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1. 空 [kōng]2. 空 [kòng]3. 空 [kǒng]空 [kōng]不包含什么,没有内容:~洞(a.没有内容的;b.物体内部的窟窿)。~泛。~话。~旷。~乏。~~如也。~前绝后。凭~(无根据)。真~(没有任何东西)。没有结果的……
汉语拼音:líng kōng
北魏 郦道元 《水经注·济水》:“水上有连理树,其树柞櫟也,南北对生,凌空交合。” 唐 骆宾王 《秋雁》诗:“带月凌空易,迷烟逗浦难。” 宋 陆游 《初发夷陵》诗:“俊鶻横飞遥掠岸,大鱼腾出欲凌空。” 明 梁辰鱼 《浣纱记·打围》:“遍江南独我尊,气凌空将湖海吞,看威行四海声名振。” 杨朔 《海市》:“特别是城北 丹崖山 峭壁上那座凌空欲飞的 蓬莱阁 ,更有气势。”
They stepped into a helicopter and flew high in the sky in order that they might have a bird's eye view of the city .
为了对这个城市作一鸟瞰,他们跨进直升机,凌空飞行。I remember we had a little five-a-side, and I literally threw a ball at him and he volleyed it first time into the back of the net.
我记得有一次我们踢五人小场,我将球直接抛给他,他第一时间以一记凌空抽射将球射入对方网内。Walt Whitman inciting the American eagle to soar was of considerable importance to the native man of letters.
惠特曼激励美国之鹰凌空翱翔,这是对于美国文人至关重要的一件大事。Hall brick red bars, cornices volley, inside the crown of the statue gold surface, an air of dignity.
大殿青砖红柱,飞檐凌空,殿内塑像金面王冠,神态威严。From a high hill in the sky, just like a drencher hoisted the air.
从高高的山头凌空下,宛如一幅水帘悬挂空中。In so tall stone fly high rates at the moment, a great boldness of vision.
在如此高大的石头上凌空崖刻,气魄很大。The waterfall one blue Trinidad, like a long river, it hung in piedmont vertical, spewing out of FeiXie volley.
瀑布一碧千里,像一条长河垂直挂在山前,它凌空而出,喷涌飞泻。The center forward kicked the ball on the volley, and it flew into the back of the net.
中锋凌空一脚,球便飞入网底。Domestically, too, there have been moments of wonder from the Welshman, most prominently his sky-slashing volley at Stoke in August.