







汉语拼音:quē quē






  1. 疏薄诈伪貌。

    唐 独孤及 《唐故尚书库部郎中荥阳郑公墓志铭》:“众人缺缺, 郑公 见朴;众人昭昭, 郑公 若浊。”



  1. But the gold market is now interested in how much central banks might buy, not how much they might sell.


  2. IFP children have trouble following through on projects. They may lose interest halfway through, and move onto the next exciting project.


  3. So far, perhaps surprisingly, the wider public has shown little interest.


  4. Although Helen, Ashley and Henry are too focused on work to appreciate it, what food does Will bring to the team as a morning treat?


  5. But he rapidly loses interest in insurance database projects, vanity web pages for housewives, and financial calculation engines.


  6. In the case of the use of shading pattern larger, often around the lack subsag subsag, edgingfabrics, surrounding a box is perfect.


  7. All those demonstrations and seminars require longer shopping trips, which customers may have little enthusiasm for.


  8. All the young ladies looked beautiful in their dresses, but the young Prince appeared uninterested.


  9. Surveys show that South Korea's indebted households have little appetite for the costs they would bear in the event of re-unification.


  1. 她使我兴趣缺缺。

    She leaves me cold.

  2. 但若完全丢掉这根香肠可能性缺缺。

    But binning this sausage no longer looks feasible.

  3. 月亮圆缺缺复圆,花儿开谢谢又开。

    The moon waxes and wanes; flowers bloom and fade.

  4. 贝纳先生, 你怎么好像兴趣缺缺阿

    Mr Bennet, how can you be so tiresome

  5. 易与缺镁或缺锰相混淆。

    May be confused with either magnesium deficiency or severe manganese deficiency.

  6. 本研究表明儿童反复呼吸道感染与缺锌,缺钙有关。

    The results showed that repetitive respiratory tract infection had relations with zinc deficiency and calcium deficiency.

  7. 如果人长期缺钙或缺维生素D,骨头就会逐渐变得脆弱。

    If someone is chronically calcium or vitamin D deficient, their bones gradually get weaker.

  8. 他们再也不缺肉,不缺酒了。

    They never lacked meat and drink.

  9. 甜樱桃缺锌比苹果缺锌更难纠正。

    Zinc deficiency is more difficult to correct on sweet cherry than apple.

  10. 海湾国家不缺资本, 他们缺得是劳动力。

    Awash with capital, the Gulf countries need labour.

  11. 海湾国家不缺资本,他们缺的是劳动力。

    Awash with capital, the Gulf countries need labour.

  12. 现在许多年青人并不缺营养, 他们缺得是睡眠。

    Now many young people have no lack of nutrition, what they lack is sleep.

  13. 现在许多年青人并不缺营养,他们缺的是睡眠。

    Now many young people have no lack of nutrition, what they lack is sleep.

  14. 本实用新型涉及到一种烟箱缺条,烟条缺包微波检测装置。

    The utility model relates to a microwave detection device for the bar lack in the cigarette box and the case lack in the cigarette bar.

  15. 佝偻病的儿童多数缺钙,常伴随缺锌和铁。

    For the rickets children, the first is calcium deficiency, followed by zinc deficiency and iron.

  16. 我们缺钱。

    We need money.

  17. 我们缺钱。

    We need money.

  18. 锭子缺油。

    Lack of oil in spindle.

  19. 他们缺钱。

    They were short of money.

  20. 他们缺钱。

    Money is scarce with them.

  21. 蔬菜不缺。

    There is no lack of vegetable.

  22. 缺相继电器

    open phase relay.

  23. 缺血性坏死

    ischemic necrosis.

  24. 不缺帮手。

    There was no shortage of helpers.

  25. 缺血性截肢

    ischemic amputation.

  26. 骺缺血性坏死

    Epiphyseal ischemic necrosis

  27. 我还缺3个

    I'm 3 short

  28. 缺血性神经病

    ischemic neuropathy.

  29. 我缺钱花。

    I need cash.

  30. 母牛缺奶。

    The cow is dry.