




1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……



汉语拼音:shū chóng







  1. 《汉书·五行志中之下》:“ 昭帝 时, 上林苑 中大柳树断仆地,一朝起立,生枝叶,有虫食其叶,成文字。”后用“书虫”泛指食叶虫。

    宋 苏轼 《宿馀杭法喜寺》诗:“稻凉初吠蛤,柳老半书虫。”



  1. People admit to being bookworms in the same way they admit to being "just too tidy really" , or "a bit of a workaholic" .


  2. I had an uncle who was a bookworm as well as a single guy, which made him very different from people around him.


  3. Billy: What about me? All my friends call me a geek and a nerd - so I must know something about technology.


  4. I never liked living in Candlekeep with its funny, bookish monks and the narrow look of a small town.


  5. Okay, how about a gift certificate to a bookstore? Dad loves to read. He's a real bookworm.


  6. Oh, how I wish I were a real bookworm! But, unfortunately, I'm still not fully qualified for one yet!


  7. Yes that's right. I've always enjoyed studying. My friends say I'm a bit of a bookworm, but my father always pushed us to succeed school.


  8. Avid readers are more likely to read anything faster than average or minimalist readers.


  9. The Sunday The Bookworms completed their knapsacks and we hung them up in the classroom.


  1. 约翰是个书虫。

    John is a bookworm.

  2. 北京外文书店书虫

    Beijing Foreign Languages Book Store

  3. 她是个蛀书虫。

    I've wanted it so long, said Jo, who was a bookworm.

  4. 我想我们都是书虫。

    I think we are both bookworms.

  5. 书虫, 读了很多书的人。

    Someone who reads a lot.

  6. 新的书虫系列很好卖。

    The new series of Bookworm sells well.

  7. 谁是国家最大的书虫?

    Who are the biggest bookworms in the country?

  8. 贝拉是个一等一的书虫。

    A. Bella is a first and foremost a bookworm.

  9. 他是个只会读书的书虫。

    He glues his face to the books.

  10. 得了。你都成了一个书虫了。

    Come on.You've become a bookworm.

  11. 我是一只来去无声的书虫。

    I was a bookworm come and go silent.

  12. 跟他们比起来,我是一个书虫。

    Compared to them, I was only a bookworm.

  13. 打小我是个书虫, 也是个电视迷。

    As a child I was both a bookworm and a TV junkie.

  14. 书虫们将下个星期阅读一本新书。

    Bookworms will start a book next week.

  15. 我没有亿万身家,但至少我是书虫。

    I am not a billionaire, but at least I am a nerd.

  16. 书虫这个词形容的是爱读书的人。

    The term bookworm describes a person who loves to read.

  17. 大儿子是个书虫, 而小儿子则是个电视迷。

    The elder son is a bookworm while the younger one is a couch potato.

  18. 冷冻灭书虫与古籍保护的几个问题

    Freezing to Kill Silverfish and Several Problems about the Protection of Ancient Books

  19. 我要读更多的书,但我不想成为书虫。

    I want to read more books, but I won't become a bookworm.

  20. 像我这样的书虫, 当然是在图书馆找到的。

    I found it in the library, of course, bookworm that I am.

  21. 汤姆每星期读十本书,他简直就是个书虫。

    Tom reads ten story books a week. He is a bookworm.

  22. 盖茨还是个书虫,喜欢打高尔夫和桥牌。

    Gates is an avid reader and enjoys playing golf and bridge.

  23. 善待书虫。有可能到头来你会为一个书虫工作。

    Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

  24. 书虫式的环境保护主义正是戈尔先生的拿手好戏。

    Nerdy environmentalism is Mr. Gore's forte.

  25. 赶快点击书虫网站去寻找未来酷极的东西吧!

    Check out the Bookworm's website for other cool events in the future!

  26. 九个月后, 书虫和极客成为了最好的朋友。

    Nine months later, the bookworms and the geeks are the best of friends.

  27. 我是个标准的书虫, 每个礼拜会看完两三本书。

    I'm a regular bookworm, and I get through two or three books a week.

  28. 另一组书虫们完成其背包,我们挂他们在课堂上。

    The Sunday The Bookworms completed their knapsacks and we hung them up in the classroom.

  29. 我有个叔叔, 是个书虫, 单身汉, 这使得他很与众不同。

    I had an uncle who was a bookworm as well as a single guy, which made him very different from people around him.

  30. 埃德一到周末就成了一个闷头读书的书虫。

    Ed becomes a bookworm on the weekends.