











汉语拼音:yī dā yī dàng







  • 【解释】:指互相配合,彼此协作。有时含贬意。
  • 【出自】:周立波《夏天的晚上》:“两个朋友一搭一档的,说了许多挖苦这首歌的话,实际上是挖苦因为这首歌而惹起了伤感的人们。”
  • 【示例】:他们俩在任何场合都是这么一唱一和,~,配合默契。


  1. na.
  2. act hand in hand [

  3. in concert] with (

  4. someone);hand in glove with each other;in collusion with each other

  1. 一搭两用儿

    one thing serving two purposes.

  2. 他俩在一搭上的小学。

    The two of them went to the same primary school.

  3. 她是一个一搭就上的女人。

    She is an easy girl.

  4. 我俩有一搭没一搭地说着话。

    We are talking, in a desultory kind of way.

  5. 董说完了,把拉着缰绳得手往鞍头上一搭。

    Tung finished and folded his hands over the reins on the pommel of his saddle.

  6. 董说完了,把拉着缰绳的手往鞍头上一搭。

    Tung finished and folded his hands over the reins on the pommel of his saddle.

  7. 小猫下来后轻轻软软的在钟书腕上一搭, 表示感谢。

    At last Zhongshu came to his rescue.

  8. 我将搭一接续航班到洛杉矶。

    I am going to take a connecting flight to Los Angeles.

  9. 也许我们可以搭一辆别的车

    Maybe we could catch another ride.

  10. 他建议在这条河上搭一座桥。

    He proposed building a bridge across this river.

  11. 请留在这里,我们可以搭一张床过夜。

    Please stay here, we can fit up a bed for the night.

  12. 为什么不想想用瓷砖来铺搭一张床呢

    Why not consider a tiled base for the mattress as a bed solution

  13. 请让我搭一下车好吗 我的汽车在修理。

    Can you please give me a lift I'm afraid my car's in dock.

  14. 请让我搭一下车好 吗 我得汽车在修理。

    Can you please give me a lift I'm afraid my car's in dock.

  15. 那儿离这儿很远,你最好搭一辆出租车。

    It is far from here, you had better take a taxi.

  16. 她正在坝上给自己和儿子搭一顶帐篷。

    She is building a tent for herself and her son on the embankment.

  17. 所以我会用毯子搭一辆汽车, 在床上开。

    So I would make a car from blankets and drive in bed.

  18. 我每周一得搭你的车。

    You're gonna have to take over my carpools on Mondays.

  19. 地板用一张搭着一张的报纸保护着。

    The floor was protected with overlapping sheets of newspaper.

  20. 搭一座绵延千里得桥到达袮。不如, 邀袮住在我心里。

    Build a bridge with thousands of blossomand then put you in my heart.

  21. 搭一座绵延千里的桥到达袮。不如,邀袮住在我心里。

    Build a bridge with thousands of blossomand then put you in my heart.

  22. 夏令营的目的是在大陆与香港的学生之间搭一座桥梁。

    The purpose of this summer camp is to build a bridge between the students of the mainland and Hong Kong.

  23. 这孩子试着用牌搭一所房子, 可是它一会儿就倒坍了。

    The child tried to build a house of cards but it soon fell over.

  24. 搭一座绵延千里得桥到达你, 不如, 邀你住在我心里。

    Builds to be continuous the great distance the bridge to arrive you, was inferior to, invites you to live in my heart.

  25. 搭一座绵延千里的桥到达你,不如,邀你住在我心里。

    Builds to be continuous the great distance the bridge to arrive you, was inferior to, invites you to live in my heart.

  26. 我松开她的手, 她伸手去够一双银搭扣的光面黑鞋。

    I let go of her hand and she reached out to touch a pair of shiny black shoes with a strap and silver buckle.

  27. 搭下一班车。

    Take the next bus.

  28. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上。

    Each row of tiles laps the one below.

  29. 每一排瓦都搭在下面得一排上。

    Each row of tiles laps the one below.

  30. 突然一只手搭在了我的肩上

    And suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.