




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:quán jiā







  1. 整个家庭;全家人。

    《三国演义》第八三回:“ 闞德润 以全家保卿,孤亦素知卿才。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·看图识字》:“也是作者自己的生活状态,是在租界上租了一层屋,装了全家,既不阔绰,也非精穷的。”



  1. She said the family was making plans to attend Barack Obama's inauguration, and suggested the happy ending was good for the country.


  2. Tang Renjia, a dried seafood retailer, is overjoyed to hear the news that his wife, Ling Qiao, has completely recovered from cancer.


  3. My 13-year-old daughter is trying to bully our household into having a "Meat Free Monday" to help to "save the planet" .


  4. Find one day a week at least when the members come together to talk and share their experiences.


  5. There was no one to say good-by to. Ruth and her whole family were spending the long summer in the Sierras, at Lake Tahoe.


  6. But your arts and allurements may, in a moment of infatuation, have made him forget what he owes to himself and to all his family.


  7. Oh, I'm sorry! I almost forgot. Here you are. Thanks for all your help. By the way, you were all so kind to me and my family.


  8. Monica is upset that she wasn't invited to her cousin's wedding, but the rest of her family was.


  9. So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt.


  1. 全家平安。

    The whole family is well.

  2. 全家黯然神伤。

    A gloom fell over the household.

  3. 全家大小5口。

    There are five people in the family altogether.

  4. 全家黯然忧伤。

    A gloom fell over the household.

  5. 祝你全家好运。

    Good luck with your family.

  6. 给全家做晚餐。

    Dinner for the entire family.

  7. 给全家做晚餐。

    Dinner for the entire family.

  8. 全家都患流感。

    The whole family has the flu.

  9. 全家都在休息。

    No one was stirring in the house.

  10. 他伤害了全家。

    He worked mischief to the whole family.

  11. 使全家陷入深渊

    Drag down whole family into abyss

  12. 全家大小五口。

    There are five people in the family altogether.

  13. 全家大小三口。

    There are three people in the family altogether.

  14. 悲哀笼罩着全家。

    Sorrow overwhelmed the family.

  15. 全家团圆, 全靠师父

    A Family Reunion Because Of Master

  16. 全家正在听广播。

    The family were listening to the radio.

  17. 我全家都来了

    My whole family's coming.

  18. 祝您全家万事如意。

    My best wishes to your family.

  19. 全家团圆喜盈盈。

    All were filled with joy at the reunion of the family.

  20. 全家决定移居欧洲。

    The whole family decided to emigrate to Europe

  21. 全家富足, 年年有余

    The family have food enough to spare from year to year.

  22. 全家富足,年年有余。

    The family have food enough to spare from year to year.

  23. 她全家都在东部。

    Well,her whole family's back east.

  24. 祝你和你全家幸福。

    All happiness attend you and yours.

  25. 全家安好,请勿挂念。

    You will be pleased to know that everyone in the family is well.

  26. 我们全家向您问候。

    With our united kind regards.

  27. 是全家团圆的日子。

    B.It's a time for family reunion.

  28. 全家坐在一起吃饭。

    Sit down together for family meals.

  29. 是全家团圆得日子。

    It is a date of all member reunion.

  30. 我们全家都非常幸福。

    We're really happy.


  1. 问:全家福拼音怎么拼?全家福的读音是什么?全家福翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全家福的读音是quánjiāfú,全家福翻译成英文是 family photo

  2. 问:全家人拼音怎么拼?全家人的读音是什么?全家人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全家人的读音是,全家人翻译成英文是 houshold


2004年7月,全家(FamilyMart)正式进军中国大陆市场,目前主要分布在上海、苏州、广州等地…全家(FamilyMart)的理念是与顾客、加盟商、厂商、公司、全体员工及社区百姓不断创新突破、共同成长。为了让全家(FamilyMart)成为顾客最想要亲近的所在,全家以“服务力NO.1”自我要求,用认真、负责、诚恳的态度,让自己成为顾客最想接近的人,提供让顾客觉得有趣的事,提供顾客喜爱的商品和服务,并彻底贯彻S&Q, C , (Service, Quality and Cleanliness),让每一家全家便利店都能使顾客感受到最满足、亲近及舒适的优质服务。