


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……



汉语拼音:míng bù zhèng









  1. SOME 2, 500 years ago, one of Confucius's big ideas was the "rectification of names" .


  1. 一名售货员正不停地敲着门。

    A salesperson was tapping on the door.

  2. 一名售货员正不停地敲着门。

    A salesperson was tapping on the door.

  3. 以扫说, 他名雅各岂不是正对麽?

    And he said, Is not he rightly named Jacob?

  4. 名不正则言不顺

    If the name is not correct, the words will not ring true

  5. 框子不正。

    The frame was out of true.

  6. 航班不正点

    flight irregularity.

  7. 你心术不正。

    You are corrupted at heart.

  8. 项目名不完整。

    The entry name is incomplete.

  9. 犯规地。不正当地

    In a foul manner.

  10. 气滞胎位不正

    abnormal position of fetus due to stagnation of QI.

  11. 我得领带正不正?

    Is my tie straight?

  12. 我的领带正不正?

    Is my tie straight?

  13. 轴的部位不正。

    The axle is out of true.

  14. 门得部位不正。

    The door is out of true.

  15. 门的部位不正。

    The door is out of true.

  16. 心术不正充耳不闻。

    Tow ones heart ones in wrong place.

  17. 这小号音调不正。

    This horn is out of tune.

  18. 己不正, 焉能正人。

    Whose house is of glass, must wet throw stores at another.

  19. 这画挂得不正。

    This picture is not straight.

  20. 今年冬天节令不正。

    We are having unseasonable winter weather.

  21. 我得领带系得正不正?

    Is my tie straight?

  22. 这扇门位置不正。

    The door is out of true.

  23. 满口粗话, 心术不正。

    His heart cannot be pured whose tongue is not clear.

  24. 身不正, 影必斜。

    A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.

  25. 满口粗话,心术不正。

    His heart cannot be pured whose tongue is not clear .

  26. 气血虚弱胎位不正

    abnormal position of the fetus due to deficiency of QI and blood

  27. 跗骨连接不正修复术

    Repair of malunion of tarsal bones

  28. 曲度性屈光不正

    curvature ametropia

  29. 这幅画挂得不正。

    This picture is crooked.

  30. 名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成!

    If the name is not right then speech will not be in order, and if speech is not in order then nothing will be accomplished.


【词目】:名不正,言不顺【拼音】:míng bù zhèng,yán bù shùn【解释】:指名分不正或名实不符。是儒家思想理论的一种。[1]【出自】:先秦·孔子《论语·子路》:“名不正,则言不顺;言不顺,则事不成。”【示例】:十之八九皆守之以僧,~,莫此为甚。 ◎清·刘献廷《广阳杂记》第二卷【反义词】:名正言顺【语法】:复句式;作宾语、定语;含贬义