






1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:cā zhuō zǐ



  1. Just having a good meal, I was idle and doing, see mother wiped the table in, and went into the kitchen.


  2. After he drank some water, he began to clean the table.


  3. Spend 15 minutes at the end of the day sorting mail, clearing table tops, and folding laundry, and chores won't seem so overwhelming.


  4. Napkins should shop on the legs, not in the neckline on the other, not to wipe the table with napkins or utensils!


  5. It was half past six; the family had just finished breakfast; the servant was clearing and wiping down the table.


  6. Our president is cleaning the table for a member of National Committee of CPPCC.


  7. She can't have been cleaning the table. She must have been sweeping the floor.


  8. She got a cloth from the sink, wiped the table, and put four bowls and four spoons on the placemats.


  9. Why should you wipe the table with a cloth?


  1. 我就擦擦桌子。

    I'll just wipe the table.

  2. 请擦桌子。好得。

    Wipe the table, please. OK.

  3. 请擦桌子。好的。

    Wipe the table, please. OK.

  4. 我擦桌子和椅子。

    Let me tidy the desks and chairs.

  5. 乐乐,你来擦桌子吧。

    And Le Le, please clean the table.

  6. 那是用来擦桌子的。

    It is used for cleaning the table.

  7. 我用湿抹布擦桌子。

    I wash the table with a wet cloth.

  8. 我用湿抹布擦桌子。

    I wash the table with a wet cloth.

  9. 那是用来擦桌子得。

    It is used for cleaning the table.

  10. 请用乾抹布擦桌子。

    Please wipe the table with a dry cloth.

  11. 请用干抹布擦桌子。

    Please wipe the table with a dry cloth.

  12. 这是块擦桌子的抹布。

    This is a cloth for the table.

  13. 这是块擦桌子得抹布。

    This is a cloth for the table.

  14. 用这块布好好擦擦桌子。

    Give the table a good rub with the cloth.

  15. 她用潮湿的布擦桌子。

    She wiped the table with a damp cloth.

  16. 我还要擦擦桌子扫扫地。

    I am also going to clean up the desk and the floor.

  17. 女孩子们饭后轮流擦桌子。

    The girls took it in turn to wipe down the tables after meals.

  18. 请用这块布好好擦擦桌子。

    Please give the table a good rub with this cloth.

  19. 她兄弟在擦桌子时她在干什么?

    What was she doing while her brother was wiping the desk ?

  20. 她兄弟在擦桌子时她在织毛衣。

    While her brother was wiping the desk, she was knitting a sweater.

  21. 一些人在擦桌子, 其余的人在扫地。

    Some are cleaning the desks, the others are sweeping the floor.

  22. 擦桌子, 洗碗这类仆人做的杂务。

    Menial chores like dusting and washing up.

  23. 我们的主席为一名政协委员擦桌子。

    Our president is cleaning the table for a member of National Committee of CPPCC.

  24. 它们可以干地板打蜡和擦桌子这样的简单活。

    They can perform simple tasks like polishing the floor and wiping the windows.

  25. 你快点把桌子擦一下行吗

    Can you give the table a quick wipe

  26. 晚饭前他把桌子擦了一遍又一遍。

    He wiped out the table again again before supper.

  27. 为使这张桌子看上去昂贵,桌子擦得发亮。

    The table was glossed to give it an expensive look.

  28. 擦干净桌子和椅子。

    Clean the desk and the chair.

  29. 拿块抹布把厨房角落,炉顶和桌子擦干净。

    Grab a wash cloth and wipe down the kitchen counters, stove top and table.

  30. 我叫人擦了桌子。

    I had my car cleaned.