







汉语拼音:shēng yuán








  1. 遥作支援。本用于军事。

    《三国志·魏志·吕布传》“ 布 遣人求救于 术 ” 裴松之 注引 汉 王粲 《英雄记》:“ 术 乃严兵为 布 作声援。” 唐 王勃 《三国论》:“輜重不相继,声援不相闻。” 清 李渔 《玉搔头·止兵》:“一面写书来上 许相国 ,叫他只在 南都 卫驾,遥作声援,不用提兵远涉。”

  2. 用于群众活动。

    梁斌 《红旗谱》五十:“据我所知, 保定 周围二十多个县的青年学生,都一致声援第二师范!”

  3. 今多指公开发表言论表示支援。

    章裕昆 《文学社武昌首义纪实·<大江报>之被封》:“幸得各报声援,两人均判徒刑一年半寝事。”



  1. It began when people began to speak up for the environment, but it really hit home when it started making financial sense.


  2. He quickly lost his post, however, when the British learned of his support for independence for the American Colonies.


  3. Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer, lecturer, and advocate for the deaf and blind and other disadvantaged groups.


  4. Let us at least attempt to show our solidarity with the weak.


  5. Don't expect any sort of public outcry if you somehow get duped by a prostitute.


  6. The campaign, first highlighted by the Guardian last week, has failed to stop the Iranian authorities from pressing ahead.


  7. But perhaps an equally important debate is whether such an endorsement would even matter in the U. S. presidential race.


  8. First it was the might of the emerging economic superpowers, Brazil and China. Then Germany weighed in.


  9. However, they expect Mon refugees and many Mon living in Thailand will join up to support the ethnic army in the event of war.


  1. 声援政治犯的事业

    plead the cause of politicalprisoners

  2. 艺术家声援美洲印第安人协会

    Artists for American Indian

  3. 无家可归者的声援者

    A champion of the homeless.

  4. 声援反对种族主义斗争团结周

    Week of Solidarity with the Struggle against Racism

  5. 声援被压迫民族的正义斗争

    support the oppressed nations in their just struggles

  6. 至少我们尝试以示声援弱者。

    Let us at least attempt to show our solidarity with the weak.

  7. 声援和支持艾滋病患者家庭工作组

    Working Group on Advocacy and Support for Families Affected by AIDS

  8. 声援南部非洲人民解放斗争会议

    Conference in Solidarity with the Liberation Struggle of the Peoples of Southern Africa

  9. 因此,我们呼吁理解和声援我们的事业。

    We therefore urge understanding and solidarity with our cause.

  10. 举行一次群众集会来声援该运动

    hold a mass rally in support of the movement

  11. 北京奥申委声援团是什么组织?

    What is the Supporters Group of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid Committee?

  12. 钢铁工人为声援矿工举行了罢工。

    The steel workers came out in sympathy with the miners, ie went on strike to show support for them.

  13. 明天将举行抗议大会来声援他们。

    A great protest meeting in their support will be held tomorrow.

  14. 我们再次向他们表达我们的声援和支持。

    We once again convey to them our solidarity and support.

  15. 墨西哥声援危地马拉人民委员会

    Mexican Committee of Solidarity with the Guatemalan People

  16. 我们愿重申我们声援古巴人民和古巴政府。

    We would like to reiterate our solidarity with the people and Government of Cuba.

  17. 这就是某些西方媒体声援的丑陋的男人。

    This is the kind of ugly man some west media is supporting.

  18. 声援的信件和卡片成袋成袋地涌来。

    Letters and cards of support have been pouring in by the sackful.

  19. 这种努力反映了国际声援和集体承诺。

    Those efforts reflect international solidarity and a collective commitment.

  20. 越南重申支持和声援古巴政府和人民。

    Viet Nam reaffirms its support for and solidarity with the Government and people of Cuba.

  21. 所有工厂的工人都罢工,声援被解雇的工人。

    Workers in all the factories are coming out in support of the dismissed men.

  22. 几百名工人罢工以声援他们的同事。

    Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their colleagues.

  23. 他们是在表达对那里的骨肉同胞的声援。

    They were expressing solidarity with their brethren there.

  24. 声援反抗种族主义与种族歧视人民团结周

    Week of Solidarity with People Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination

  25. 表示支持和声援几内亚的人民和政府。

    Expresses its support for, and solidarity with the people and Government of Guinea.

  26. 表示声援和支持伯利兹政府及其人民。

    Expresses its solidarity and support to the government and people of belize.

  27. 我们也向这些国家表示衷心慰问和声援。

    Our heartfelt condolences and solidarity go also to those countries.

  28. 记者团获知信息后,立即声援被解雇官员。

    The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials.

  29. 整个国际社会必须加入这一声援的精神。

    The entire international community must take part in this spirit of solidarity.

  30. 她出现在电视上为所有政治犯声援请命。

    She appeared on television to plead the cause of political prisoners everywhere.


  1. 问:声援拼音怎么拼?声援的读音是什么?声援翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声援的读音是shēngyuán,声援翻译成英文是 publicly support

  2. 问:声援某人拼音怎么拼?声援某人的读音是什么?声援某人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声援某人的读音是Shēngyuán mǒurén,声援某人翻译成英文是 to come out in sympathy




【注音】:shēng yuán

【释义】:1.遥作支援。本用于军事。 2.用于群众活动。 3.今多指公开发表言论表示支援。

【出处】:《三国志·魏志·吕布传》“ 布遣人求救于术 ” 裴松之注引汉王粲 《英雄记》:“术乃严兵为布作声援。” 唐·王勃 《三国论》:“辎重不相继,声援不相闻。”

【示例】: 《东周列国志》第一百三回:“长安君大军营于屯留,以为声援。赵使相国庞为大将,扈辄副之,率军十万拒敌,许庞煖便宜行事。” 清·李渔 《玉搔头·止兵》:“一面写书来上许相国 ,叫他只在南都卫驾,遥作声援,不用提兵远涉。”