千愁著小说), 飞天(敦煌壁画), 飞天(悬疑小说作家), 飞天(神舟七号舱外航天服), 飞天(甘肃省文联主办文学月刊), 飞天(手机网络游戏), 飞天(网页游戏), 飞天(晓航著小说), 飞天(电影飞天), 飞天(徐景新、陈大伟民乐作品), 飞天(汉语词语), 飞天(2008年中央电视台春节联欢晚会舞蹈节目), 飞天(安徽作家赵磊著小说)。