


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:hé jiā







  1. 全家,全家人。

    《南史·循吏传·郭祖深》:“合家又叛,则取同籍。” 宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·十二月》:“二十四日交年,都人至夜请僧道看经,备酒果送神,烧合家替代钱纸。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻一》:“合家细弱,悉出逃隐。” 鲁迅 《野草·立论》:“一家人家生了一个男孩,合家高兴透顶了。”



  1. It has humorous moments and frightening moments, like most truly great 'family' films always seem to have.


  2. Let's take at a look at some of the customs of this festival and how people around the country spent this time of family reunion.


  3. The children got to stay up late and watch a good movie for the family.


  4. This is a time to explore cheerful celebrations, reunion with your families and friends, and a time of reflection.


  5. May the bright song, always around you. May happiness be with you forever. Wish you: happy Spring Festival, health, family, everything! !


  6. Thanksgiving Day in the United States are in a family together, like the Chinese New Year as, emphasize the round and round circle circle.


  7. Organized by the Dodo, it had no logical rules.


  8. With the full moon symbolizing family reunion in Chinese tradition, moon worship has been one of the must do's during the festival.


  9. It is an occasion that rounds up sons and daughters at home to enjoy the moment of family reunion.


  1. 万事如意, 合家平安。

    Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.

  2. 万事如意,合家平安。

    Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.

  3. 圣诞节的合家团聚

    a family reunion at Christmas

  4. 象征幸福的合家团圆。

    It symbolize a happy family reunion.

  5. 国际综艺合家欢2005记者会19。5。05

    The press conference of the International Arts Carnival 2005 19.5.05

  6. 圆代表合家团圆的意思。

    The round shape to a Chinese means family reunion.

  7. 我们每年合家团聚一次。

    Our family has a yearly reunion.

  8. 祝大家事业有成,合家幸福。

    Finally wish everybody had new happy life with your family.

  9. 国际综艺合家欢2007答谢你支持!

    Thank you for your support of the International Arts Carnival2007.

  10. 每年元旦我们都合家团聚。

    We have a family reunion every New Year's Day.

  11. 身体健康, 合家欢乐, 胡氏兴旺!

    The health, the entire family is happy, Hu is prosperous!

  12. 祝2005年合家身体健康,精神愉快。

    May the year of2005 find all your family in the best health and spirits.

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  14. 预祝全体同事节日快乐, 合家欢乐!

    I wish all colleagues a pleasant holiday and a happy family in advance.

  15. 祝您圣诞开心如意,合家欢天喜地!

    May the wonder and magic of Christmas fill your heart and home with joy.

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    Shanghai Hejia International Freight Agent Co., Ltd.

  17. 祝所有的朋友新年快乐,合家欢乐!

    I wish all my friends a happy New Year and Carnival Fun!

  18. 最后, 我祝大家新年快乐, 合家幸福!

    Finally, I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

  19. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。

    Our family reunions are always three ring circus.

  20. 祝你们在新居里,合家欢乐,身体健康!

    May happiness and good health attend you and your family in your new house.

  21. 春节是全家人合家团圆的一个节日。

    It is the day that the families get together.

  22. 人们庆祝节日, 是因为节日是合家团圆的日子。

    People cherish some festivals because they are the days for family reunion.

  23. 全家人一起包饺子象征幸福的合家团圆。

    Making jiaozi together is a happy family reunion.

  24. 恭祝各位博友新年愉快、工作顺利、合家欢乐!

    Hirotomo wish you a happy New Year and smooth work, and family happiness!

  25. 成功捐血者合家欢欣地与主办当局合照。

    One happy blood donor and his family taking group photo with the organiser.

  26. 感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子。

    Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals.

  27. 感谢以前的通力协作, 祝您新年合家欢乐, 万事顺利!

    Thank you for your help last year, wish you success!

  28. 这是一个儿女归家, 享受合家团聚时刻的日子。

    It is an occasion that rounds up sons and daughters at home to enjoy the moment of family reunion.

  29. 生日快乐, 曼德拉!祝您与家人合家欢乐, 健康长寿!

    Happy Birthday Nelson Mandela and have many more years to come with your family and eat lot of cake!

  30. 家庭是您奔波劳累歇息的港湾,合家欢聚的温馨之所。

    House is a harbor in which you can have a rest and a place at which you can happily get together with your family.


  1. 问:合家拼音怎么拼?合家的读音是什么?合家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合家的读音是héjiā,合家翻译成英文是 the whole family; entire household

  2. 问:合家团聚拼音怎么拼?合家团聚的读音是什么?合家团聚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合家团聚的读音是héjiātuánjù,合家团聚翻译成英文是 the whole family reunited