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1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……
较量高低、长短、远近、好坏等:~赛。~附。对~。评~。能够相匹:今非昔~。无与伦~。表示比赛双方胜负的对比:三~二。表示两个数字之间的倍数、分数等关系:~例。~值。譬喻,摹拟:~如。~方。~兴(xìng )(文学写作的两种手法。“比”是譬喻……
汉语拼音:zhèng bǐ
My dad always said how much people who like you is directly proportional to what you look like? Not your thing?
我父亲经常说别人有多喜欢你是和你的相貌直接成正比的。你不是这样认为的吗?The second law stated that the force applied to a body is in proportion to the acceleration of the body.
第二个定律说,加于某一物体的力量与该物体的加速度成正比。The Company's results are estimated not to have positive correlation with crude oil prices due to higher special oil levy.
由于特别收益金较高,公司业绩不再与原油价格成正比。It was found that there was no positive relationship between the decomposition rate of ethyl nitrite and the reactivity of C2H5ONO with CO.
并且,该反应的活性与亚硝酸乙酯的分解程度不存在正比关系。So the different ways of creating that approximation are if, and the length of the arrows now is going to be proportional to the rate.
所以产生那个近似的不同方法是如果,箭头的长度现在,和速率成正比。The chance of a dropped slice of bread landing buttered side down on a new carpet is proportional to the price of the carpet.
面包沾着黄油的那一面掉在地上的机率往往与地毯的价格成正比。" Lu said: " The greatest achievements and hard work is always proportional to, there is a work of a harvest.
鲁迅说:“伟大的成就总是与辛勤的劳动成正比的,有一份耕耘就有一份收获。”I would like the amount of work to be proportional to the income, and for the company to give important positions to people with aptitude.
我希望工作量能与所得成正比,真正有能力的人能得到公司重用。The number of rows that this table produces is proportional to the number of rules in the rule set, and is usually small.